Present: Cllrs Mrs D Wain (Chairman), S Carter, J Didcock, P Bates, S Cannon, G Coster, D Edwards and the Clerk.

12/29  To elect Chairman and obtain signature of Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Dorothy Wain was nominated as Chairman and was willing to continue in office. There being no other nominations, Mrs Wain was duly re-elected as Chairman. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.

12/30  To elect Vice Chairman

Simon Cannon was nominated as Vice Chairman and was willing to continue in office. There being no other nominations, Mr Cannon was duly re-elected as Vice Chairman.

12/31  To approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10 April 2012 as the Minutes. RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th April 2012 (as circulated) as the Minutes. These were signed by the Chairman.

12/32  To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000

No declarations of interest were received.

12/33  To appoint Internal Auditor for year 2012/13

Barbara Bussey has indicated her willingness to continue as Internal Auditor. It was RESOLVED that she should be appointed Internal Auditor for the year 2012/13.

12/34  To receive Reports from Outside Bodies

There were no reports from outside bodies.

12/35  To receive Clerk’s Report

a)  Dyke - Anglian Water have confirmed that a visit was made to the dyke opposite the surgery and that it is almost impossible to ascertain where the problem is. At the time the water was white and frothy; they are certain it is not a sewage problem, more likely to be a wrongly connected dishwasher or washing machine. Some broken bricks were removed from the pipe exit into the dyke and this may help with flow of water. They have the dyke on a 12 month flushing cycle and will increase this to 6 months if necessary. Councillors were not happy with the on-going situation. One councillor said that several residents on High Street had had problems with blocked drains and thought the sewage pipe might only be 4”-6” diameter. It was suggested that the next Newsletter should ask residents to notify the Clerk if they were experiencing problems, so that a clear picture can be obtained.

b)  Request for Additional Waymarker on Footpath 59 (Gypsy Lane) – Nigel Chester at Highways is unwilling to add another waymarker; he has suggested moving the existing one if this was required. Clerk to request this.

c)  Neighbourhood watch sign - the Handyman advises that the sign he has been asked to put back up on Gainsborough Road is broken. A new one can be bought online for approx. £4. Councillors approved the purchase of the sign.

d)  Litter pick – WLDC have confirmed they will supply equipment for the litter-pick on 26 May. A notice has been placed in the Parish News. Cllr Bates suggested getting the Scouts involved and will contact them; it may be appropriate to offer a donation to their funds.

e)  Waterfurrows Lane – this has now become very narrow and overgrown. It was agreed that this should be cut back around June or July.

f)  Jubilee mugs have now been received. These are to be distributed at the afternoon events on 3 June.

12/36  To receive quotes for removal of yew tree in Churchyard.

Two quotes have been received, both for £400+VAT. The quote from Amber Tree Care included taking the wood away, the one from Hilltop Tree Services would leave the wood cut into manageable lengths and left on site, all brush to be chipped and removed from site unless arranged and specified by the parish council. As it was preferred to have the wood and chippings left, it was RESOLVED to accept the quote by Hilltop Tree Services.

12/37  To receive tenders for work on the cemetery footpath.

Requests for tenders had been sent out to six contractors, only two had been received. These were from Baypark Construction Ltd and Hemswell Surfacing Ltd. After consideration councillors RESOLVED to accept the quote by Baypark Construction.

12/38  To receive new correspondence not already included above, to be circulated at the meeting - Correspondence duly received and circulated.

12/39  To take any points from members, identify items for the next agenda and note urgent items of interest.

a)  A heap of suspicious material had been found near the Sewage Treatment plant and had been reported to the police. It is possible this was drug related.

b)  A safety inspection needs to be carried out in the cemetery to check on the memorial stones, as some appear to be leaning. It may be possible just to backfill some of these. Cllr Bates to liaise with the Handyman. Any brash can now be burned at the far end of the cemetery.

c)  More refuse has been found on the field near Howson Care Centre. The Care Centre has requested that such items be bagged up and taken to them so they can try and identify if it has come from any of the residents.

d)  The recent heavy rains have again caused flooding at the Marton Road/Gainsborough Road junction. Clerk to contact Highways to see if anything can be done to alleviate the problem, which is on a sharp bend and could cause serious injury by aqua-planing or swerving out to avoid the water.

e)  It was noted that there are big holes in the car parking area on the playing field. Clerk to contact the Playing Field Committee.

f)  The recent volunteer effort in the churchyard produced good results. It was felt this might be more effective if carried out more frequently. Clerk to contact Barbara Bussey.

g)  When strimming the footpath behind the old school, the Handyman had to remove five bags of dog excrement before being able to start and more has since appeared. It appears to be that of a small dog. This is totally unacceptable. More notices are to be placed in the area.

h)  The Handyman has asked whether the wood chippings near the river Till are available for use. Cllr Bates said they were.

i)  The police have asked about holding occasional police surgeries at coffee mornings in the village but have not yet pursued this.

j)  At a previous meeting when planning the budget it was agreed to donate £250 to the Jubilee Committee. This has not yet been paid, so it was RESOLVED to add it to the list of payments.

k)  The white lines near the church corner are in need of repainting. There are also potholes. Clerk to contact Highways.

l)  The question was raised of another walk round the village to check for problem areas. It was suggested this could be carried out during the litter-pick on 26 May.

m)  Clerk to check who is responsible for cutting the grass verge outside ‘Kirkstone’ on High Street.

12/40  Finance

a)  To receive summary of parish council monthly accounts. Balance prior to meeting £15,281.98, split between the Business A/C: £2,510.65 and Community A/C: £12,771.33. Since the last meeting, receipts were £518.75 VAT refund; £9,500 Precept; £50.00 Cemetery fee; £60.00 LCC first P3 payment. It was RESOLVED that the accounts be accepted.

b)  To approve payments to be made:

i)  Mrs E Mann (monthly salary less PAYE) 163.70

ii)  Mr G Munton (grass cutting, April) 75.00

iii)  Mr G Carter (Handyman – P3 worksheet) 60.00

iv)  Willingham Diamond Jubilee Committee (PC donation) 250.00

It was RESOLVED that these payments (total £548.70) be approved, leaving a balance of £14,733.28.

12/41  Planning

No planning applications have been received. District Cllr R Shore has written to West Lindsey planning department supporting the application of Mr & Mrs D Leak for alterations to 25 High Street.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 12th June following 10-minute Public Forum at 8.00 p.m. if necessary.

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