1. Present: Cllrs. Pike (Chairman), Aldridge, Duggan, Foster, Gill, Mattick, Morgan, Pickford (8.20), Rideout, Thwaites and Travis. MDCllr John Carter. SCCllr Harvey Siggs. PCSO Freestone.
Apologies: PCSO Housley. MDCllr Rachel Carter.
2. Public Participation (open to anyone, whatever their age): Margaret and Vyvyan Pugh and Peter Tatar talked on the need to keep the skateboard park where it is. That there was a demand and people wanted it to stay as evidenced by the petition they had gathered. Mr Tatar observed that he thought the Chairman was favouring the Recreation Project.The Parish Council decided that the skateboard park should remain where it is and that the organisers should keep it as tidy as possible. Alan Skivington and John Golding spoke on the Station Mead play area saying it was little used by small children but teenagers gathered there leading to harassment. The Parish Council passed a motion saying that the PC would write to Mendip DC saying they intended to decommission the play area, remove the equipment but keep it as a recreational amenity area. Clerk to write.
3. Minutes of the Previous Ordinary Meeting: The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed accordingly.
4. MDCllr John Carter: Reported that MDC was continuing to seek amalgamating services, getting ready for the referendum and preparing for the Glastonbury festival.
5. SCCllr Harvey Siggs: Clerk to send him an agenda for next meeting. Reported on an overspend of £7 million mainly through children’s services. Reported that there are no children’s homes in Somerset now. Reported that the feasibility study on the second crossing had been done. Said that he would investigate the possibility of making it a pelican crossing. Said that he had expected more would have been done on the Lynch Hill path, said he would chase it up. Said he had reported the lack of paint on the zebra crossing.
6. Ongoing & Matters Arising:
a) Affordable housing in Parsonage Lane: Now going through.
b) Traffic Safety at Lynch Hill: Cllr Duggan had reported on the meeting with Somerset CC engineers. At the meeting it was intimated that a footpath project going SW out of the village was feasible at a cost of £120,000 but it was now down to the SCC Health & Safety. Jason Hill had said the scheme was progressing. Cllr Duggan had reported that he had spoken to Mr Hill again, who said that there should be an answer by the end of June.
c) Police Report: In a written report: 3/5 Road rage incident (car vs pedal cycles). 11/5 Suspicious male waving at cars on main road, no trace on police arrival. 14/5 Tractor fire at Emborough (arson). 18/5 Burglary on Stockhill Road. 21/5 Cow on road at Emborough then later at Stockhill Road. PCSO Nikki Housley will be at her beat surgery on 15/6 between 3.30 and 4.30 at Stratton-on-the-Fosse.
d) Footpaths: Cllr Pickford had spoken on the need to get volunteers for the local adopt-a-path scheme.
e) Station Mead Play Area: See 2 above.
f) Green areas: Re the green areas at Carters Way, Pines Close and Station Mead, the clerk had reported that it may be possible to transfer them from MDC to the PC but that there would be expenses involved. Clerk had investigated making them into Community Assets as a possible alternative strategy. Clerk reported that he had spoken to Ian Munday who had told him that the matter is now in the hands of his legal advisers.
g) Wells Road sign: Awaiting response from enforcement officer.
h) Taylor Wimpey: Re 106 play area. The procedure for acquiring the funds has been outlined by MDC and a copy of the 106 has been sent.
i) Complaints procedure: SALC have said that the policy as drawn up is not appropriate. Cllr Aldridge said that he had asked SALC to contact the clerk about complaints that relate to paid employees.
j) Flags: Cllr Pike reported that Shaun Maundrill had put up the England flag for the Euros.
k) Co-option: The clerk had reported that David Richardson-Aitken was interested but not at this moment in time because of work commitments. Other interest has been sought through the newsletter.
l) Parsonage Lane: Clerk reported that Highways had said no to a pinch point.
m) Coop: Re delay over the yellow lines, Cllr Travis said that meanwhile there could be an accident and Highways would be to blame. Clerk to inquire again how often are Traffic Regulation Orders drafted.
n) Bennel bus sign: Clerk said he had reported it. Cllr Pike said nothing has been done. Clerk to chase again.
o) Somer Lea: The clerk reported that the refuse teams have been told not to go up onto the grass. Repair of the existing damaged grass verge is uncertain.
p) Sign outside Belvedere: The clerk reported that, as requested, he had written to Highways asking why they had put up a sign directing traffic to Midsomer Norton through the narrow part of the village but they had not replied. Cllr Duggan said that it is not a new sign but has merely been revealed through the removal of foliage. Clerk to write again to Highways about the sign.
