English II – Vocab Lesson 1
- Divulge (v) to tell; to reveal (as a secret)
- Abet (v) to assist or encourage, especially in wrong doing
- Dogmatic (adj) arrogant and stubborn about one’s (often unproven) beliefs
- Insipid (adj) dull; not at all stimulating; lacking flavor
- Extraneous (adj) unessential; not constituting a vital part
- Coerce (v) to force by using pressure, intimidation, or threats
- Jaundiced (adj) prejudiced; hostile
- Meticulous (adj) extremely careful about small details; precise
- Temerity (adj) recklessness; a foolish disregard of danger
- Gregarious (adj) sociable; fond of the company of others
English II – Vocab Lesson 2
- Heresy (n.) the crime of holding a belief that goes against established doctrine
- Docile (adj) easy to teach or manage
- Libation (n) a drink, especially an alcoholic one
- Anathema (n) a deeply hated person or thing
- Banter (n) teasing; playful conversation
- Castigate (v) to criticize or punish for the purpose of correction
- Gauche (adj) lacking social graces; tactless
- Ignominy (n) public shame, disgrace, or dishonor
- Motley (adj) made up of different, dissimilar parts; being of many colors or styles
- Emaciated (adj) extremely thin; wasted away
English II – Vocab Lesson 3
- Avarice (n) greed; desire for wealth
- Furtive (adj) stealthy; secretive
- Bacchanalian (adj) wild and drunken
- Extradite (v) to turn over to deliver to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority
- Copious (adj) numerous; large in quantity
- Irascible (adj) easily angered
- Mercenary (n) a professional hired soldier
- Bastion (n) an institution, place, or person strongly defending or upholding particular principles, attitudes, or activities
- Jettison (v) to cast overboard; to discard
- Ostracize (v) to banish; shut out from a group or society by common consent
English II – Vocab Lesson 4
- Bigot (n) one who is intolerant of differences in people
- Expunge (v) to erase or eliminate
- Candid (adj) outspoken; blunt
- Argot (n) special words or phrases used by a specific group of people
- Negligence (n) careless neglect, often resulting in injury
- Appease (v) to calm; to make satisfied (often only temporarily)
- Strident (adj) harsh sounding; grating
- Chaos (n) complete disorder
- Augment (v) to enlarge; to increase in amount or intensity
- Jingoism (n) extreme, chauvinistic patriotism, often favoring an aggressive, warlike foreign policy
English II – Vocab Lesson 5
- Rancor (n) extreme hatred or ill will
- Inexorable (adj) unrelenting; unavoidable
- Extol (v) to praise highly
- Clement (adj) merciful; lenient
- Cliché (n) a worn-out idea or overused expression
- Adamant (adj) unyielding; firm in opinion
- Diffident (adj) lacking in self-confidence; shy
- Opus (n) a creative work, especially a numbered composition
- Ostensible (adj) professed but not necessarily true
10. Disparity (n) inequality; difference
English II – Vocab Lesson 6
- Condone (v) to forgive or overlook an offense
- Nuance (n) a slight or subtle degree of difference
- Connoisseur (n) an expert in matters of culture, food, or wine
- Enigma (n) a mystery; something seemingly inexplicable
- Apathy (n) lack of interest; state of not caring
- Officious (adj) excessively eager to deliver unasked-for or unwanted help
- Credence (n) belief or trust
- Jaunty (adj) having a buoyant, self-confident air; brisk and crisp
- Dilettante (n) one who merely dabbles in an art or science
- Cult (n) an organized group of people with an obsessive devotion
English II – Vocab Lesson 7
- Cynical (adj) doubtful or distrustful of the goodness or sincerity of human motive
- Ambivalent (adj) uncertain; unable to decide between two opposing points of view
- Demagogue (n) a leader who appeals to citizens’ emotions to obtain power
- Demure (adj) quiet and modest; reserved
- Intrepid (adj) without fear; brave
- Destitute (adj) extremely poor; lacking necessities like food and shelter
- Erudite (adj) scholarly; learned
- Dilemma (n) a difficult choice; a seemingly unsolvable problem
- Culmination (n) the highest point of attainment; the end or climax
- Concur (v) to be of the same opinion; to agree with
