Chair Approved 06.02.2014

Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices on Tuesday 28th January 2014 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs. A. Vaughan, (Chairman), Cllrs. A. Aldis, K. Hall, N. Lodge, K. Read, B. Sinclair, and N, Tile

1 member of the public Mr. Ralph Brooks

Apologies: None


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th December be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Four had been received.

COL14/0035 REGISTERED 09/01/14 Nadine Calder

Proposal: Proposed single storey front extension to form kitchen and WC.

Location: 19, Heath Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO7 9PT

Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. Wiggett

Recommendations: No material planning considerations other than views of neighbours to be taken into consideration.

COL 14/0208 REGISTERED 15/01/15 Simon Osborn

Proposal: Proposed demolition of existing two bedroom bungalow and construction of 1 x 2 bedroom and 5 x 3 bedroom detached bungalows and associate garages.

Location: 82, Belle Vue Road, Wivenhoe Colchester CO7 9LD

Applicant: Vaughan and Blyth (Contractors) Ltd

Recommendations: An overdevelopment of the site and not in keeping with the street scene.

Wivenhoe Town Council request that you refer to the inspectorate’s recent documentation regarding the refusal of Innisfree on De Vere Lane, as this is land grabbing, and not in keeping with the large gardens in the surrounding houses.

The impact on neighbours is high, as currently bordering on open land, this will present neighbours with a loss of privacy.

WTC are highly concerned on the impact of road safety. This as the development is on a bend, and there is a drive opposite. The access road on the development is not wide enough. The proposal has three very close access points, which in itself is dangerous.

The proposed development is on land that has a noticeable slope next to the Old Cemetery which now acts as a local nature reserve. The dense development would mean there was no longer a continuous wildlife corridor connecting the Old Cemetery with the series of large gardens behind Belle Vue Road. This land is prone to flooding and believe that the environmental agency report should be noted. This is a loss of permeable land and building here will have a severe impact on the nature reserve as the ground will become waterlogged.

There are many concerns regarding the damage that could be caused by the building works on a 200 year old cemetery wall owned by Wivenhoe Town Council, with heavy plant machinery working very close to the wall that will have no sustainable foundations.

Wivenhoe Town Council is also concerned that the plans show insufficient visitor spaces and therefore do not comply with minimum parking standards.

Although the drawings show bungalows there is clearly enough head room in the loft to allow for conversions at a later state, this could then add to the overall occupancy of the dwellings and give rise to overlooking issues for neighbouring properties.

The proposed building development, once again, provides no affordable housing, and no regard whatsoever to the town’s infrastructure.

Wivenhoe Town Council asked a Borough Councillor to call this in.

COL14/0203 REGISTERED 17/01/14 Nadine Calder

Proposal: Two storey side extension to provide new ground floor cloakroom and first floor dressing room.

Location: 78, Belle Vue Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO7 9LD

Applicant: Mr. & Mrs, Ralph Brooks

Recommendations: This is so close to the boundary, so that measurements with permitted development rules to be checked. The views of neighbours to be taken into consideration.

COL14/0347 REGISTERED 21/01/14 Simon Osborn

Proposal: Removal of Condition 8 erection of carports as approved under F/COL/03/2089.

Location: Land adjacent Wivenhoe Water Tower, Tower Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester

Applicant: Mr. Steve Pitt

Recommendations: The Town Council would object if one parking space were to be moved onto a road.


Three decisions had been received.

COL13/2117 REGISTERED 24/10/13 Libby Kirkby-Taylor

Proposal: The relocation of the existing bar area and the provision of an external staircase to the rear serving the main bar area.

Location: The Black Buoy Inn, Black Buoy Hill, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO7 9BS

Applicant: Mr. Callum McKascal

Recommendations: No observations providing the external staircase is sympathetic to a Conservation Area.

DECISION: Approved with 5 conditions

COL/13/2044 REGISTERED 18/10/13 Libby Kirkby-Taylor

Proposal: External cleaning of brickwork, repair pointing and external decorating of windows, doors and walls.

Location: The Black Buoy Inn, Black Buoy Hill, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO7 9BS

Applicant: Mr. Callum McKascal

Recommendations: The Town Council supports the external improvements, which are aesthetically pleasing.

DECISION: Approved with 6 conditions

COL/13/2090 REGISTERED 16/10/13 James Ryan

Proposal: New Conservatory

Location: 78 The Avenue, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9PN

Applicant: Mrs. Mayers

Recommendations: No material planning considerations other than views of neighbours to be taken into consideration. Plans submitted lack sufficient detail.

DECISION: Approved with 2 conditions

4. Cook’s Shipyard Site

Nothing to report

5. Section 106 Monitoring

Members of the Planning Committee requested Section106 spreadsheet to be electronically produced for the next Planning Meeting dated 18th February 2014


Date of next meeting Tuesday 18th February 2014

The meeting ended at 9.30pm Chairman