Psychology 208 Fall 2009 Syllabus

Course and Description:Psychology 208 (3credits)

“Explores the relationships between human beings within the structure of society and family, and looks at the interactions of human beings in all aspects of societal paradigms.”

Instructor: Kraig K. Lords, Psy.S.

Office Hours: By Appointment

Phone: (775) 623-8128 FAX: (775) 623-8211 CELL: (775) 304-5090


Meeting Time:Thursdays7:00 pm to 9:45 pm

Location:Room 123

Required Book:

Walker, V. (2007). Becoming Aware: A Text/Workbook for Human Relations and Personal Adjustment; Kendall/Hunt

Course Expectations:

Students will come to each class having thoroughly read the assigned chapters and be prepared to answer questions over the material. Students will be involved in small group discussions and be required to complete assignments requiring introspection.

Equal Learning Opportunity:

The instructor will assure that students with disabilities receive a level playing field in this course. He will further ensure that any enrolled student with a disability receives appropriate accommodations and modifications which will be created in a meeting with the examiner and the student. Students with disabilities should inform the instructor that they are in need of accommodations and/or modifications as soon as the course begins.

GBC is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For more information or further assistance, please contact Julie Byrnes, ADA Officer, at (775) 753-2271.

Course Description:

This course will stress the social make-up of society and human interaction. While there will be some study of cultural and racial issues, the principal focus will be on understanding human behavior and the impacts that it has on social structures. We will attempt to understand how behavior can be changed and improved through the way that we live our lives. My hope is that this course will have practical application in each student’s life. While theory is necessary to understand society, practical application and living happily in society is the key to success in life. Throughout the course, I will attempt to add relevant information to what is provided in the text. I expect that the student will read the book. My lectures may or may not touch on the text, but will definitely touch on pertinent issues and research relating to relationship development and personal improvement. Learning will only occur with reading, studying, listening, and participating in practical application of the principles we will be discussing. My goal is to assure that learning will take place.

Lastly, I hope that this class is an edifying experience for you. More than that, I hope that this class is a growing experience for each of us.

Methods of Instruction:

Course materials will be presented through lectures, videotapes, assigned readings, in-class exercises, class discussions, role-play, and out-of-class observations.

Learner Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

Define and explain relational terms like institution, status, role, race, socialization, etc.;
  • Measurements: quizzes, exam scores, and class reviews (Change the measurement as appropriate.)

Describe the five major institutions and at least four functions of each one;
  • Measurements: exam scores, journal examples, and class projects (Change the measurement as appropriate.)

Describe the methods of research and list the pros and cons of each;
  • Measurements: exams, class discussions, and assignments (Change the measurement as appropriate.)

Recognize ethnic and cultural diversity;
  • Measurements: class projects, discussions, and written assignments (Change the measurement as appropriate.)

Critique and evaluation information for its value and credibility;
  • Measurements: class reviews, discussions, and exam scores (Change the measurement as appropriate.)

General Education Objectives with Learner Outcomes and Measurements

Objective 1: Communication Skills–Strong (do not change Objectives and Learner Outcomes; only the Measurements can be changed)

Communication skills are very important in this course, which studies social interaction in human societies.

Learner Outcomes / Measurements (Change as appropriate)
(1) Definition of major viewpoints / Class discussions, exam scores, and class projects
(2) Understanding of the five major institutions in any society and how each fits into the “whole” / Class discussions, exam scores, and papers

Objective 2: Critical Thinking–Strong (do not change Objectives and Learner Outcomes; only the Measurements can be changed)

There is a strong emphasis on looking at issues from many different vantage points. Reasoning and independent thought will be stressed as well as experiences in analyzing data in research.

Learner Outcomes / Measurements (Change as appropriate)
(1) Assess pros and cons of different research methods / Assigned readings, review research from the past, discussion and presentation of current issues
(2) Identify ethical issues inherent in research / Assigned readings, review research from the past, discussion and presentation of current issues

Objective 3: Personal and Cultural Awareness–Strong (do not change Objectives and Learner Outcomes; only the Measurements can be changed)

Understand the roles of individuals in society.

Learner Outcomes / Measurements (Change as appropriate)
(1) Trace development of human societies. / Class papers, video responses
(2) identify significance of creativity in the human experience / Class papers, video responses

Objective 4: Personal Wellness–Moderate (do not change Objectives and Learner Outcomes; only the Measurements can be changed)

This concept is implemented through the examination of demographic variables including equality, gender, and social class as it relates to issues around personal well-being.

