Minutes of AGM September 2012


Minutes of the AGM

Wednesday 19thSeptember 2012


Carl thanked everyone for attending.


Noted as Carl Baker ( CB) ( Chairman), Andrea Cracknell (AC) ( Treasurer), Kelly Taylor (KT) ( Events Co-ordinator), Denise Elkington (DE) ( Secretary), Richard Catchpole (RC), Helen Mortimer (HM), Louise Cocks (LC) – late arrival, Charlotte Davey (CD), Karen Riglar (KR), Jill Snelling (JS), Becky King (BK) and Kerrie Ellis (KE).


Apologies were received from Nicky Baker, Hannah Epps, Elaine Andrews ( Newsletter Editor) and Jackie Coffey. It was noted that Lucie Harris wished to be removed as a committee member but will continue to help organise events, where possible. Also noted, Lucy Powell is no longer on the committee as her children have now left the school.


The committee agreed that the minutes of the meeting dated 9thMay 2012 to be a true and accurate record. A copy is placed on the school reception noticeboard. A copy is to be posted to the school website.


a) Blank Cards –Remaining stock to be sold at Village Autumn Fair ( 6thOct) , future cake sales and School Xmas Fair.

b) Newsletter –May 2012 version issued. Elaine Andrews to produce future Newsletters, next due late Sept / Early Oct. To be posted to School Website.

c) Inkjet Cartridge recycling –DE noted that FORS continues to receive monies from recycled cartridges ( School and Village Hall) and committee agreed it needs to continue to be advertised in the Newsletter.

d) Gardening Club –CD advised that the trellis work needed finalising. CD also updated that the gardening club took part in Farnham in Bloom and gained bronze in the 'secret garden' category and were awarded a certificate and a £20 voucher. KR advised that due to increased work hours she needs to step down as Gardening Club organiser. It was noted that the club is a great success and a successor must be found. A note is due to go out, whole school, shortly.

e) Visiting Artists –KE advised that Ms Oliver is currently agreeing a visit date session. KE also stated that RC and Sue Riley are in discussions regarding her involvement and budget required for a stainglass window commission to commemorate the school’s 140thanniversary.

f) Weather Station –HM updated the results of her web search and noted that some systems had annual subscriptions of approx. £250. RC agreed to talk to Mrs Feibusch regarding how she would see the school using such a system.

g) Photographer –KE noted that the session made £105 for FORS. It was successful with parents asking for a further session. KE to approach the photographer to establish his availability to attend at the School Xmas Fair ( Sat 1stDec). It should be advertised in both the Newsletter and FORS Advert Board.

h) Digital Record Player Recorder –CB stated the manual is now available and the advert to be placed in the FORS Advert Board at £15 per week.

i) Portable Sound System –RC was pleased to confirm that a parent has offered for the school to use theirs and this matter is now closed.

j) Professional Pond Clearance -CD confirmed that good progress has been made in clearing the area with a further session required from volunteer parents before emptying the pond in October. Consideration to be given to selling the excess pond plants. Mrs Feibusch to set a further date.

k) Purchase of pop-up marquees –CB updated that one of the 3x3 pop-up’s has broken and he will look to replace with a better quality brand.


“Firstly welcome to all the new class reps and members as we strive to continue the momentum moving forward in raising awareness of FORS and the school.

As always my biggest thanks go to my fellow committee members and the usual helpers for last year, as none of what we do would happen without your valuable input, time and support.I also thank Richard and to his staff for always willing to throw themselves into FORS and contributing to the cause.

I really do believe from previous meetings and from our accounts we are moving in the right direction, and the introductions of class reps was a big step forward. I still think there is plenty more to do to get new blood into FORS and not rely on the same old people especially as we enter this transitions stage with key people moving on.

All our usual big fund raisers were up on last year so I thank you for the generous donations and the constant changes to freshen them up, especially in the difficult economy we find ourselves back in.

It was also good to see so many new ideas put forward and actually take place, like Pamper evening, fashion show & table top. We must continue to do this but remember not to sell hard that we have the opposite effect on parents.

I think we need to look at FB and other social networks to keep our presence up and to communicate what we do, so please think and comment on this, I know as a PTA we are behind others so this aproject for this year.

It also makes me feel proud that the hard work we put in, can be seen around the school from essential items like Wireless network or from the new playground markings and the Maths workshops that the kids love to use.

Finally I would like to thank you all again, you make it a pleasure to be chair of FORS”.


CB agreed to continue his role as Chairman, KT agreed to continue her role as Events Co-ordinator for a final year, AC agreed to continue her role as Treasurer and DE agreed to continue her role as Secretary for a final year. It was noted that Jill Snelling (JS) is to take over the Secretarial role and Rebecca Watson the Treasurer role.

CB noted that Job Description wording needs to be produced for Event co-ordinator role.