7. Committee reports: The Old Rec – The PC voted to go ahead with the purchase of the sports wall, the swing and the small children’s equipment at a cost of £14,702.50, the vote was unanimous except for one abstention. The £1,500 that had been raised was considered to be suitably significant. More funding was being sought but the sub-com kept coming up against the wall that there were too much reserves. The aim is to get the equipment in situ by the summer break. The adult exercise equipment would be purchased with the 106 money. The sub-com were thanked for their efforts. Website – Cllr Gill has been investigating cost of parish council email addresses. He reported that he had found a means of doing it for free. Cllr Gill to proceed having contacted Alex Arnold.
8. Litter pickers: Clerk to put it on the July agenda.
9. Skateboard Park: See 2 above.
10. Speed issues: The PC agreed that a Speed Reduction sub-committee should be formed in order to develop a holistic traffic policy. Cllrs Thwaites, Gill, Duggan, Mattick and Morgan volunteered to join it.
11. 215 section on Glebe land: The PC decided that since MDCllr John Carter had shown an interest they should ask him to pursue it. Clerk to write to him.
12. Zebra crossing: SCCllr Siggs had reported that it needed painting. Clerk to put pelican crossing on the next agenda.
13. Council tax grant: Clerk had reported that it was being cut. The PC decided they would bear it in mind when next drawing up the precept.
14. Planning Applications: (a) 2016/1200 Work on TPO tree. 2 Carters Way. Recommend approval.
Subcommittee: (a) 2016/1092 Change of use of agricultural land. Old Down Farm. Recommend approval.
15. Planning Decisions: (a) 2016/0904 Work to TPO tree. 4 Carters Way. Approved with conditions. (b) 2016/0822 Single storey extension. Broadlands, 2 Broaday Close. Approved with conditions. (c) 2016/0853 Extension to first floor. 2 Stockhill Road. Approved with conditions.
16. Accounts:
17. 980 – Somerset Playing Fields Assoc - membership - 15.00
981 – M. Rigby - reimbursements - 44.83
18. 982 – M. Rigby - Clerk’s salary - 271.97
19. 983 – Post Office (HMRC) - Clerk’s tax - 68.00
20. 984 – Primrose - grasscutting - 400.00
21. 985 – M. Rigby - yola renewal - 18.07
22. 986 – P. Emery - fingerpost - 280.00
17. Correspondence: Cllr Thwaites said that it had been he who had oiled the bench dedicated to his late wife. He said that he had apologised to the woman who had sat on it. The PC decided they would pay the full £124 maintenance costs for the defib. Clerk to write to the Playgroup asking what they want the grants for and to give some background as to how they operate. Re Abbey Road, the PC thanked the group for the information and gave their support. Clerk to reply suggesting they contact their Disctrict Councillor. The PC asked the clerk to reply to David Richardson-Aitken, thanking him for his work on the Remembrance Service and yes please could he continue. Re allotments, the PC discussed the idea of a kind of land share scheme. Clerk to put an article in the newsletter.
18. Any Other Business: Cllr Pickford reported (through an email) that there were plants edging the Pitchings and narrowing the path. Also overhanging branches along the Pitchings, by the last but one gate. Cllr Pickford reported flooding on 27/5 in Stockhill Road, at the village hall and at Greenditch corner. Clerk to write to Janet Ford re parking for the old rec. Cllr Foster said that Somerset Choices were looking for information about village groups. Cllr Foster reported that the gulley on Fry’s Well needed clearing out. Clerk to contact Highways. Cllr Travis reported that weeds were coming though by the war memorial. Cllr Mattick said he would spray. Cllr Rideout reported that weeds were coming through in the Catholic Church car park. Clerk to write to Downside.
19. Date of next meeting: This was fixed for Wednesday 13th July 2016. Planning Meeting on Wednesday 22nd June 2016.
20. Close: The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.44pm.
Signed...... Date...... Witnessed......