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Folksworth & Washingley

Parish Council


Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Manor Road, Folksworth on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 7.20pm

Present: Cllrs Randall, Ford, Brown, Blackman, Clarke & Fenwick

In attendance: 3 Members of the public and Clerk

Open Forum

The organisers of the Folksworth 15 addressed the meeting regarding the arrangements for their 2017 event, scheduled for Sunday January 22 and the pre-race run which was due to take place on Tuesday, December 27th. It was agreed that the main problem re the pre-event run last year was that no-one knew it was taking place and far more took part than the organisers were expecting. The Clerk was asked to see if the School car park could be opened for both events and to ascertain whether the car park of The Fox would be available.

2016/1841 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Dist.Cllr Matthews and Cllr Roper

2016/1842 Declarations of Interest/Dispensations for Agenda items

(Section 27 Localism Act 2011)


2016/1843 Approval of Full Council Meeting Minutes dated October 18, 2016

Proposed: Cllr Brown

Seconded: Cllr Clarke

That the Minutes be accepted as an accurate record and signed

Agreed unanimously

2016/1844 Finance

Proposed: Cllr Randall

Seconded: Cllr Blackman


1844.1 To approve the Financial Report & Accounts

The information was accepted as an accurate record

1844.2 To Sign the Balance Sheet

The Balance Sheet was approved as an accurate record and signed.

1844.3 To Agree Budget 2017-2018

The Budget, as set out in the following Minutes was approved. The Pre-School had submitted accounts information as requested and a Grant of £550.00 allocated.

1844.4 To set Precept 2017-2018

It was agreed that the Precept would be kept at the current year’s amount of £30,875.00

Agreed unanimously


Minutes of the Annual Budget Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Manor Road, Folksworth on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 7.00pm

Present: Cllrs Randall, Blackman, Brown & Clarke

In attendance: Clerk

2016/01 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Ford, Soper & Fenwick

After receiving an urgent call from home Cllr Blackman left the meeting.

2016/02 Grant Applications 2017-18

To receive and decide upon the following applications:

Additional applications may be tabled

02.01 St Helen’s Church

Amount Requested: £1300.00

Annual Maintenance Grant

Proposed: Cllr Brown

Seconded: Cllr Clarke


02.02 Village Hall Committee

Amount Requested: £1300.00

Annual Maintenance

Proposed: Cllr Brown

Seconded: Cllr Randall


02.03 Village Hall Committee

Amount Requested: £1128 or £1224 depending on height


Proposed: Cllr Brown

Seconded: Cllr Clarke

That a contribution of £250 towards the cost of the fencing would be made.


02.04 Folksworth Preschool

Amount Requested: £1095.00

Replacement Tables

Cllrs discussed this application at length but due to the accounts information supplied being incomplete it was unable to make a final decision. It was agreed that provided the correct information was provided a grant of £550 would be offered. The Clerk was requested to obtain the required information and a decision would be taken at the November full council meeting. The figure of £550 would be used for budgeting purposes.

2016/03 Budget 2017-2018

The following Budget was agreed:

Staff Costs

Salary 6000.00

HMRC 100.00

Travel & Homeworking 500.00


Running Costs

Rent/Room Hire 250

Office Expenses 100

Insurance 515

Website 100

Audit Fees 400

Training – Cllrs 100

Training – Clerk 100

Subscriptions 370

P.O.Box Renewal 300

Scan Entries 1100


Parish Maintenance

Play Equipment Maintenance 2000

Playing Field Maintenance 1500

General Parish Maintenance 3000

Paths & Bridleways 1000

Play Equipment Inspections 150



Section 137 500

Community Grants 3400



Pocket Park 925

Fun Park 400

Additional Play Equipment 2000

Local Highways Initiative (HCV control & speed control) 1500

Tree Works 1000


Long Term Funds

Replacement of Play Equipment (10 year fund) 3000.00

Replacement of Noticeboards/Benches (10 year fund) 1500.00

Replacement of Bins (10 year fund) 500.00


TOTAL BUDGET £32,310.00

2016/04 Precept 2017-2018

It was agreed that the Precept would be kept at the 2016-2017 figure of £30,875 and that the deficit of £1435 would be met from funds carried forward.

2016/05 The meeting closed at 8pm.


2016/1845 To authorise the following payments and sign the cheques

Proposed: Cllr Blackman

Seconded: Cllr Randall

That the following payments be approved and cheques signed

Agreed unanimously

200130 Mrs J Stanbridge Salary £486.40

200131 Mrs J Stanbridge Travel & Homeworking £23.40

To discuss Defibrillator order

It was agreed that the Defibrillator would be ordered and quotes sought from electricians for fixing.

2016/1846 Planning

There were no planning applications to discuss. It was noted that the two applications from Ulmus and the application from The Fox had been approved. It was also noted that The Fox had again been added to the Community Asset Register (not including land at rear).

2016/1847 Pocket Park/Community Orchard (Update if Available)

To be viewed as part of the Maintenance Walk scheduled for Sunday, 20th at 10am at the Village Hall.

2016/1848 Removal of BT Phone Box

It was noted that although BT had stated that the box had not been used in the past 12 months the fact that it had not been working would have contributed to this. Despite that Councillors agreed that it did not have the budget to assume responsibility for the Box and would not oppose its removal.

2016/1849 Village Hall Update

Cllr Fenwick informed the meeting that the VH Committee had decided to carry out some refurbishments including the provision of a new cooker and also that agreement had been reached regarding the removal of the hedge around the car parking area. Work was progressing on the provision of Wi-Fi to the Hall and the next Pub Night would be on Saturday, December 3.

2016/1850 School Update

Cllr Randall informed the meeting that there had been no further developments and that a Governor’s meeting was scheduled for December.

2016/1851 Correspondence

Letter from St Helen’s Church re Grant

Email from Village Hall Committee thanking Council for Grant

Email from Village Hall Committee outlining work on car park

2016/1852 Notices & Parish Information

Cllr Brown informed the meeting that the new Pavilion in Stilton was due to open on the 19th of November.

2016/1853 Any Urgent Business

In accordance with section 100(B)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the Chair will admit an item of urgent business in order that it can be dealt with at the earliest opportunity provided it has been raised at least 24 hours before the meeting.

2016/1854 The meeting closed at 8.15pm and next meeting date confirmed as Tuesday January 17th, 2017 at 7.20 pm. A December meeting would be scheduled if necessary.