English II – Vocab Lesson 8
- Abate (v) to lessen in violence or intensity
- Decorum (n) conformity to accepted standards of conduct; proper behavior
- Abhor (v) to detest; to hate strongly
- Dole (v) to distribute; to give out sparingly
- Gamut (n) the whole range or extent
- Extrovert (n) one who is outgoing; one who is energized
- Droll (adj) amusing in an odd or whimsical way
- Duplicity (n) intentional deceit in speech or conduct
- Effigy (n) a crude dummy or image representing a hated person or group
- Austere (adj) stern; severe; plain
English II – Vocab Lesson 9
- Emulate (v) to strive to be like; to imitate
- Sere (adj) dry and withered
- Enhance (v) to increase the value or beauty of something
- Contrite (adj) feeling regret for having committed some wrongdoing
- Magnanimous (adj) noble; generous if forgiving; free from petty feeling or acts
- Enunciate (v) to pronounce clearly and distinctly
- Collaborate (v) to work with another toward a goal
- Impound (v) to confine; to retain in legal custody
- Impeccable (adj) faultless; without sin or blemish
- Evoke (v) to summon forth
English II – Vocab Lesson 10
- Expound (v) to explain in detail; to clarify
- Cajole (v) to persuade with false promises and flattery
- Inscrutable (adj) not easily understood; hard to fathom
- Balk (v) to refuse stubbornly or abruptly; to stop short and refuse to go on
- Acrimony (n) ill-natured, bitter hostility
- Dour (adj) stern and ill-humored
- Exult (v) to rejoice; to feel triumphant
- Omniscient (adj) having unlimited knowledge; all-knowing
- Feasible (adj) reasonable; capable of being carried out
- Fiasco (n) a complete, ridiculous failure
English II – Vocab Lesson 11
- Epistle (n) a letter or literary composition in letter form
- Avid (adj) enthusiastic; extremely interested
- Gadfly (n) an irritating and persistent person
- Humility (n) absences of vanity; humbleness
- Dolorous (adj) exhibiting sorrow or pain
- Gargantuan (adj) of huge or extraordinary size and power
- Arduous (adj) difficult; requiring much effort
- Affable (adj) friendly; agreeable; easy to talk to
- Grandiloquent (adj) pompous or high-flown in speech
- Agrarian (adj) having to do with farms, farmers, or the use of land
English II – Vocab Lesson 12
- Altercation (n) a heated argument
- Lexicon (n) a dictionary; a specialized vocabulary
- Hue (n) a particular shade of a given color
- Galvanize (v) to startle into sudden activity
- Sanction (n) permission; support
- Hyperbole (n) extreme exaggeration for effect and not meant to be taken literally
- Ominous (adj) threatening; foreboding evil
- Audacity (n) rude boldness; nerve
- Evince (v) to demonstrate clearly; to prove
- Implacable (adj) unable to be appeased or pacified
English II – Vocab Lesson 13
- Inert (adj) unable to act or move; inactive; sluggish
- Circumvent (v) to get around; to bypass
- Clandestine (adj) secret
- Acquit (v) to find not guilty of a fault or crime
- Deprecate (v) to express disapproval of
- Barrister (n) lawyer (British)
- Adulation (n) excessive praise or admiration
- Culinary (adj) having to do with the kitchen or cooking
- Bawdy (adj) indecent; humorously obscene
- Chastise (v) to punish severely
English II – Vocab Lesson 14
- Levity (n) lightness of disposition; lack of seriousness
- Hoax (n) a practical joke; a trick
- Amicable (adj) friendly; peaceable
- Obstreperous (adj) aggressively boisterous; stubborn and defiant
- Enraptured (adj) delighted beyond measure
- Marital (adj) having to do with marriage
- Bask (v) to lie in or be exposed to warm
- Genial (adj) friendly; amiable
- Charlatan (n) one who pretends to have professional knowledge in order to swindle others
- Mundane (adj) commonplace; of the earth and not spiritual
English II – Vocab Lesson 15
- Noxious (adj) harmful to the health
- Connive (v) to cooperate secretly in wrongdoing
- Chutzpah (n) nerve; audacity
- Liege (n) a lord, master, or sovereign
- Odium (n) hatred
- Crass (adj) coarse; tasteless
- Hypercritical (adj) overly critical; too severe in judgment
- Fallacy (n) a mistaken notion; a misconception
- Complacent (adj) self-satisfied; smug
- Befuddle (v) to confuse; to perplex