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Name of meeting: / Sapphire to Woolgoolga highway upgrade community information sessionsLocation of meeting: / Woolgoolga Community Village, Woolgoolga from 9.30am to 11am.
Emerald site compound training room from 1.30pm to 3pm.
Meeting facilitator: / Janice Smith
Date: / 23 February 2013 / Time: / 9.30am-3.00pm
NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) has engaged Leighton Contractors and Fulton Hogan to design and construct the 25 kilometre Sapphire to Woolgoolga Pacific Highway upgrade.
The sessions provided an update about the roadwork, as well as information about traffic management.
Woolgoolga Community Village – 9.30am – 11amQuestions / Answers
When will the roundabout at Hearnes Lake Road be completed? / The roundabout is about 80 per cent complete. It won’t be finished until traffic on the existing highway is switched under the partly-built bridge at Graham Drive north in mid 2013. Once traffic is switched, it will allow us to finish the roundabout, the local roads in that area and the second half of the bridge.
Currently there is no left turn into the gun club at Emerald Beach for southbound traffic. Once the ‘super-switch’ occurs, will you be able to turn left into the gun club? / Southbound traffic will be able to turn left into the gun club. There will not be a dedicated deceleration lane but the shoulder will be quite wide to make a left turn in.
How does the concrete get spread evenly by the paver? / The pavers have a strike plate that is controlled by an operator that spreads the concrete evenly in front of the paver.
Does the truck delivering the concrete move in front of the paver? / No. On our project we use rigid tip trucks that tip all the concrete in front of the paver and then the paving machine spreads it accordingly.
Community information session at Woolgoolga closed at 11am.
Emerald site compound training room - 1.30pm – 3pm
When steel is placed in the base concrete, does it rust and affect the quality of the pavement? / At the time concrete is placed, the reinforcing steel must not have rust loose or thick enough to impair the bond between the steel and concrete. Although a light rust forms on the surface of the steel, the length of time the steel is left in place prior to placing the concrete is not long enough to allow loose or thick rust to form.
At Tiki Road, there has been flooding at the corner of Tiki Road and the existing highway and also further down Tiki Road. The new drain on the western side of the highway isn’t proving effective. I have lived on my property for 30 years and there is a tree that has now died. Am I responsible for removing that tree? / Meetings were held with residents of Tiki Road regarding this issue. The flooding impacts on Tiki Road were inspected at this morning. The project will discuss this with you further over the next few weeks.
Community information session at the Emerald site compound closed at 2.30pm.
For further information please contact the toll free line or visit the project website (see details below).
Sapphire to Woolgoolga upgradePO Box 9090, Moonee Beach NSW 2450
Community information centre, Fiddaman Road, Emerald Beach, (Mon - Fri, 8:30 - 5pm)
www.rta.nsw.gov.au/pacific I T 1800 63 63 63 (toll fee)
This project is funded by the Australian and NSW governments /
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