1st Six Weeks Syllabus
English Language and Composition
Ms. Diaz and Ms.Sample
6 Weeks Objectives:
1. gain an understanding of tone, diction, and syntax
2. understand how tone is affected by diction and syntax
3. learn and utilize reading strategies
4. demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of rhetorical analysis and identify individualstrengths and weaknesses
5. learn meanings and usage of 20 AP level vocabulary words
6. assess and address individual college level grammar proficiency
M 8/22Class expectations/distribute syllabus
In Cold Blood assignment, sections I and II (pp. 3 - 155) due by 9/10
Tone Words-discuss define a few for students
Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary- quiz on 9/16
T 8/23Continue class expectations and discuss syllabus.
W/Th 8/24 – 8/25Visual Text “Food Fight” from The Language of Composition (LOC) pp. 675-677 (Identify the key argument, tone, and visual pathos)
Close reading from Never Let Me Go(bring your copy)
Reading and annotation strategies
Rhetorical terms handout – discuss
Timed writing rubric (Construction of an Argument) - discuss
F 8/26Reading check over Never Let Me Go
HW: Prepare for class discussion by writing three questions.
Discussion questions should be text bound—including quotes and page numbers; they can not be answered with a “yes” or “no” and they should be questions you care about!
M 8/29Discuss Never Let Me Go
T 8/30Introduce Argument Prompt. (Powerpoint presentation, then show an example from College Board with range finders or “student examples”)
HW: Chapter 1 of LOC “An Introduction to Rhetoric” pp. 1-13
W/Th 8/31 – 9/1Pop Quiz over “Introduction to Rhetoric”
Discuss Chapter 1 of LOC “An Introduction to Rhetoric” pp. 1-13
F 9/2Diagnostic Grammar Proficiency Test
HW: TBA Argumentative essay from LOC #1
M 9/5Holiday
T 9/6Discussion of TBA argumentative Essay #1 and it’s connections to Never Let Me Go/the rhetorical triangle as discussed in “An Introduction to Rhetoric”.
W/Th 9/7 – 9/8DBA Timed Writing Argumentative Essay
Discuss Grammar Diagnostic – identify individual strengths and weaknesses
List of web sites for practice, tutoring opportunities
Opportunity DBA Argumentative Essay on 9/14-9/15
F 9/9In Cold Blood 1st reading check
ICB discussion
*2nd reading check on Sections III and IV (The rest of the book) 9/23
HW – Dick Gregory's "Shame" (You will receive a copy in class.) and
Gary Soto’s “Fear" (You will receive a copy in class.)
M 9/12Ms. Sample returns! Yeah!
Compare and contrast tone development in "Shame" and "Fear"
T 9/13Complete discussion of "Shame" and "Fear"
HW: Ian Frazier's "Crazy Horse" and Maya Angelou’s “Living Well. Living Good” (You will receive a copy of each in class.)
W/Th 9/14 – 9/15Reading check LOC Argumentative Essay #1,“Shame”, “Fear”, “Crazy Horse", and “Living Well”
F 9/16Close Reading of first three pages of ICB(You will learn annotation strategies. Make sure you bring your book!)
HW: Abraham Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address” (You will receive a copy in class.)
M 9/19Discuss Lincoln’s "Second Inaugural Address”
T 9/20Finish discussing Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address”
Review rhetorical terms handout
Review Timed writing rubric (Construction of an Argument)
W/Th 9/21–9/22Argument Timed Writing #2
Bring your copy of ICB
F 9/23ICB 2nd reading check
HW: Prepare for class discussion by writing three questions.
M 9/26ICB discussion
T 9/27Review for Tone and Diction test (Includes everything, even imbedded tone words)
W/Th 9/28 – 9/29Tone and Diction test
F 9/30The Awakeningassignment--Start reading!
Go over Timed Writing #2 with student range finders.
Bring your novel and all other materials every class period. You are responsible for keeping up with all work by referencing your syllabus. Test and quiz dates will not be extended due to absences on review days. If you will be off campus for a school-related event on a quiz or test day, you must make up your work on the first day you return to campus.
Graded Assignments:
*Note: summative grades compose 70% of your grade and formative grades compose 30% of your grade.
Tone and Diction test (includes all works)summative
Timed Writing #1summative
Timed Writing #2summative
2 ICB reading checkssummative(2)
Never Let Me Go reading check formative
“I Know Why the Caged Bird Doesn’t Sing” quizformative
Short piece reading checkformative
Pop Quizformative
See AP Language and Composition web site for information about late work and make-up work, and a great deal of other useful information. Check your syllabus daily. You are responsible for everything on it.