3633 West 5275 South
Roy, UT 84067
I am an effective learner, teachable, quickly learn new skills and implement them into work practices. I demonstrate a strong work ethic with a positive attitude. I work will with others and operate well in high stress environments. I have strong analytical skills, capable of assessing conditions and implementing appropriate interventions. I work hard to accomplishing all tasks. I have excellent written and oral communication skills.
Utah Army National Guard - Linguist – Feb 1998 to March 2015
Pashto Voice Language Analyst – Pashto Linguist as a Military Assignee to the National Security Agency in support of counter-drug operations in Afghanistan.
Effectively perform operations by means of virtual teaming with members located at two different sites via Agency networks and applications.
Translated Pashto language material into English contributing to the SIGINT reports to high level customer
Chinese Linguist - Translated open source documents from Chinese into English for the Reach Language Support Program (RLSP) during monthly drills.
Studied Pashto and Arabic through military language schools. Proficient in reading and listening to Pashto. Moderately proficient in Arabic.
Deployed overseas in support of military operations. 2003-2004 supported Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq. 2008-2009 supported Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.
While deployed to Afghanistan (Mar 2008 – Feb 2009), served as a Language Manager/Pashto Linguist conducting SIGINT operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
While deployed to Iraq (April 2003 – Feb 2004), worked in document exploitation. Assisted in document scanning and warehouse operations.
Promoted to Master Sergeant (E-8).
Convergeys – Customer Service Representative – Aug 2001 to Jan 2003
Provided timely and accurate account information to SprintPCS customers. Assisted in receiving payments, collecting debts, account activation, and mobile phone plan upgrades.
Familiar with mobile phone services and computer programs used to access customer accounts.
Miller Brothers Express – Security Guard – Sept 1999 to July 2001
Guarded company property during night-time hours. Conducted security rounds of property.
Institution:Degree Received
Utah State University, Logan UTB.A. in Asian Studies
Minor in Chinese
American Allied UniversityCert. in Business Management
Platoon Sergeant in Utah National Guard for 7 years. Responsible for the training and accountability of up to 25 soldiers. Familiar with various leadership styles and using them to encourage others in accomplishing goals.
Mandarin ChineseDLPT V: 2+ listening/2+ reading (2014)
Minor in college/2 years’ living in country (Taiwan)/multiple visits to Taiwan/17 years National Guard as a Chinese linguist
PashtoDLPT V: 2+ listening/3 reading (2014)
ArabicDLPT V: 1+ listening/2+ reading (2011)
Familiar with Microsoft Office – Word and Excel
Type 50+ wpm
Time Management
Understand and implement well the concepts of time management
Excellent Driving Record and Credit Score
James D. Helco, Operations Office in Charge, JLTC (2011-2015)
Ogden, UT. 84040
Nate Loftus, Coworker (2011 – 2015)
Clearfield, UT. 84015
Mark Streeter, Coworker (2011 – 2015)
Bountiful, UT. 84010
Daniel Ricks, Personal Friend (2000 - 2015)
Logan, UT. 84321