Yokine Primary School P&C Minutes

26 April 2017
ATTENDEES: Kelly Barnes, Sandra Moulton, Kate Hammer, Thuy Yau, Lisa Mills, Renee Lindquist, Wendy Goodwin.
1.0 / Welcome and apologies / ACTIONS
1.1 / The meeting was opened Kelly Barnes at 7PM.
1.2 / Apologies:
Susie Findlay, Tanya Candy, Kim Fraser, Helen Pynes.
2.0 / Minutes of previous meeting
2.1 / Mrs Barnes endorsed the minutes of the previous meeting as complete and accurate, seconded by Mrs Moulton.
3.0 / Incoming Correspondence
3.1 /
  • Australian Fundraising Specialists – Best Fundraising Ideas-Brochure for March to June 2017
  • Australian Fundraising Specialists – Australia’s best Fundraisers – Pamphlet
  • WACSSO letter in regards to an Important P&C Survey (dated 12 April 2017).
  • City of Stirling – letter dated 28 March 2017 in regards to the canteen inspection carried out on 27 March 2017. Karl Posa (Environmental Health Officer) stated that the premises were found to be generally clean, there were however, areas that require cleaning.
Mr Posa also stated that a staff member washed their hands in the sink and not in the designated hand wash basin. / Ensure that all areas of the premise, fittings and fixtures are cleaned.
Ensure that all staff wash their hands in the hand wash basin.
4.0 / Outgoing Correspondence
4.1 / None
5.0 / Principal Report
5.1 / Mrs Fraser provided her Principal Report which P&C members read.
Building Works:
The ramps are slippery when wet (since they’ve been painted). These will be sanded back and a non-slip surface applied.
Pete, the school’s gardener, fitted outdoor screens between Rooms 2 to 4 which were received for free.
YPS School Focus Plan for 2017:
Several Hoki stools were purchased and the school is awaiting some funding from the P&C to purchase more.
ANZAC Service:
An RSL member and a bugler will attend the school’s ANZAC Service at 10:30AM on 27/4/17.
School Board:
Mr E-Wen Ong has joined the YPS School Board and Mr Joe Ferrante has resigned due to work commitments.
School Security:
Several security breaches have occurred around the school.
School Photos:
These will take place on 2 and 3 May 2017.
6.0 / Treasurer’s Report
Mrs Barnes reported the following:
  • Graduation Shirts - $560 has been received (4 students have not paid as yet).
  • $363 profit from the graduation sausage sizzle.
  • $1,349.80 profit from the April disco.
  • $192.80 profit from school banking.
  • Cash book balance for the P&C account is $12,113.22

7.0 / Canteen Report
Mrs Barnes reported the following:
  • Cash book balance is at $3,653.98.
  • Canteen is running well.
  • Mrs Barnes will continue to report on the canteen’s income and expenditure until the end of term 2.
  • Recess menu will alternate.
  • Possibility of having a lunch special every week.
Possible change of opening days for the canteen was discussed. Mrs Barnes to email survey to parents to canvas thoughts and preferences of possible open days of Monday, Wednesday and Friday (instead of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).
8.0 / Uniform Shop Report
Mrs Moulton reported the following:
  • Current bank account balance is at $11,817.95.
  • Sales have decreased since the beginning of the year.

9.0 / Fundraising Report
Mrs Hammer reported the following:
Term 2
  • Entertainment Books. Mrs Hammer will attend a launch party in two weeks. Email re sale of Entertainment Books to be sent to parents and carers.
  • Silver Coin Fundraising. Students to bring in silver coins for all of term 2 and the class that collects the most amount of money will win $100. Proceeds will be used to purchase Lexile and reading books. Mrs Hammer to advise teachers and parents.
Term 3
  • The P&C voted to use Crazy Camel for student’s art work.
/ Mrs Barnes to purchase containers for coins.
10.0 / General Business
YPS Focus Plan
  • The P&C will donate $2,000 for reading books, $1000 for Kindy to Year 2, and $1000 for Lexile books for Year 3 to 6.
  • The P&C will donate $286 for a REmida membership.
  • The P&C is unable to donate $10,000 for technologies.
  • A discussion was held in regards to a donation for a volley ball court – at this stage the cost of it is unknown.
Mrs Barnes advised that all outgoing P&C correspondence is to be reviewed and disseminated by Mrs Fraser/YPS.
Mrs Hammersuggested that a P&C newsletter is to be sent out in week 3 and 8 of each term. She also advised that YPS has a 60th Year School anniversary in 2019. The P&C decided that no school fete will be held in 2018.
The P&C discussed to possibly organise the student’s framed artwork as a fundraiser again this year. / Mrs Barnes to email Mrs Fraser to query cost.
11.0 / Next meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for 6:45PM on Tuesday 23 May 2017.
12.0 / Meeting close/adjournment/next meeting
The meeting was closed by Mrs Barnes at 8:31PM.