To:All Members of the Policy, Resources and Performance Cabinet Panel, Chief Executive, Chief Officers, SMB, All officers named for ‘actions’ / From:Legal and Member Services
Ask for:Emma Lund
My ref:
Your ref:


14 DECEMBER 2011




D Andrews (for C M Hayward), D A Ashley, M Bright (Vice-Chairman), F Button,

M Cowan,P V Goggins,T C Heritage (for C B Wyatt-Lowe), T W Hone,

D E Lloyd (Chairman), S J Pile, S Quilty,R M Roberts, S J Taylor, R A C Thake,

R G Tindall

Upon consideration of the agenda for the Policy, Resourcesand Performance Cabinet Panel meeting on 14 December 2011as circulated, copy annexed, conclusions were reached and are recorded below:

Note: No conflicts of interest were declared by any member of the Panel in relation to the matters on which conclusions were reached at this meeting except for the declaration made by R G Tindall (minute 3.1 refers).


1.1 / Subject to an amendment to minute 7.4 to read ‘It was also suggested that the policy should more explicitly articulate theprocess for involving the police where bribery is suspected’, the minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2011 were confirmed as a correct record.
2.1 / There were no public petitions.
[Officer Contacts: Claire Cook, Assistant Director Finance
Chris Badger, Head of Performance Improvement and Diversity]
3.1 / R G Tindall declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest as a member ofthe Dacorum Extended Education Support Centre Management Committee. He remained in the meeting and participated in the debate.
3.2 / The Panel received the performance and finance monitor for the second quarter, July to September 2011. The Panel also received a presentation highlighting the key areas of change / movement within the Monitor. Members raised a number of questions in relation to the data presented, which were responded to by officers.
3.3 / In relation to slippage it was highlighted that the vast majority of projects will be delivered on time, and that this is the key indicator of success rather than the year-end position. However, assessments for future projects will be undertaken on a more conservative basis with a view to reducing the level of slippage.
3.4 / Key points raised by Members were:
  • Unemployment of 16-24 year-olds has increased nationally, and the impact on other services means that this has a greater total cost than just the cost of benefit payments;
  • Improvement of broadband services should be a priority for the LEP, and it was suggested that potential providers other than BT be approached;
  • Ensuring a Positive Childhood: the significant improvement on completion of core assessments is welcomed, but will need to be monitored to see whether it can be sustained. It was recommended that consideration be given as to whether a ‘backstop’ target is needed;
  • Further detail on the delay of the move of Dacorum KS4 ESC was requested by R G Tindall;
  • Paragraph 10.2 – it was requested that this data should in future be broken down between primary and secondary schools;
  • It was recommended that the wording in relation to children killed or seriously injured as a result of road traffic collisions is more sensitively phrased in future reports. It was noted that some of the measures which could reduce the numbers of fatal or serious accidents involving children would require greater powers from central government;
  • It was noted that figures on domestic abuse are included within the detailed sections of the monitor, but not the covering ‘highlight’ report presented. It was recognised that due to the nature of the crime there is often under-reporting in this area.

The Panel:
3.5 / noted the performance and finance monitor for the second quarter, July to September 2011.
[Officer Contact: Mike Parsons, Director Resources and Performance]
4.1 / The Panel received a report which advised Members of the impact on the County Council of the provisional 2012/13 Local Government Finance Settlement.
4.2 / It was noted that:
  • Formula Grant allocations for 2012/13 do not differ from those published on 7 February 2011;
  • there have been no changes regarding the removal of Local Authorities Central Spend Equivalent Grant funding for those schools converting to Academies;
  • there is increasing uncertainty from 2013/14 onwards, with Government proposals for localisation of business rates and council tax benefit, removal of funding for LACSEG related services from the Formula Grant(currently being consulted on), and an expected Treasury review of overall spending totals, as well as a number of other areas of uncertainty. As a result, an increase in reserves is likely to be recommended to County Council. The importance of ensuring ‘one-off’ funding is only used to fund ‘one-off’ capital expenditure (and not recurring expenditure) was highlighted.

The Panel:
4.3 / noted the provisional finance settlement for 2012/13 and the implications for the County Council.
[Officer Contact: Alex James, Head of Corporate Policy Unit]
5.1 / The Panel received a report detailing progress to date on the refresh of the County Council’s corporate plan as part of the Integrated Planning Process (IPP) for 2012/13. Members heard that this has been undertaken with a ‘light touch’ approach, with a wider re-development of the Corporate Plan due to take place for 2013/14. The report included the current draft of the Plan, together with details of those indicators which have been removed and those which have been added or re-worked, and Members heard of the reasons for the changes.
5.2 / A number of suggestions were raised, including:
  • re-wording of the 2nd bullet point on page 10 ‘Minimise delays for people leaving hospital to return home’ to use a different figure than average number of adults delayed per week;
  • p12 6th bullet point ‘…and into work’ to be appended to current wording;
  • inclusion of reference to footways within ‘Being A Leading Council’;
  • checking of the figure for levels of childhood obesity given on page 12.

5.3 / It was noted that Members would have the opportunity to comment on the final draft as part of the IPP.
5.4 / The importance of the refresh being undertaken within the context of the current difficult economic climate was also highlighted, and it was agreed that consideration should be given on how to reflect this more strongly in the Plan.
The Panel:
5.5 / noted the work to date on the refresh of the Corporate Plan, and welcomed the direction of travel;
5.6 / recommended that the refreshed Plan should more clearly take account of the difficult economic climate. / Head of Corporate Policy Unit
[Officer Contact: Wendy Evans, Performance & Improvement Manager]
6.1 / The Panel received a report which informed Members of the Ofsted Annual Children’s Services Assessment rating for Hertfordshire in 2011. It was noted that children’s services in Hertfordshire have been assessed as ‘performs well’ (grade 3),and that 8 key areas of strength have been identified against 4 areas for further improvement. Details of the actions being taken to address areas for improvement were included within the report. Members also heard that the assessment rating had been achieved within the context of transformation, with children’s services’ teams and management structure having undergone significant change over the preceding year.
6.2 / In relation to the achievement gap between 16 year-olds from low income families and all other pupils - identified as an area for improvement - it was highlighted that the gap is likely to worsen in the current economic climate, and that there should be focused work to ensure that this is addressed.
The Panel:
6.3 / noted the positive outcome of the Ofsted Annual Children’s Services Assessment rating, and commended officers for the improved performance;
6.4 / noted that work to address areas for improvement is ongoing.

Kathryn Pettitt

Chief Legal Officer