CIS1355 – Security Engineering
Department of Business and Technology
Fall 2014
General Course Information
Instructor: James L Bode Office: NA Office HRS: NA (Adjunct)
Campus Phone: NAE-mail: (Use Angel if possible)
Course Web Site:
Classroom: OnlineAngel Course: CIS1355:Security Engineering:10959
Class Times: NA (Online)
Textbook:Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals – 4thEdition
Course Objectives:This course begins with the basics of security engineering technology, including concepts of security protocols, human-computer interface issues, access controls, cryptography and distributed systems. The class will explore security engineering concepts and hardware and software required to design secure information systems. Topics include engineering activities that span the entire trusted system life cycle, including concepts such as security architecture and current practices and procedures when security engineering expertise is needed. Other concepts that will be explored include requirements analysis, design, development, operational integration, installation and maintenance. Conventional computer security issues will be explored as they relate to different environments. Other topics to be addressed include organizational policies and how computers interact with corporate politics, how we gain confidence that the system will work as it is intended, and how security engineering can best be managed.
Web Site:Supplementary information for the course is available at . The Web site contains PowerPoint slides, class announcements, the course syllabus, test dates, and other information for the course.
E-Mail:All students are required to use Angel’s email. If you have any questions about the course or need assistance, please contact me by Angel e-mailat any time.
Grading and Evaluation Criteria:Grades are calculated based on accumulated points on chapter end questions (25pts each), chapter quizzes (20pts each), chapter assigned labs (15pts each), midterm (200pts) and final exam (200pts), and involvement in class discussions and attendance. Forty points will be dropped from the final score (and will become extra credit if no work is missed). Both exams may be given in a multiple choice, true/false, matching format. (Students who take the CompaTIA Security + test prior to the end of semester will receive 100% on the final exam and are exempt).Assigned work is due by 4pm of the assigned date. Onlyone attempt is allowed. Note: Due dates will not be extended. Please plan ahead.
Withdrawals: In accordance with the SCF policy as stated in the college catalog, students may withdraw from any course or all courses without academic penalty of a WF by the withdrawal deadline as listed in the SCF academic calendar. The student must take responsibility for initiating the withdrawal procedure. Students are strongly encouraged to talk with their instructors first before taking any withdrawal action.Students may be withdrawn after 2 consecutive missed classes ‘without cause’.
Statement of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the use of ideas, facts, opinions, illustrative material, data direct or indirect wording of another scholar and/or writer - professional or student - without giving proper credit. Expulsion, suspension, or any lesser penalty may be imposed for plagiarism.
Performance Standards:
Standards of Conduct: Students are expected to abide by all Lancer Student Handbook guidelines
Disability Resource Center Information: SCF has a Disability Resource Center (DRC) to assist students. To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact the DRC at 752-5295 in Bradenton or 408-1448 in Venice, or by email at . If you have already requested academic accommodations through the DRC for this course please meet with me to discuss your specific needs.
Department Chair information: If a student encounters a problem in the course, they should work with the professor to resolve it. If the student needs help and the professor is unable to help or is unavailable, contact Amy Santos, Chair Business and Technology
CIS 1355 Course Outline (Fall2014)
Dates: / Chapters: / Due by 4pm8/23
/ Chapter 1 /1
/ Chapter 2 /2
/ Chapter 3 /3
9/13 / Chapter 4 / 49/20 / Chapter 5 /
/ Chapter 6 /6
/ Chapter 7 / 710/11 / Midterm on 1 - 7
/ Chapter 8 /8
/ Chapter 9 /9
11/1 / Chapter 10 /10
11/8 / Chapter 11 /11
/ Chapter 12 / 1211/22
/ Chapter 13 / 1311/29
/ Chapter 14 / 1412/6
/ Final on 8 – 14Last Modified: 7/15/2014
Angel Course: CIS1355:Security Engineering:10959