English II – Vocab Lesson 1

  1. Divulge (v) to tell; to reveal (as a secret)
  2. Abet (v) to assist or encourage, especially in wrong doing
  3. Dogmatic (adj) arrogant and stubborn about one’s (often unproven) beliefs
  4. Insipid (adj) dull; not at all stimulating; lacking flavor
  5. Extraneous (adj) unessential; not constituting a vital part
  6. Coerce (v) to force by using pressure, intimidation, or threats
  7. Jaundiced (adj) prejudiced; hostile
  8. Meticulous (adj) extremely careful about small details; precise
  9. Temerity (adj) recklessness; a foolish disregard of danger
  10. Gregarious (adj) sociable; fond of the company of others

English II – Vocab Lesson 2

  1. Heresy (n.) the crime of holding a belief that goes against established doctrine
  1. Docile (adj) easy to teach or manage
  2. Libation (n) a drink, especially an alcoholic one
  3. Anathema (n) a deeply hated person or thing
  4. Banter (n) teasing; playful conversation
  5. Castigate (v) to criticize or punish for the purpose of correction
  6. Gauche (adj) lacking social graces; tactless
  7. Ignominy (n) public shame, disgrace, or dishonor
  8. Motley (adj) made up of different, dissimilar parts; being of many colors or styles
  1. Emaciated (adj) extremely thin; wasted away

English II – Vocab Lesson 3

  1. Avarice (n) greed; desire for wealth
  1. Furtive (adj) stealthy; secretive
  1. Bacchanalian (adj) wild and drunken
  1. Extradite (v) to turn over to deliver to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority
  1. Copious (adj) numerous; large in quantity
  1. Irascible (adj) easily angered
  1. Mercenary (n) a professional hired soldier
  1. Bastion (n) an institution, place, or person strongly defending or upholding particular principles, attitudes, or activities
  1. Jettison (v) to cast overboard; to discard
  1. Ostracize (v) to banish; shut out from a group or society by common consent

English II – Vocab Lesson 4

  1. Bigot (n) one who is intolerant of differences in people
  1. Expunge (v) to erase or eliminate
  1. Candid (adj) outspoken; blunt
  1. Argot (n) special words or phrases used by a specific group of people
  1. Negligence (n) careless neglect, often resulting in injury
  1. Appease (v) to calm; to make satisfied (often only temporarily)
  1. Strident (adj) harsh sounding; grating
  1. Chaos (n) complete disorder
  1. Augment (v) to enlarge; to increase in amount or intensity
  1. Jingoism (n) extreme, chauvinistic patriotism, often favoring an aggressive, warlike foreign policy

English II – Vocab Lesson 5

  1. Rancor (n) extreme hatred or ill will
  1. Inexorable (adj) unrelenting; unavoidable
  1. Extol (v) to praise highly
  1. Clement (adj) merciful; lenient
  1. Cliché (n) a worn-out idea or overused expression
  1. Adamant (adj) unyielding; firm in opinion
  1. Diffident (adj) lacking in self-confidence; shy
  1. Opus (n) a creative work, especially a numbered composition
  1. Ostensible (adj) professed but not necessarily true

10. Disparity (n) inequality; difference

English II – Vocab Lesson 6

  1. Condone (v) to forgive or overlook an offense
  1. Nuance (n) a slight or subtle degree of difference
  1. Connoisseur (n) an expert in matters of culture, food, or wine
  1. Enigma (n) a mystery; something seemingly inexplicable
  1. Apathy (n) lack of interest; state of not caring
  1. Officious (adj) excessively eager to deliver unasked-for or unwanted help
  1. Credence (n) belief or trust
  1. Jaunty (adj) having a buoyant, self-confident air; brisk and crisp
  1. Dilettante (n) one who merely dabbles in an art or science
  1. Cult (n) an organized group of people with an obsessive devotion

English II – Vocab Lesson 7

  1. Cynical (adj) doubtful or distrustful of the goodness or sincerity of human motive
  1. Ambivalent (adj) uncertain; unable to decide between two opposing points of view
  1. Demagogue (n) a leader who appeals to citizens’ emotions to obtain power
  1. Demure (adj) quiet and modest; reserved
  1. Intrepid (adj) without fear; brave
  1. Destitute (adj) extremely poor; lacking necessities like food and shelter
  1. Erudite (adj) scholarly; learned
  1. Dilemma (n) a difficult choice; a seemingly unsolvable problem
  1. Culmination (n) the highest point of attainment; the end or climax
  1. Concur (v) to be of the same opinion; to agree with

