Minutes of Holme Annual Parish Meeting

Held on Thursday 8 May 2014at Holme Village Hall.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. John Griffin, Chairman of Holme Parish Council. The minutes were taken by Mrs. Janice Osborn, Parish Clerk.

Present:32 people attended the meeting including Parish Councillors, County & District Councillors, PCSOs and parishioners.

1. Apologies for absence: Mrs. R Ross, Mr. T Mitcham, Mr. & Mrs. Finnegan, Ms T McCarthy, County Councillor McGuire.

2. Minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 18 April 2013

The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.

3. Annual report of the Parish Council: See appendix 1

4.Police Report.Mr. Gurdip Singh and Ms Emily Bryant attended, both PCSOs based at Yaxley. Crime in the area is at a low level, 24 crimes this year same as the previous year. Antisocial behaviour, noise and vehicle crime is zero.

Checking speeds on the B660 was discussed, the Speedwatch volunteers can only monitor 30mph area, and the speed monitoring equipment cannot cope with bends.

5. Annual report by County Councillor Mac McGuire:Mr. McGuire had sent apologies and a short summary. See appendix 2

6. Annual report by District Cllr. Mitchell: See appendix 3

7. Annual Report by County Councillor Roger Henson – See appendix 4. Cllr Henson has attended 57 County Council meetings and 8 Parish Council meetings in the year.

8. Reports from Village Organisations: Pre-School –appendix 4

Youth Club – appendix 5

Village Hall –appendix 6 Holme School- appendix 7

Guides –appendix 8

Holme W.I. - appendix 9

HAT Club - appendix 10

Short Mat Bowls - appendix 11

St Giles Church –appendix 12

Holme Reading Room Trust –appendix 13

Neighbourhood Watch –appendix 14

1940s weekend organisers – no report

9.Highways and Road Safety.

The Chairman outlined the action the Parish Council has taken so far to try to reduce speed and incidents in the village and along the B660. A multi-agency meeting had taken place and the County CouncilHighways Engineer is compiling his report with suggestions readyfor the next Council meeting.

The absence of a ”School” sign on Church St was noted.

A 20mph zone near the school was suggested.

Some people felt that the 40mph should be reduced to 30mph along the B660; others felt that this would make no difference.

A suggestion was made that a letter could be sent to local haulage firms using the route asking them for consideration and warning of speed checks, also to users of Holmewood Hall.

10. Level Crossings.

The Chairman advised the meeting of the intention of Network Rail to close as many level crossings as possible on safety grounds. There are to be consultation meetings in June in Yaxley about all 5 local crossings and all are encouraged to attend. More information about these meetings to be posted up on notice boards and in Parish News as it arrives.

The Great Fen project is likely to attract more traffic to the area and it is to be hoped that improved infrastructure can be put in place before the envisaged Visitor Centre opens.

