NAME:______________________________________ DATE:____________



Directions: Use the names of the land biomes we have studied to correctly identify each description. Tropical Rainforest, Deciduous Forest, Taiga, Tundra, Deserts, Tropical Grasslands (Savannah), Temperate Grasslands (Prairies).

1. I am the coldest biome, with temperatures as low a –50 F ______ Tundra ___________

2. I am characterized by four distinct seasons ____ Deciduous Forest ___________________

3. Examples of trees in my biome are pine, fir, and evergreen ______ Tiag a___________

4. I am the hottest biome with temperatures as high as 120F _______ Desert ___________

5. I have organisms such as reindeer, caribou, arctic hares, and polar bears in my biome______Tundra____

6. Organisms in my biome use hibernation to help them survive the winter __ Tundra , Taiga, Deciduous ___

7. Many of my organisms live in the canopy made from trees ______ Tropical Rainforest ___________

8. Plants in my biome have the ability to store large quantities of water ______ Desert ___________

9. Animals in my biome have learned to eat in different areas to avoid competition. Some eat up high on the few trees available, while others eat low to the ground ______ Rainforest ___________

10. Organisms in my biome have thick, dry, scaly, skin to help reduce water loss______ Desert ___________

11. My soil is nutrient poor. Most of the nitrogen and carbon is stored in the wide variety of plants and animals found in my biome ______T ropical Rainforest ___________

12. Trees in my biome have tiny needles with a waxy coat to prevent freezing______ Tiag a___________

13. Many organisms are nocturnal so they can avoid the heat during the day______ Desert ___________

14. I have semi-frozen ground called permafrost all year long ______Tundra___________

15. My biome can accidentally turn into a desert if it is farmed too much ______ Temperate Grasslands___ __

16. My trees lose their leaves in the fall so they can survive in the winter ______ Deciduous Forest _________

17. My average temperature is around 78° F all year long. While I only get about 60 inches of rain per year, most of the rain falls all at once in the summer rainy season. ______ Savannah ___________

18. There are no trees in my biome because there is not enough rainfall and because the soil is permanently frozen (and the roots can’t penetrate into the ground.) ______Tundra___________

19. My biome is found low, on the leeward side (not windward side) of the mountain ____ Temperate Grasslands __

20. Low diversity, lack of water & slow nutrient cycles are what make these two biomes endangered because of their long time to recover after disturbances______Tundra and Desert ___________

21. I have the most fertile soils in the world ______ Temperate Grasslands ___________

22. This is the biome where the most humans live ________ Deciduous Forest ____________________

Who am I? Identify the following aquatic biome s that we have discussed in class: Ocean, Estuary, Coral reef, Coastal beach, Inland wetlands (swamps).

23. I am 90% of the marine area but contain only 10% of its species ______Ocean ___________

24. Freshwater from rivers and saltwater from the ocean mix here ______Estuary ___________

25. My biome can be classified as a marsh, prairie pothole, or bog______Inland Wetlands ___________

26. My freshwater doesn’t move ______Inland Wetlands ___________

27. I am a living animal that is host to several symbiotic relationships. _____Coral Reef ___________

28. No sunlight reaches parts of my biome ______Ocean ___________

29. I act as a natural barrier against battering waves and storms ______Coral Reef ___________

30. Hydrothermal vents are found in the hadal zone of my biome ______Ocean ___________

31. The constant movement of water in my biome stirs up the nutrient rich silt, creating a highly productive habitat ______Estuary ___________

32. I play a major role in regulating the earth’s climate ______Ocean ___________

33. When developers build on the dunes found in this biome they increase the risk of damage from storms ______Coastal beach ___________

34. This biome provides habitat, reduces flooding, improves water quality by filtering pollutants, and helps replenish groundwater supplies ______Inland Wetlands ___________

35. The Florida Everglades are an example of my biome ______Inland Wetlands ___________