Charity Registration Number: 515733

Minutes of committee meeting held on 7th January 2016 at 2.00 at 6 Park Avenue, Hexham

Present: / Alistair Sinclair, Kevin Stephens,Sue Loader, Harry Shipley, Stephen Grime, Trisha Wall, Elizabeth Porter, Miranda Barker, Wendy Dale.


Number / Activity / Action/Person
Apologies for absence
Shirley Guppy
Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes were subject to 3 corrections and then confirmed as accurate.
a)SL wasn’t present
b)John Sandiford was present as a guest.
c)The explanation of why the Newsletter was to be on the agenda was missing. It was to be an open discussion on size, frequency and circulation.
Matters Arising
a)There is to be a workshop in February on the use of androids and tablets lead by Mary Oswell.
b)The Marketing subgroup are meeting later in the month.
c)SL had approached the region about the arrangement with Age Uk over the Gentle Exercise Group. The region had sent a written response which was read to the meeting. Following a wide ranging discussion which included the Singing for pleasure group which is without a conductor it was agreed to continue with the current arrangements. / KS to include in next newsletter
SL to ask Age UK for details of their insurance cover.
After a full discussion the following was agreed:
a)There is to be no change of style
b)There is to be no arrangement for mailing out the newsletter
c)Copies will continue to be brought to the monthly meeting.
d)SL to contact the convenors again to raise the newsletter with members to find out if they are getting access to it. / SL to contact convenors.
Communicating with members
The meeting returned to a paper prepared by EP which had been circulated in advance of the meeting.
a)Membership list. It was agreed that AS in his role as Treasurer would be the AN other referred to in the national guidance.
b)Group Convenors contacting members. Group convenors are aware of the issues and know to contact the membership secretary if there is an issue.
c)The Contacts List. EP is a contact and AS identified as the second. EP to contact the region and ensure they are aware of the contacts and also find out who has extras status / HS to provide AS with the membership information
EP to contact region.
AS and EP to attend next regional meeting.
The March meeting is the AGM and the information that has to go out in advance of the meeting was identified. Notice of the AGM and the nomination form and information has to go out and it was agreed that this information would be in the February newsletter and posted on the noticeboard in Trinity.
It was also agreed that the 2015 AGM minutes will be included in the Newsletter. If the Treasurers report is available in time this will also be included.
The Chairs report will be included in the April newsletter. HS advised that the Chairs report could include all that is required by the Charities commission to avoid doing the work twice.
There are 4 posts requiring nominations
b)Membership secretary
c)Events manager
d)IT manager
There was discussion on the format of the meeting and it was agreed that the AGM would be accompanied by a social afternoon with tea and cakes. SL and WD will organise with support from other committee members. / EP to provide the minutes, notice and nomination form for KS to include in newsletter.
SL and WD to organise social afternoon.
Using a Sitebuilder website
EP and MB had prepared a paper which had been circulated in advance.The proposal to move ahead with sitebuilder was agreed. The first stage of implementation will not include page editors. A sub-group will take responsibility for implementation and David and Gil will be invited to join. EP and KS are the committee members on the sub-group. / PW to invite David and Gil to join sub-group.
JS is auditing the accounts. The present position is as predicted the deficit is £1500. £2000 has been taken from savings and there is £5,700 remaining.
AS has followed HS advice on gift aid and no longer has the concerns raised at the last meeting. He has however exoerienced some difficulty making the claim. He hopes to submit a claim for £800+
The decision on new membership fees will be decided at the February meeting.
The charges for the use of the big room at Trinity for the period between April and August will also be agreed.
SL had nothing to report. There was discussion about the possibility of a change of venue for the monthly meetings.
Nothing was decided but the Mart was suggested. / Agenda item: membership fees
Any Other Business
  1. SL informed the meeting that there would be a meeting of chairs and group secretaries from Prudhoe and Hexham to consider joint work.
  2. SL obtained permission from the committee to do a survey of the 20 new members that joined during the year.

10. / Date of next meeting
2.00 pm February 11th 2016 at the same venue 6 Park Avenue Hexham.
Signed…...... Dated………………………………….