/ 32nd Session of the Codex Committee
on Fish and Fishery Products
Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel,
Bali, Indonesia, 1 – 5 October 2012 /

Codex Contact Points and international organizations with observer status with the Codex Alimentarius Commission are kindly requested to use the online registration system by accessing the following link:


(To be completed by each participant as information to the National Codex Contact Point)

Prefix / Prof Dr Mr Ms
First Name
Last Name
Position Title
Postal Address
City / Postcode
Country / Telephone
Fax / Email
Representative of:
Member Country / Name of Country
International Government Organisation / Name of Organisation
International Non-Government Organisation / Name of Organisation
Head of Delegation

Language: English French Spanish

The 31stsession of the CCFFP decided to establish a physical working group immediately prior to the 32nd session to consider comments and prepare proposals for consideration by the 32nd session of the CCFFP on

Proposed Draft Code of Practice on the Processing of Scallop Meat

The WG will meet at the venue hotel Sunday 30 September 2012 from 10 am to 5 pm.

WG on Processing of Scallop Meat / Will participate (X)

The Chair and the Norwegian Secretariat would like to invite all first time participants to attend
an information seminar prior to the commencement of the plenary session.

The seminar will be held at the venue hotelSunday 30 September 2012from 5 pm to 6 pm.

1st Time Seminar / Will participate (X)

When completed, please return this form to:

Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products, Norwegian Food Safety Authority,

P.o Box 383, N-2381 Brumunddal, Norway or E-mail: ) with a copy to the

Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla,

00153 Rome, Italy

Fax: + 39-06-5705-4593