Minutes of EYE ANNUAL TOWN MEETING held in the Town Hall

Main Hall on Tuesday 13th of May 2014 at 7.30pm

PRESENT: The Town Mayor Cllr Cummins, Charles Flatman (District Cllr), Guy McGregor (County Cllr) together with 9 Town Cllrs, the Town Clerkand 49 members of the public - as per attendance sheet.


In opening the meeting, the Town Mayor, CllrLinda Cummins welcomed those present to the Annual Town Meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance.


Apologies were received from CllrsGeorgia Horobin,Nancy Ford,Mr McAtear, Mrs Massey Anne Willoughby, Pinky Palmer, Charlotte McAuslan

  1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – (23rd of April 2013)

Acceptance was proposed by Peter Hawkins,seconded by Simon Hootonand carried.


Cllr L Cummins gave a report on her year as Mayor and gave an overview of achievements and events. She reported that during the year she attended many engagements. These included the Mayor Making the Remembrance Sunday Service, and the Christmas Lights Switch On. She also organized a bridge afternoon and a coffee morning for the residents of Eye which raised some money for the Community Centre. She also agreed to make some charitable donations from the Mayors fund. She awarded £200 each to the Guides and the Scouts and a £100 to Mercy in Action, a charity providing food and education to children in the Philippines. (Full details of the report are recorded in the Annual Town Newsletter). She thanked all those that had supported her during her busy year.

  1. deputy MAyors Tribute to those involved in the Town Hall Refurbishment

Cllr Caroline Byles reported that the refurbishment of the heating and the internal redecoration of the hall had been completed on time and within budget. She presented letters of thanks to the contractors to reward them for their hard work,

  • Juliet Grimes & Neil Bolger for their work on the Eye Scout Hut.
  • Peter Hawkins for his photos and positive promotion of the town.
  • Elisabeth Oliver for her contribution to the church shop and promotion of the church.
  • Zak Weiss for his fund raising activities for Nelson’s Lodge.
  1. Update on the Town’s Grant giving

The Town Council announced that in the coming year they would be launching a Community Fund which local organisations could apply to for funding, to improve facilities and services in Eye. For information contact the clerk.


Sergeant Eaves reported that there had been 127 recorded crimes in the last year. He also gave an overview of changes to policing in the area. This included the police station moving to Castleton Way and Abigail Durrant being appointed as the Police Community Support Officer for the area.

  1. Report By County Cllr. Guy McGregor

Cllr McGregor reflected on a busy year where he was privileged to be Chairman of the County Council. He stated that Paddock House would be replaced by a brand new purpose built care home on Castleton Way. The County Council has been making representations on the proposed Power Plant development and has already secured improvements on the height of the chimneys and underground cabling. The County Council also received the petition for the 20 mile per hour limit in the centre of Eye and is now investigating whether this would be appropriate. Cllr McGregor has secured the 133 bus service and this will continue to be subsidised by the County Council.

  1. REPORT By District CLLR. Charles FLATMAN

Cllr Flatman was pleased to announce that a further 12 affordable houses had been built on the Bellands Way Estate. He also said Mid-Suffolk had contributed funding to the community centre and towards the Town Hall improvements in Eye and congratulated Adrian Beatty and Cllr Byles for overseeing the Town Hall works. Cllr Flatman also reported that the parishes were working with Mid-Suffolk and the future of the Eye recycling centre was now secure. Cllr Flatman expressed reservations about the Power Plant as he thought smaller businesses located there would provide better employment opportunities for local people.


A report supplied by Dr Poulter was read by the Mayor.


Cllr Simon Hooton gave an overview of the finances for the year. In his report he highlighted that the major expense last year had the refurbishment of the Town Hall which also meant a larger VAT claim was made. He also stated that salaries had also been increased at the clerk was now appointed for 25 hours as opposed to 10 hours.