Treasurers Report

AC discussed the 2012 accounts ( copy attached). Income was up some £4,550 on the previous year at £18,224 due to factors such as several new fundraising events in 2012, more successful tent hire ( up £790) and more profit from Quiz night ( up £505), Christmas Fair ( up £451) and Summer Fair ( up £393).Expenditure was up some £5,393. This was due to a number of purchases made in the year, the largest being £5,000 for the Photovoltaic panels, £6,250 for the Wireless upgrade and £1,260 for the Maths Workshop and Mathletics.

AC told the meeting that as at 31stAugust 2012 the bank account stood at £23,698 but that £11,564 is earmarked for the completed extensionwork. The Committee formally approved the accounts.

Head Teacher’s Report

RC expressed his huge thanks for all that the FORS committee does. RC wished to draw attention to a HCC change in the way a school’s criteria is assessed to decide how the funding gets allocated. It is anticipated that from April 2013 a potential 1% cut could mean a drop in funding of some £8,000. It was noted that this is 50% of the total FORS income for 2012. RC also wished those to note that this is a further decline on the previous year’s funding.

It was stressed how very important FORS fundraising is for the school.


a) Wine Tasting –Set for Sat 13thOct. HM still to speak to Wine Rack and possibly Waitrose. Local Vineyards were suggested, too.

b) Clothing for Charity –KT updated that a suitable company would pay £500 per tonne of clothes, shoes, curtains, soft toys, soft furnishings. All items to go to wholesalers in Eastern Europe and Africa. FORS to start receiving donations from first week in October and to store, bagged, under a marquee in school. A note is to be placed in the Newsletter. ( Post meeting KT allocated “bag2school” to make their first collection on Wed 21stNov).

c) Children’s Movie Night –Set as Friday 16thNovember at £3 with a drink. Same format selling popcorn, sweets and drinks. Movie to be decided. Note to go in Newsletter.

d) Fireworks Night –Friday 2ndNovember. A separate planning meeting to be arranged. Helpers will be requested through the class reps.

e) School Xmas Fair– Set as Saturday 1stDecember, 11:30am to 2pm. Father Christmas to be booked and KE to request photographer to attend. A separate planning meeting to be set-up. Helpers to be requested through class reps.


a) Vegetable boxes –In HE’s absence it was noted that due to the issue of carrying heavy boxes this was not an option for the school and the matter is now closed.

b) Monitor -RC confirmed that the advert is going up on the FORS noticeboard.

c) Ball –HE and Clare Kefford to arrange a workgroup to research the validity of hosting a Ball. The amount of profit to be made to be assessed.


a) Pond Gazebo –RC updated that he and Mrs Feibusch are still assessing what the school needs and this matter is on-going.

b) Mathletics –RC advised that the next subscription is not due until the summer term and this matter is to be raised at that time.

c) David Lloyd –RC stated that Lloydy’s appointment has been at no further cost to FORS. This matter is now closed.

d) Tuscasi internet payment system –RC confirmed that this is to be fully funded by the state and the matter is now closed.

e) Sound system –RC stated that the costs for the Hall system are still to be obtained.

f) Maypole lessons –HM suggested a potential date of Thursday 18thApril 2013 for the maypole teacher to see the pupils in the afternoon, the teachers after then the Brownies. Likely total cost is £300 of which FORS to fund £150. The committee agreed this expenditure and HM to set-up with Brownies.

g) IT –RC stated that he is still awaiting costs involved and this is an on-going matter.


CB updated that FORS have had, in 2012, 11 paid hires, 3 school events and 2 cricket club events. It has been a very busy time and CB is hopeful that he may have 2 helpers for the future. There are already 2 paid hires for 2013. The committee approved a revised hire charge of £120, for future enquiries.

Hire details to be included in the Newsletter.


a) Workshops for 2012/2013

RC advised that he has arranged a Victorian Double Day workshop at £350 for this term, a music performance workshop for Autumn , dance workshop in spring and theatre group for summer term. The approx. total cost of £1,200, to fund all, was approved by the committee. Details to be in Newsletter.

b) School Website

CB raised, on behalf of FORS, that we wish to be more visual on the school website. It was noted that there is also some updating to do. RC requested details of the changes needed and he would forward on to the school’s website managers.

c) FORS Welcome Pack

CB confirmed that this has now been updated. It needs the children’s personal comments to be obtained and included, KR and DE agreed to organise this through the Young Governors. The Pack will need to be signed off by RC and held at the office with a copy to go in the School Prospectus details in reception.

d) Farnham Bike Charity Ride

CB confirmed that this took place but FORS are yet to receive the commission cheque.

e) Cake Sale

This was set as Thursday 18thOctober with donations to be requested from years 1,2 and 3. Sale to include Blank Cards and Second Hand Uniform. Details to go in Newsletter.

f) FORS Signatories

AC stated that the signatories need to be updated and Beth Tuppen, Sally Vivien and Aase Waterman are to be removed with Denise Elkington, Louise Cocks and Jill Snelling to be added with Andrea Cracknell remaining.

g) Class Reps e-mail

KT agreed to draft an e-mail for each class to issue out to their year in order to request people to come forward as a class rep and also support at future events, etc.


This was set for Wednesday 16thJanuary 2013 at 8pm.