Minutes of Lodge Lane Regeneration Group

Venue – St Clements Church

Time / date – 22nd May 2007at 6.30pm

Present ; Richard Loram (minute taker), Lenny Cruickshank, Griff Parry, Ben Wykes, Martin Robinson, Michael Simon, Jane Warhurst and John Alcock.

Apologies ; Laura Johnson


1. Last minutes read and agreed to

  1. Follow up from last weeks minutes

Point 1 feedback –

Ben came in with what he had done so far on the web-site which was well received by all the members of the committee. Some suggestions followed needs to have an overview of the group, a possible Youth forum, a separate committee forum. John was going to forward all of the latest planning apps to get on the web-site agreed this would be a very pro-active tool to keep the site ‘live’ and up to date, worth re-visiting etc if it could be done. Action point 1 – Richie to overlook the web-site and try to get some articles from other members.

On Youth Forum –Michael and Lennie has some contacts with youth organisations in the community and they would try to contact these for next meeting – Action point 2

Point 2 feedback –

Laurence not in to feed back Lennie says that he has met up with other residents who are also on DC8 to challenge the constitution – Michael to follow up with Barbara Fitzgerald – Vice Chair of DC8 – Action point 3

Point 3 feedback –

One again re-iterated that we don’t know what this group is or what it does – felt a need to pressurise counsellors to take some action or make some inquiries about this group – Lennie to follow up – Action point 4

Point 4 feedback –

Griff to follow up for next appt – Action point 5

Some discussion followed about how we should approach future campaigns suggestion is that we may focus on two main areas – Library site and Tiber Street this would shape and maybe help galvanise local residents as they are the only ‘big’ public spaces which will obviously targeted by the council as part of their re-generation plans.

In order to find out more about the Tiber Street site and what is happening there Lennie and Michael to discuss with Debbie from the Greenhouse Project, which could also feed into the web-site – Action point 6

Point 5 Feedback –

Laurence not in so will feedback at next meeting – Action point 7

Point 6 feedback –

Letter had been drafted by John sent to Lennie then the Laurence to get it agreed to – this was to request from Cosmopolitan what were the plans about the site also to the planning committee to find out when the next application was going to be put before the board. Griff to see if the letter has been sent off – if not will need to be done – Action point 8

An interesting lead that Lennie pointed out is that there a possibility that the original copies of the meeting about the library site – Roger Hull the researcher in the library to ask - may be looked into to see what was said about public amenities in the area – no one to follow –up as such but in order to keep alive – Action point 9

Lennie suggested that we approach all the local counsellors in the area to arrange a meeting to discuss our concerns about the two sites – library and Tiber Street. Lennie to action – Action point 10


No feedback from Laurence – Michael said that he would try to look into funding for next meeting – Action point 11


Brief discussion what needs to go into the next Newsletter –

Tiber Street

Library / baths site

Toxteth / Granby Master Plan - Implementation Group

Launch of the web-site

To be discussed at next meeting in more detail – Action point 12

Any Other Business

There is a possibility that we could use the forthcoming Princes Park event / festival to promote the organisation – need to find out about the dates of this, but also need to arrange a lot more publicity and material to hand out. To be discussed at next meeting – Action point 13

We will need to be a lot more focused at next meeting to get through all the points and allow time to look at the news letter

Next meeting – 4.06.07 atSt ClementsChurchat 6.30pm

Proposed AGENDA for the Monday 4thJune 2007

To be added to if anyone has extra points etc e-mail me (

  1. Feedback from the action points 1-13
  2. Agree to contents of flyer/newsletter to be sent out to residents in the area
  1. Any other business
  2. Arrange next meeting and agenda