TO:All Respondents
FROM:New Gloucester Water District
385 Intervale Road
New Gloucester, Maine 04260
Engineering Services for Pump Station and Distribution System Final Design
New Gloucester, Maine
DATE:November 30, 2012
This Addendum forms a part of Request for Qualifications and modifies the original RFP Document, dated November 20, 2012, as noted below. Prospective respondents should acknowledge receipt of this Addendum prominently in their submission package.
- Question: Can you provide a breakout of approximate funding for the project? The funding breakout is as follows:
- Maine Department of Environmental Protection: $400,000
- Cumberland County CDBG: $235,000
- Rural Development Loan: $800,000
- Rural Development Grant: $675,000
- Town of New Gloucester: balance and debt service cost
- Question: What is the project schedule? The project schedule is anticipated to provide for construction of the majority of the infrastructure during the 2013 construction season with service connections being finalized in the 2014 construction season.
- Question: What is the status of the well? A six inch diameter test well has been installed and long term pump tested and provided 50 to 60 gpm for 6 to 7 days. The results are located in the Drumlin Environmental report located on the New Gloucester website at under the Water District tab. The District has received preliminary approval from the Department of Health and Human Services for the well source.
- Question: Will additional hydrology be required as part of the RFP scope of work? No. The District will obtain these services separately.
- Question: Has the well water been tested for radium? Yes.
- Question: Will the scope of services include obtaining local planning board approval for the pump station? Yes. Paul First will work with the selected consultant to navigate the planning process for the pump station site. It is anticipated that attendance at one (1) planning board meeting by the consultant will be required.
- Question: Has the standpipe alternative been abandoned? Yes. The District will pursue a larger clear well with standby fire pump option to provide fire protection.
- Question: Who will be responsible for obtaining easements? The District will provide any required easements.
- Question: Regarding the survey and coordination to obtain information regarding in house plumbing and connection information; who will provide notice to the public? The District will provide one time notification, but the selected surveyor will provide the coordination to obtain the required survey information.
- Question: Who is performing the geotechnical work? Summit Environmental is performing ledge probes at discrete locations and will provide the geotechnical report under a separate contract. Should additional ledge borings be required as part of the final design, the District will negotiate with the selected consultant for the additional work. Additionally, once the report from Summit Environmental is received, it will be posted on the web site.
- Question: Will full time inspection be required? Yes. This is a requirement by the lending agencies.
- Question: Will the mobile home park be connected to the new system? Yes, they will be a bulk water customer. We will not be hooking up mobiles individually
- Question: Could you please describe which users will be connected as part of this project?
- Ten connections are required as a result of benzene contamination and will be internally connected to the house plumbing;
- Ten connections are required as a result of salt contamination and will be internally connected to the house plumbing;
- Twenty eight additional connections will be made for properties existing in the service area of the District and the new services will be extended to the foundation but not connected to the internal plumbing. The final connection will be the responsibility of the property owner.
- Question: For bidding of the project, how many separate contracts will be required? The District anticipates that at least three (3) separate contracts will be required; one for the distribution system, one for the pump station/well infrastructure and one for service connections. However, the District reserves the right to negotiate the final number of bidding contracts with the selected consultant.
- Question: What is the anticipated construction time frame that should be used to determine construction observation costs? The District anticipates that the construction duration for the project will likely be twelve (12) months. However, the District reserves the right to negotiate final terms and duration for the construction observation with the selected consultant.
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Z:\New Gloucester Water District\Final Engineering RFP\Addendum 1.docNovember 30, 2012