PRESENT: Chairman: Cllr Kemmer.
Councillors: Mrs Abbey, Barton, Erwin, Grice, Mrs Price.

IN ATTENDANCE: Neil Grocock [Clerk]; Cllr Mrs Oakley; Borough/

County Cllr Cottee; Derek Hayden [Community Facilities Manager, Rushcliffe Borough Council].


09/6865 Apologies

There were no apologies.

09/6866 Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Barton and Mrs Price declared their membership of Platt Lane JMC [09/6872a below refers].

09/6867 Presentation re Nottingham Road Play Area [Derek Hayden]

q  Cllr Kemmer introduced Derek Hayden and thanked him for attending.

q  Derek provided the committee with details of tenders received and plans/designs for the development of the play area.

q  He pointed out that the funding available might not cover the full cost of the project, but that funds set aside by the Parish Council should make up the difference.

q  Cllrs Grice and Erwin queried whether hard bargaining might not drive the cost of the work down.

q  Cllr Mrs Price suggested that this could put the project in jeopardy, and Derek pointed out that all tenders had been submitted on a best and final offer basis.

q  Derek suggested that work could start as soon as 12.1.09 for completion on or shortly after 10.2.09.

q  In response to a queries from Cllr Kemmer, Derek confirmed that the school would be kept fully informed, and that the play area would be kept secure while the work was in progress.

q  Derek mentioned that the new equipment proposed for the play area was for children up to age fourteen.

q  The Clerk pointed out that the new lease had been agreed on the understanding that the maximum age would be eleven.

q  The Clerk queried whether payment for the project would go through the Parish Council’s accounts or whether it would be taken care of by the Borough Council.

q  Derek undertook to seek clarification on this point.

q  Derek pointed out that the Parish Council would be required to enter into an agreement confirming that it would accept responsibility for the upkeep of the play area for a period of ten years.

q  Cllr Barton pointed out that the new lease [presumably effective from June 2008] would, in all probability, already have less than ten years to run.

q  Derek stated that he did not see this as a problem.

q  In response to a query from Cllr Kemmer, Derek stated that he would probably be in a position to confirm that the project can be publicised before 18.12.08 [the deadline for the Keyworth News].

09/6868 Play Area Lease

q  The Clerk had circulated copies of correspondence regarding the new lease with Tim Slater [Corporate Services (Property Division)] and Richard Chamberlain [Legal Services] at Notts County Council.

q  The Clerk pointed out that the Parish Council had not yet been able to obtain the County Council’s consent to the proposed development; he understood that Neil McCarthy [Principal Play Officer] at Notts County Council was involved in setting up the funding, but was not convinced that the various departments were talking to one another.

q  Derek Hayden pointed out that the onus was on the Parish Council to obtain consent.

q  The Clerk also pointed out that the Parish Council still did not have the new lease, despite having initially written to the County Council some nine months in advance of the old lease expiring [in June 2008]; he expressed concern that delays in respect of the consent required and the new lease itself might put the project in jeopardy.

The meeting was adjourned so that Cllr Cottee could comment.

q  Cllr Cottee reported that he had an appointment to see Tim Slater the following morning.

q  He undertook to look into the following issues and report back:

-  The new lease.

-  Consent for the proposed development.

-  Maximum age fourteen.

The meeting was reconvened.

q  Cllr Kemmer thanked Derek Hayden for his input.

Derek Hayden left the meeting at this point.

09/6869 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 17.11.08 were APPROVED and signed by Cllr Kemmer as a true record, subject to the following amendments to the minutes circulated:

q  [09/6857] Cllr Erwin stated that costs should ultimately be covered by anticipated receipts.

q  [09/6858] KPFA grant £7363, not as previously stated.

09/6870 Matters Arising

q  [09/6847 20.10.08] The Clerk had circulated a copy of a letter from Rev Jim Wellington regarding the playing field covenant; Cllr Kemmer reported that he would be attending an extraordinary meeting of the Parochial Church Council with John Dring [chairman, KPFA], and that he would be discussing how to go about consulting residents at the next Community Liaison advisory committee meeting.

q  [09/6860] The Clerk reported that Cllr Heeley and the groundsman had met with someone from Notts County Council Highways and another contractor, and that quotations should be received in the near future.

09/6871 Expenditure for Approval

q  A quotation of £449 [plus VAT] for work to bring the disabled toilet in the Village hall into line with the latest guidelines was ACCEPTED; Cllr Grice commented that the amount had seemed high but, having made enquiries, he was satisfied that it was not, in fact, unreasonable.

q  AGREED that the Parish Council should make a modest contribution towards the cost of the KPFA/KPC reception for the Keyworth show committee [proposed date: 27.1.09].

09/6872 Budget/Precept 2009/10

a)  Platt Lane Grant

The meeting was adjourned so that Cllr Cottee [chairman,

Platt Lane JMC] could participate in the discussion.

-  Cllr Cottee had prepared a detailed response to the recent expenditure review, which had been circulated prior to the meeting.

-  Cllr Cottee commented that he had been a member of the Platt Lane committee for 5/6 years, but that he had only been chairman for about eighteen months since Simon Meadows stood down; he conceded that there were a number of issues, notably ownership of the buildings, at Platt Lane, which he had not got to the bottom of, but pointed out that he was liaising with the Clerk and Tim Slater [Notts County Council] about such matters.

-  Cllr Kemmer suggested that the discussion should focus not on these issues, which would take time to resolve, but on the Platt Lane grant request of £20200 for 2009/10 [as compared to the grant of £18250 agreed for 2008/9 – an increase of 10.68%].

