Minutes of Apollo Amigos meeting held December 7, 2016 at Bakersfield RV Resort.
Meeting was called to order at 10:40 AM by President Jan Watson. Officers in attendance were Jan Watson, President, Manni Ramondo, Vice President and Paulette Alternate Treasurer and Secretary.
Jan began the meeting with a salute to the flag and the invocation, with special emphasis for the sacrifice made by our Veterans December 7, 1041 at Pearl Harbor. This was followed by a thank you to the Golden State Tracker (GST) members, in attendance at our rally,and who were guests to this meeting as our two clubs plan to pursue future combined rally events.
A brief update was given by Jan regarding a change to the attendees for the upcoming Balloon Rally scheduled January 12-16, 2017. Janbrought up the idea that we might have an interest in attending the FMCA Chandler, Arizona rally in March asking if there would be any desire to attend. A form to sign up for the Chandler rally was passed out by Paulette resulting in just one “yes” vote. Jan then announced that the Sonora rally scheduled for May 26-30 would be held again at the Fairgrounds as most attendees seemed to prefer full hookups and a large clubhouse over the Flickerhollow cow pasture. Jan mentioned that those who would like to visit the many sites in and around the Sonora Fairgrounds come in a day or so earlier to avoid the Labor Day holiday crowd.
A discussion followed regarding creating rally information links between the web sites of the Golden State Trackers and the Apollo a to promote merger of our rally events. It was agreed that that would be a good idea. Paulette asked if anyone had contact information to the person who did the GST web site and Tom Williams provided a phone number for Marty Robertson, their web designer.
Jan called for a show of hands for those who use the Amigos web site, as the cost may be going up and if it not being utilized we could return to snail mail. Frank Wenzel suggested we precede Amigos announcements with an email blast that would have a link to the web site that would provide the information. A short discussion followed and resulted inretaining the web site, but if web costs escalate, check other web developer sites such as the one used by the GST’s. Minutes and newsletters would still be forwarded to those who desired a hard copy.
Ken Bell made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Debbie Golk seconded.