Things you should know about the integers:

The Well Ordering Principle:

Every nonempty set of positive integers has a smallest element

The Principle of Mathematical Induction

If S is a set of natural numbers containing 1 which has the property that, for any positive integer k, whenever k is in S then so is k+1, the S = N, the set of all natural numbers.

Equivalently, if P(n) is a statement about a natural numbered parameter n, and if both P(1) is true and whenever P(k) it true then so is P(k+1), then P(n) is true for all natural numbers n.

The Principle of Complete Induction (Strong Induction)

If S is a set of natural numbers which has the property that, for any positive integer m, whenever r is in S for every positive integer r < m then m is in S, then S = N, the set of all natural numbers.

Equivalently, if P(n) is a statement about a natural numbered parameter n, and if P(m) is true whenever P(r) it true for all r < m, then P(n) is true for all natural numbers n.

Induction may start at n0

If S is a set of natural numbers containing n0 which has the property that, for any positive integer k  n0, whenever k is in S then so is k+1, then S = {nN | n  n0}.

Equivalently, if P(n) is a statement about a natural numbered parameter n, and if both P(n0) is true and whenever P(k) it true for some k  n0 then so is P(k+1), then P(n) is true for all natural numbers n  n0.

Binomial coefficients (n choose r)

= the number of ways to select r objects from n given distinct objects

Facts about the binomial coefficients:

For any positive integers r  n,

1) =

2) ==1

3) == n

4) +=

The Binomial Theorem

For any natural number n, (x+y)n =

Pascal’s Triangle


1 1

1 2 1

1 3 3 1

1 4 6 4 1

1 5 10 10 5 1

1 6 15 20 15 6 1



1 k … k 1


The Division Algorithm

For any integers a, b, with b > 0, there exist integers q and r such that

1) a = qb + r

2) 0  r < b

q is called the quotient and r is called the remainder (when a is divided by b)

Greatest common divisor

For any integers a and b, not both zero, there exists a positive integer d such that

1) d is a divisor or both a and b (denoted symbolically by d|a and d|b )

2) For any integer c if c|a and c|b , then c|d .

That is, d is a common divisor of a and b which is divisible by every common divisor

d is called the greatest common divisor of a and b, and is denoted by

d = gcd(a,b) or, more simply, d = (a,b)

Relatively prime

Two integers a and b are said to be relatively prime if (a,b) = 1

gcd as a linear combination

If d = (a,b) then there exist integers r and s such that d = ra + sb.

In fact, (a,b) is the smallest positive number which can be represented in the

form ra + sb. [Note that r and s need not both be positive.]

Euclidian Algorithm

This is a procedure for finding gcd(a,b) as well as for finding r and s as indicated above. See Proposition 0.3.18 for details.

Euclid’s Lemma

If p|bc, where p is prime, then either p|b or p|c (or both)

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

Every positive integer n may be expressed in a unique way in the form

n = p1(r1) p2(r2)… pk(rk), where p1 < p2 < … < pk are primes

and where 0 < ri, for all i = 1, 2, … ,k

[Note: if we allow exponents to be 0, then we can throw in all the primes;

n = 2(r1) 3(r2) 5(r3)…, where 0 < ri, for all i = 1, 2, ….

Least common multiple

The least common multiple of two integers a and b, denoted by lcm(a,b) or <a,b> , is the smallest positive integer m such that a|m and b|m

In fact, if c is a common multiple of a and b (i.e., if a|c and b|c ) then lcm(a,b)|c

That is, the least common multiple is a divisor or every common multiple

How to find the gcd and lcm

If n = 2(r1) 3(r2) 5(r3)… and m = n = 2(s1) 3(s2) 5(s3)… then

gcd(m,n) = 2(t1) 3(t2) 5(t3)…, where ti = min{ ri,, si} for all i = 1, 2, …, and

lcm(m,n) = 2(u1) 3(u2) 5(u3)…, where ui = max{ ri,, si} for all i = 1, 2, ….

Congruence modulo n

Given a positive integer n, we say that two integers a, b are congruent modulo n, written a  b (mod n) if n is a divisor of b-a, i.e., if n|(b-a)

Equivalently, a  b (mod n) if a and b have the same remainder upon division by n; that is, a = q1n + r and b = q2n + r , where 0  r < n

Congruence modulo n is an equivalence relation

That is,

a  a (mod n)

if a  b (mod n), then b  a (mod n)

and a  b (mod n) and b  c (mod n), then a  c (mod n)

The equivalence classes are called remainder classes. Each equivalence class consists of all numbers having a given remainder modulo n.

For example, modulo 5, [7] = {…,-13,-8,-3,2,7,12,17,22,…} = [2] = [-8] etc.

Properties of congruence

Congruences may be added, subtracted or multiplied (but not divided)

That is, if a  b (mod n) and c  d (mod n), then a+c  b+d (mod n),

a+c  b+d (mod n ) and ac  bd (mod n).

With regard to division, we have the following:

If ax  ay (mod n), then x  y (mod n/gcd(a,n) ).

In particular, if a and n are relatively prime and if ax  ay (mod n), then

x  y (mod n),.

Operations modulo n

We can add and multiply the equivalence classes modulo n.

For example, modulo 5, [3] + [4] = [7] = [2], and [3]  [4] = [12] = [2]

To differentiate these operations from ordinary addition and multiplication, we sometimes denote them by  and , respectively.

Thus [r]  [s] = [r+s] and [r]  [s] = [rs]


With respect to the operations  and , {0,1,2,…,n-1} forms an algebraic system which we will denote by Zn, the integers modulo n.

We will often use the symbol Zn, to denote just the additive structure (Zn, ).

Properties of addition and multiplication modulo n

For all [r], [s] [t] in Zn, we have the following:

Commutative laws: [r]  [s] = [s]  [r];

[r]  [s] = [s]  [r]

Associative laws: ([r]  [s])  [t] = [r]  ([s]  [t]);

([r]  {s])  [t] = [r]  ([s]  [t])

Distributive law: [r]  ([s]  [t]) = ([r]  [s])  ([r]  [t]);

Identity laws: [0]  [r] = [r] = [r]  [0];

[1]  [r] = [r] = [r]  [1]

U(n) (units modulo n)

U(n) = { [r]  Zn | gcd(r,n) = 1 }

The elements of U(n) are called units modulo n

For all [r] in U(n), there exists [s] in U(n) such that [r]  [s] = [1].