Cell Manual for the week of April 24, 2016
(Based on Sermon by Reverend David Edosa)
Scripture Text: Isaiah 43:19
When you are going through situations - your desert, joy is usually the last thing on your mind, but remember that the Lord has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you, He will be there with you and with His mercies and grace, you are about to experience the victory while in your desert. We serve a God that never forgets us and always has us in mind.
Points of Discussion
What are the differences between how the world sees the desert compared to how God sees the desert?
Ø In the desert there is no road, but according to God, He will make a way in the desert – read Isaiah 43:19
Ø The desert is a place where there is dryness, but God is ready to bring a river into the desert – read Isaiah 43:19
Ø The desert is not a place of joy, but according to the word of God, we shall be joyful while in the desert - read Isaiah 55:12
Ø The world sees the desert as a place of slavery, but God said our victory begins even while we were still in the desert.
Things you need to know…..
Ø God specializes in dealing with problems and will not run away.
Ø In your wilderness while in the midst of your storm, God is always there with you.
Ø God knows how to restore promises, hopes and dreams.
Ø God knows how to make highways and byways, but this time, He is ready to make a runway for us to soar.
Ø What’s supposed to be your desert is about to become your city.
Ø You are your problem's problem and you are about to have a testimony against your problem.
God is with you in the midst of your storm. God will restore whatever the enemy has taken away from you. He will restore your dreams, hopes and promises. Rejoice in the Lord for He is good and His mercies endure forever. Every situation (desert) you walked through, you will own it and when you come out of the desert you will become stronger than before. You will have a testimony because your problem will not see the end of you, but you have seen the end of your problem which has given you a victory, that is why the trees of the field will clap their hands for your victory – Isaiah 55:12