-  Cllr Barton commented that he considered Platt Lane to be well run.

-  Cllr Mrs Price commented that Cllr Cottee had made it clear where the grant money would be going and what it paid for, and suggested that the committee should be looking towards agreeing to the amount requested; otherwise, reserves would quickly be dissipated.

-  Cllrs Erwin and Grice both stated that they were opposed to any increase, although Cllr Grice conceded that a precedent had arguably been set by the award to the KPFA at the last meeting.

-  Cllr Grice queried what would happen if no increase were forthcoming.

-  Cllr Cottee responded that the committee would have to cut back on maintenance and consider increasing charges.

-  Cllr Erwin stated that, in his view, an increase of 10% would be completely wrong in the current financial environment, and added that any increase would be likely to result in an increase in the Council’s precept.

-  Cllr Mrs Price stated that, in her opinion, it would be possible to agree to an increase in the Platt Lane grant without the need to increase the precept.

-  Cllr Kemmer suggest that a reasonable compromise might be to agree to an increase in line with the projected increase in overheads, but not taking into account loss of fee income.

The meeting was reconvened.

-  After due discussion, it was AGREED that the grant should be increased to £19250 [an increase of 5.47% compared to 2008/9].

-  Cllr Erwin reiterated that he was opposed to any increase, and that he wanted this to be a matter of record.

b)  United Reform Church

-  Cllr Kemmer reported that he had not been able to obtain any further information, but suggested that, in view of the decision, at the last Full Council meeting, not to finance the upkeep of the St Mary Magdalene churchyard in future, it would be appropriate to decline the request for assistance from the United Reform Church.

-  After due discussion, it was AGREED that the request should be declined.

c)  Overall Grants/Donations Budget

-  AGREED that the total budget for grants/donations [not including KPFA, Platt Lane JMC, Village Plan or church clock maintenance –all of which would be listed separately in the overall Council budget] should be £2k.

d)  Youth Worker Proposal

-  Cllr Kemmer reported that he had been in touch with Clare Ridsdale [Youth Worker, Notts County Council] who had told him that her department was desperately short of manpower, and that, whilst there was still a possibility of finding someone, it was not likely to happen until the summer of 2009 at the earliest.

-  After due consideration, it was AGREED that the relevant provision should be taken out of the 2009/10 budget.

-  Cllr Kemmer undertook to explain the Parish Council’s position in a future edition of the monthly newsletter.

e)  Precept

-  After due discussion, it was AGREED that the Clerk should draw up a budget for consideration at the next meeting, based on a reduction in the precept equivalent to a reduction of £2 per annum in the Parish Council element of the council tax for a Band ‘D’ council tax payer.

-  The Clerk pointed that a final decision would need to be made at the next meeting, subject to approval by Full Council at the meeting on 19.1.09.

f)  Precept Leaflet

-  The Clerk confirmed that he would prepare a draft precept leaflet for consideration at the next meeting.

09/6873 VAT Claims – Construction/Repair Work on Village Halls etc.

q  The Clerk had circulated guidelines which he had received for the first time from HM Revenue & Customs regarding recovery of VAT “in respect of construction, repair or maintenance works to village halls, recreation facilities, youth clubs, playgrounds and their associated grounds...”.

q  The Clerk reported that he had emailed the Council’s internal auditor about this, and would report back once he had received a response.

09/6874 Risk Management

a)  Village Hall Lobby

The risk involved in replacing the latch/thumb turn [temporarily removed] on the inner entrance doors to the Village Hall was assessed, taking the following points into account:

-  Keyholders’ undertaking includes reminder to check premises carefully before locking up.

-  Warning sign on inner door.

-  Reminder of lock-up procedures on outer door.

-  Telephone [emergency and internal calls only] now installed in the lobby between the inner and outer doors.

-  Sensor to be fitted to light to ensure that it will always be on when someone is in the lobby.

After due consideration, it was AGREED that the latch/thumb turn could be replaced.

b)  Risk Assessment – General

To be carried forward to a future meeting.

09/6875 KUCFC Proposal

q  It was AGREED that, whilst the club was now understood to be pursing the charitable status route to avoid VAT liability, the Council’s position should be recorded as follows in case it was asked to become involved at any time in the future:

-  Unlike many other Councils which have become involved in such projects, the Parish Council does not own the land.

-  Written confirmation that the Parish Council could legitimately claim back VAT would be required in advance.

-  Legal advice would be required [the Council’s solicitor had confirmed that such cases can be problematic].

-  Based on discussions with its solicitor, the Parish Council would ideally prefer to lease the new buildings from the County Council and sublet them to the club.

q  As regards the £10k already paid to the club, it was AGREED that the Clerk should write to the club, pointing out that the funds in question would ultimately need to be returned to the Parish Council in the event of the project not going ahead. Cllr Kemmer undertook to discuss the situation with Robert Clegg [KUCFC chairman] before the letter was sent.

09/6876 Administrative Issues

q  The Clerk reminded the committee that the Council office would be closed from 23.12.08 to 4.1.09 inclusive.

q  Chairman’s ‘At Home’ – new date: 24.4.09.

09/6877 Freedom of Information Act – Publication Scheme

q  The Clerk had circulated details of the publication scheme which he had compiled; he emphasised that this was essentially a work-in-progress, but it was AGREED that it could be switched to the public side of the website in its present form if need be at the appropriate time.

q  Cllr Kemmer undertook to discuss the need for annual report [“what our priorities are and how we are doing”] with the Community Liaison committee at its next meeting.

09/6878 Correspondence