- Single Event memberships allow a person to participate at an APBA Event.
- Single Event memberships are sent to the Scorer when requested
- Below is an explanation of the different fee types:
- *Unlimited Lights are Special Event so they pay Special Event fees.
- **Driving school students are allowed to participate in the driving school on Friday and race Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend.
- Single Event members should complete the form and sign the Agreement of Release on the back of the white copy. They must also show a physical exam form and/or capsule training certificate if category rules require it.
- Give yellow copy to Single Event member as their receipt. Do not use membership receipts, they are mistaken for full membership dues at other events.
- After the race you MUST include with your results the original white signed copies, fees and all voided Single Event memberships to APBA.
- Applications are numbered and numbers are kept on file at APBA. Return all single event forms used or not to APBA by seasons end. The Chief Scorer is responsible for remitting monies for each Single Event application not returned.
NO, NO, NO You Can’t
- There are NO membership privileges
- Heats already run CANNOT be changed if you converted to a full membership.
- Single Event members CANNOT participate in - Regional, Divisional, National, World or North American Championships in any categories. If all classes listed are not for a championship event, single event memberships may be sold to drivers/owners participating in the non-championship events.
- Single Events may be sold at Kilos or record events. However, they are NOT eligible to set a record nor can they upgrade to a full membership after the record is set to claim the record. The second place finisher, if a full member, will receive the record if their time qualifies for the record.
- You can convert a Single Event Membership into an Annual Membership if you pay the difference between the two within 30 days of the event. Single Events membership taken during the month of October can only be converted if the member is new.
- NEW MEMBERS ONLY –can accumulate multiple payments of single events and convert then to a full racing membership. When single event fees total full membership dues they must contact APBA Headquarters with the date and single event numbers. When verified, their membership card will be sent.
If you have additional questions please contact APBA Headquarters. Phone: 586.773.9700, Fax 586.773.6490, Email: , or mail: 17640 E 9 Mile Rd. Eastpointe MI 48021