English II – Vocab Lesson 8

  1. Abate (v) to lessen in violence or intensity
  1. Decorum (n) conformity to accepted standards of conduct; proper behavior
  1. Abhor (v) to detest; to hate strongly
  1. Dole (v) to distribute; to give out sparingly
  1. Gamut (n) the whole range or extent
  1. Extrovert (n) one who is outgoing; one who is energized
  1. Droll (adj) amusing in an odd or whimsical way
  1. Duplicity (n) intentional deceit in speech or conduct
  1. Effigy (n) a crude dummy or image representing a hated person or group
  1. Austere (adj) stern; severe; plain

English II – Vocab Lesson 9

  1. Emulate (v) to strive to be like; to imitate
  1. Sere (adj) dry and withered
  1. Enhance (v) to increase the value or beauty of something
  1. Contrite (adj) feeling regret for having committed some wrongdoing
  1. Magnanimous (adj) noble; generous if forgiving; free from petty feeling or acts
  1. Enunciate (v) to pronounce clearly and distinctly
  1. Collaborate (v) to work with another toward a goal
  1. Impound (v) to confine; to retain in legal custody
  1. Impeccable (adj) faultless; without sin or blemish
  1. Evoke (v) to summon forth

English II – Vocab Lesson 10

  1. Expound (v) to explain in detail; to clarify
  1. Cajole (v) to persuade with false promises and flattery
  1. Inscrutable (adj) not easily understood; hard to fathom
  1. Balk (v) to refuse stubbornly or abruptly; to stop short and refuse to go on
  1. Acrimony (n) ill-natured, bitter hostility
  1. Dour (adj) stern and ill-humored
  1. Exult (v) to rejoice; to feel triumphant
  1. Omniscient (adj) having unlimited knowledge; all-knowing
  1. Feasible (adj) reasonable; capable of being carried out
  1. Fiasco (n) a complete, ridiculous failure

English II – Vocab Lesson 11

  1. Epistle (n) a letter or literary composition in letter form
  1. Avid (adj) enthusiastic; extremely interested
  1. Gadfly (n) an irritating and persistent person
  1. Humility (n) absences of vanity; humbleness
  1. Dolorous (adj) exhibiting sorrow or pain
  1. Gargantuan (adj) of huge or extraordinary size and power
  1. Arduous (adj) difficult; requiring much effort
  1. Affable (adj) friendly; agreeable; easy to talk to
  1. Grandiloquent (adj) pompous or high-flown in speech
  1. Agrarian (adj) having to do with farms, farmers, or the use of land

English II – Vocab Lesson 12

  1. Altercation (n) a heated argument
  1. Lexicon (n) a dictionary; a specialized vocabulary
  1. Hue (n) a particular shade of a given color
  1. Galvanize (v) to startle into sudden activity
  1. Sanction (n) permission; support
  1. Hyperbole (n) extreme exaggeration for effect and not meant to be taken literally
  1. Ominous (adj) threatening; foreboding evil
  1. Audacity (n) rude boldness; nerve
  1. Evince (v) to demonstrate clearly; to prove
  1. Implacable (adj) unable to be appeased or pacified

English II – Vocab Lesson 13

  1. Inert (adj) unable to act or move; inactive; sluggish
  1. Circumvent (v) to get around; to bypass
  1. Clandestine (adj) secret
  1. Acquit (v) to find not guilty of a fault or crime
  1. Deprecate (v) to express disapproval of
  1. Barrister (n) lawyer (British)
  1. Adulation (n) excessive praise or admiration
  1. Culinary (adj) having to do with the kitchen or cooking
  1. Bawdy (adj) indecent; humorously obscene
  1. Chastise (v) to punish severely

English II – Vocab Lesson 14

  1. Levity (n) lightness of disposition; lack of seriousness
  1. Hoax (n) a practical joke; a trick
  1. Amicable (adj) friendly; peaceable
  1. Obstreperous (adj) aggressively boisterous; stubborn and defiant
  1. Enraptured (adj) delighted beyond measure
  1. Marital (adj) having to do with marriage
  1. Bask (v) to lie in or be exposed to warm
  1. Genial (adj) friendly; amiable
  1. Charlatan (n) one who pretends to have professional knowledge in order to swindle others
  1. Mundane (adj) commonplace; of the earth and not spiritual

English II – Vocab Lesson 15

  1. Noxious (adj) harmful to the health
  1. Connive (v) to cooperate secretly in wrongdoing
  1. Chutzpah (n) nerve; audacity
  1. Liege (n) a lord, master, or sovereign
  1. Odium (n) hatred
  1. Crass (adj) coarse; tasteless
  1. Hypercritical (adj) overly critical; too severe in judgment
  1. Fallacy (n) a mistaken notion; a misconception
  1. Complacent (adj) self-satisfied; smug
  1. Befuddle (v) to confuse; to perplex