Learner Outcomes / Measurements (Change as appropriate)
(1) Appraise larger issues of health and well being as it relates to personal well being. / Videos, class projects, and class discussions/activities

Objective 5: Technological Understanding–Some Degree (do not change Objectives and Learner Outcomes; only the Measurements can be changed)

Students will learn to utilize and use technology to enhance human experience.

Learner Outcomes / Measurements (Change as appropriate)
(1) Develop ability to discriminate between reliable and non-reliable information / Class papers, discussion and videos

Policy of Academic Integrity: Academic honesty is expected in this course. All student work must be original and authentic. Any acts of cheating, copying, and/or plagiarizing are violations of the UCCSN code of conduct and will be taken seriously. Students who cheat, copy another’s work, or plagiarize from the Internet or other sources will fail the course regardless of other course work.

Course Requirements:

  1. Attendance: Attendance is a vital part of the course. You will receive 50 points for every class that you attend. As I fully understand that “life happens” each student will be given one absence during the semester for which they will receive 50 points. All other absences will be scored ‘0’. A 100 point bonus will be given to students who attend every class session.

Note: I have to miss three class periods due to work meeting conflicts. Please take advantage of these days to work on your assignments and reading.

  1. Understanding You Assignment: Each student will be required to write a reflective paper about who they think they are. Using a topic covered in the course as the theme, the student will write a paper about how they perceive themselves in that area. Creativity is encouraged. This paper must betyped. (500 pts) See Course Schedule for Due Date.
  1. Relationship Assignment: Each student will pick a person in their life with whom they would like to improve their relationship. The student will use techniques and ideas presented during this course. A paper with each of the following will be required:
  1. Who was chosen and why?
  2. What techniques were used?
  3. The effectiveness of those techniques.
  4. The results of this experiment.
  5. Personal feelings about the experiment.

This paper must be typed. Each area indicated above must be covered, and will be worth 100 points. (500 points) See Course Schedule for Due Date.


a.Only you change your behavior.

b.Do not tell the person what you are doing, or any part of this assignment.

  1. ‘The Magnificent Obsession’ Assignment: Do a service for someone. Be sure that person does not know that you were the provider of the service. Be creative. Write a brief summary of the service you chose and how you pulled the anonymity piece off. Do not tell me who you helped. (500 pts) See Course Schedule for Due Date.
  1. Final: A final will be given that will be worth 500 points. The content from the book as well as lecture will be covered in the examination. The final is cumulative and will be take home. The final is due via e-mail. You have until 11:59 PM on the indicated date to have your final in my in-box.

**All assignments are due on the date specified on the Course Schedule. Please hand in assignments on the day indicated.

**You may submit assignments electronically by e-mailing them to me at .

Assigned Point Value:

AssignmentsPossible Points % of Grade


Understanding You50018.5%

Relationship Assignment50018.5%

Magnificent Obsession Assign.50018.5%


Total Points2700

Scoring Criteria:

Points / Grade / Points / Grade
93.4% - 100% / A / 73.4% - 76.6% / C
90% - 93.3% / A- / 70% - 73.3% / C-
86.7% - 89.9% / B+ / 66.7% - 69.9% / D+
83.4% - 86.6% / B / 63.4% - 66.6% / D
80% - 83.3% / B- / 60% - 63.3% / D-

Course Schedule

DATE / Topic / Reading:
9/3 / Welcome, Review Syllabus, Course Introduction / Ch. 1
9/10 / Positive Behavioral Supports
9/17 / Self-Awareness; The Power of Positive Parenting / Ch. 2
9/24 / Self-Control / Ch. 3
10/1 / Positive Behavioral Supports
10/8 / Emotions; Communication, FISH / Ch.4 & 5
10/15 / Relationships, Managing Resistance… Understanding You Assignment Due / Ch. 6
10/22 / Conflict & Anger Management / Ch. 7
10/29 / Stress & Wellness; Spirituality / Ch. 8
11/5 / Education and Learning Styles; Self-Reliance
11/12 / Research on relational issues / Ch. 9
11/19 / Meaning and Values; Where do I want to go?Relationship Assignment Due / Ch. 10
11/26 / No Class – Thanksgiving Day
12/3 / Organizational Skills and Goal Setting…MO Assignment Due
12/10 / Wrapping it all up!...… Final Handed Out
12/17 / Final Due by 11:59 PM via E-Mail

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