  1. Reports were received from the following organisation in the town

Eye Town Moors report given by Chris Willoughby:
  • The volunteers look after a woodland park created by Ben Platts-Mills in 1988.
  • A new bridge is required so the site can be mowed.
  • The high winds this spring resulted in many trees being blown over on the western side of the woods.
  • Asked residents to clear up after their dogs.
  • They are looking for more volunteers to help.

Eye to Eye communityreport given by Adrian Beatty:
  • A free community email service.
  • Gives up dates on events and useful community information.
  • To register .

Eye Volunteer Centre report given byLeo Castell:
  • Provide volunteers for the local community.
  • Provide drivers for hospital appointments.
  • Recently introduced afternoon tea session on a Sunday.
  • Provide advice and information on local services.

Eye Cinemareport given by Penny McSheeny:
  • Meets regularly at the community Centre in Eye.
  • A list of films is available.
  • Encouraged more residents to come along.

The Scouts report given by Joan Norman:
  • The building of the new Scout hut is underway.
  • The grand opening is planned for the 18th of July.
  • Currently have 90 boys and girls from 6-16 and a great team of leaders.
  • Thanked everyone who had supported the building of the Scout Hut.

St Elizabeth’s Hospicereport given byPeter Hawkins:
  • St Elizabeth Hospice improves life for people living with a progressive illness.
  • Moving services out into the community from Ipswich.
  • Has to raise a lot of its own money so fund raising is required all the time.
  • Relies on volunteer helpers. Talk to Peter if you are interested.

The Bank report given by Rebecca Lyne:
  • The Bank is now 1 year old and is a not for profit community organisation.
  • Offers refreshments and arts/music classes, events and exhibitions.
  • Run by volunteers and WEA provide tutors for the classes.
  • They hope to raise the funds to secure the building for the community.

Grammar School Trust report given byBernard Tatum:
  • Grants given to under 25’s.
  • Awards are given for education not provided by the local education authority.
  • Last year seven grants were awarded at a total of £1200. The average grant awarded was£200.

The Community Centre report given by Graham West:
  • Encouraged people to come to the AGM on the 13th of June.
  • Successful Events in the year included a Get Active day and Murder Mystery Event.
  • Town Show Planned for Sunday 24th of August.
  • Due to funding from the District Council the stage and lights have been improved.

The Church report written by Anne Willoughby:
  • Fr. Andrew left Eye for the Parish of St. Mary and All Saints, Little Walsingham, Norfolk.
  • The Deanery Lent Course had the theme of Ministry on the Margins.
  • A number of successful fundraising events were held throughout the year.
  • The rebuilding of the organ has started.
  • Thanked everyone who has supported the church through this year.

Eye Guides and Brownies report written by Charlotte McAuslan:
  • Brownies and Guides continue to grow with 30 brownies and 22 guides.
  • They provided an excellent programme of activities,including a Roald Dahl event and a sleepover at Banham Zoo.
  • Badge work topics were cupcake challenge, bushcraft, hostess and local culture.

St Peter and Paul Primary report written by Mrs Massey and read by the Clerk:
  • Over 200 pupils on roll.
  • OFSTED judged teaching good or outstanding and that the behaviour good.
  • School has launched a new website.
  • Concern was expressed about road hazards outside the school.

Dove Players report given by Simon Hooton:
  • Successful Pantomime and Youth Theatre production.
  • The group would welcome new members.

Hartismere Hospital League of Friends report written byIris Overall:
  • Creating a newsletter for website.
  • Organised a petition for Dr Poulter with 2000 signatures.

Eye Town Hall Improvement Company report given by Simon Hooton:
  • Heating replaced and internal redecoration completed.
  • New paintings by Robert Mendham have been hung in the Council Chamber.
  • Events included talk by Nick Ross and Heritage Weekend.
  • Projects for future are the floor, improvements to the toilets and acoustic and lighting.

Friends of Eye Castle report given by Chris Willoughby:
  • New app available for the Town Trail.

15. ELECTORS’ QUESTIONS – None received


Signed …………………………………………………………………….. Town Mayor

Date ……………………………………………. 2015.

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