AUGUST 6, 2007
The Decatur County Commissioners opened their August 6th meeting with following present: Charles Buell- President, Jerome Buening, John Richards and Bridgett Weber-Auditor.
The July 16th meeting minutes were approved as read.
Mark Mohr-Highway Department reported chip and seal projects are progressing well. Mr. Mohr will contact INDOT pertaining to the roads in Milford to put them on the county road inventory. Mr. Mohr provided an update on the sign project. Mr. Mohr would like to talk to Ms. Polanski pertaining to the vandalism on signage; contacting the schools and sheriff department to pursue the prosecution when signs are vandalized.
Steve Eisenbarth-Farrar & Garvey was present pertaining to a traffic study for Adams. Mr. Eisenbarth presented traffic documents that EDC has discussed with Farrar & Garvey and wanted to present to Commissioners to see if they had any questions. Mr. Eisenbarth will contact Mrs. Kellerman to see if the EDC would like to move forward with the traffic study. Mr. Eisenbarth and Vicki Kellerman returned to show graphs and pictures of the proposed traffic study. Mr.
Buening moved to finance the traffic study, Mr. Richards seconded the motion and Mr. Buell concurred. Mr. Buening moved to sign contract with Farrar & Garvey to provide services, Mr. Richards seconded and Mr. Buell concurred.
Vicki Kellerman provided an EDC update. Mrs. Kellerman also requested support for her board again for 2008 and an increase to the 2008 assistance the county provides to EDC.
Claims were approved.
Julie Shafer-Catch-A-Ride provided updated pamphlets for services and discussed funding for 2008. The request is for $8,000.00. Catch-A-Ride is providing transportation to Decatur County as well as all surrounding counties. Commissioners agreed to the $8,000.00 request and will add to their budget for council approval.
Mark Klosterkemper-Aecon provided plans for Bridge #115 & 190 for signature.
David Neuman -Area Plan provided rezoning petitions for signatures. Krieger Farms 16.6 A from A- 1 to B- 3; Roy & Jenny Swango 1.5A A-1 to A -2; Larry Huff 2.99A A-1 to A- 2; Classic Auto Repair/Richard Feldman Doles Addition A-1 to B-3; Honda Manufacturing LLC 5.7A I-1 to B-1; Eugene Westerfeld 76.99A A-1 to I-1; Ann Rynard 2.99A; A-1 to A-2; Steve Schoetter 160.7 A-1 to I-1.
With nothing else to come before the Commissioners, Mr. Buening moved to recess, Mr. Richards seconded and Mr. Buell concurred.
Charles Buell, President
Attest: ______
Date: ______