Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held at 8pm on

Tuesday 5th December, 2017 at the Buckingham Park Community Centre.

Present: Cllr Whitlock, Cllr Looker, Cllr Poth, Cllr Crowhurst

K Gray (Clerk to the Council)

In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Whitlock (Vice-Chairman) chaired the meeting.

County Cllr Mrs N Glover sent a written report and apologies for non-attendance.

1.  Apologies for Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence notified to the Chairman or Clerk

RESOLVED: To receive and accept apologies for absence from Cllrs Christensen (prior commitment), Jones (prior commitment).

2.  Declarations of Interest

To receive any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest

To receive and agree any Dispensations

·  No declarations made or dispensations requested

3.  Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th November, 2017

RESOLVED: To accept and sign the minutes of 7/11/17 as a true record.

4. Clerk’s Report

To receive a report/update from the Clerk on matters not on the agenda

No matters to report.

RESOLVED: Chairman to suspend Standing Orders (adjourn meeting) to enable questions from the public and any reports from councillors.


4.  Questions from the Public & Reports.

To receive any reports from Parish, County and District Councillors.

·  Cllr Mrs N Glover (BCC)

New waste collection vehicles: Look out for the new bin lorries that will shortly be efficiency and safer operation. A key benefit will be that they will be able to collect one waste stream at a time meaning all food waste recycling will be collected in a separate food vehicle.

Aylesbury Vale citizens are some of the best recyclers in England and currently recycle 54% of all collected waste which is above the national average of 43%. Our green waste produces a high-quality fertiliser; food waste produces energy to fuel homes and dry recycling goes on to produce new products. Let’s not sit back on our laurels – we still need residents to take action by reducing, reusing and recycling their waste. It’s a joint effort and the more everyone recycles, the more everyone saves.”

The National Infrastructure Report: is now out and it includes some radical suggestions that impact on The Vale - from new towns, East/West Rail, the route of the “Expressway”, the doubling in size of Milton Keynes and more. AVDC is going through the report in detail and will make its response to the NIC/Government as soon as possible. It will also be contributing to the response of the “Central Area Governance Group”, that’s been formed to monitor plans for the Oxford-Cambridge Corridor that affect the section between Bicester and Bedford, to the NIC report. Leaders of authorities across the corridor have held meetings with the NIC at which we’ve put forward our suggestions in respect of economic and housing growth and the infrastructure that’s needed to facilitate that growth. Some of our concerns have been addressed but there are others that need significant clarification. I will keep you up to date.

Flood management update: there is a new enforcement policy which clarifies BCC’s enforcement powers. Bottom line is that we want to ensure that all enforcement systems are transparent; and that enforcement procedure is consistent. I guess most interesting bit for parish councils is guidance on Riparian owners duties. It gives advice on maintaining watercourses or ditches and what can be refused etc. You can check online to see if your area is affected I will let you have a copy of the plan when it is finalised.

Fly tipping: another triumph for the team – a builder has been ordered to pay more than £4000 after rubbish dumped in a country lane. The team able to trace the perpetrator and probably wishes he taken it to the tip. A reminder to report any dumped waste on line. https://www.buckscc.gov.uk . Type in ‘Report it” then fill in the details. Or you can use the direct link http://old.buckscc.gov.uk/fly

Pavement parking fyi: An article in the Daily Express on pavement parking considers campaigners' calls for clarity over the issue and measures councils need to be able to tackle it effectively. Cllr Martin Tett, the LGA’s Transport spokesman, said irresponsible parking can be dangerous for pedestrians and called on government to publish more details on its Accessibility Action Plan, which would give councils more flexibility in their local area to tackle pavement parking, and make sure that pathways are clear for their residents. He said: "Councils would like to have the option for a default ban, with the ability to allow pavement parking in certain circumstances, as is currently available in London. This would be simple and easy for everyone to understand. Councils would carefully consult with communities on the best parking provision for their area. This will enable local authorities to better protect vulnerable pedestrians and provide a more consistent approach for all road users.

·  Cllr Looker attended a Neighbourhood Action Group meeting between police and residents covering the wider council Ward including Berryfields, Elmhurst and Watermead etc. Not well attended and discussion centred around other parts of the wider community.

RESOLVED: Chairman to reconvene meeting under Standing Orders

5.  Specific Projects – Highways A413 Crossing

To receive an update if appropriate.

Further quotes are required but it is estimated that costs will be high. No commitment has been made by the parish council to pay for this project, but we await further information on costs. Cllr Crowhurst to seek further information from BCC Highway Officers.

6.  Automated Number Plate Recognition System

ANPR survey feedback and Traffic Lights/ driving at Prince Rupert Drive and

Buckingham Road Junction.

The report carried out by Transport for Bucks (TfB) was copied to all councillors. There was an overall opinion that the report was not sufficient and did not adequately cover what was requested by the parish council.

RESOLVED: That councillors discuss the report in more depth and agree a way forward.

7.  Developer Updates

To receive any updates from the Developers regarding adoption or maintenance.

No updates received.

8.  Transfer of Open Spaces

To receive any updates on the transfer of open spaces via Developer/AVDC to BPPC.

No updates received.

9.  Finances and Orders for Payment

RESOLVED: To agree and authorise the following orders and retrospective orders for payment:

·  Mr K Gray Expenses £300.00

·  Fresh Design & Print Printing £1,051.18

RESOLVED: To receive, accept and agree the Councils Financial statements, income/expenditure report dated to end of November 2017.


RESOLVED: To receive and accept the budget category details as presented, and copied to all councillors, by the Clerk.

Budget & Precept

Staff Salaries £15,666w

Chairman’s Allowance £500

Councillors Allowance £350

PAYE/NI £1,200

BP Community Centre £42,000

Grass Cutting/Transfer of Land £4,000

Subscriptions £350

Internal & External Audit Fees £750

Insurance (Parish & BP Centre) £3,250

Newsletter £4.500

Website £500

Training (Cllrs & Staff) £600

Admin/Stationary £400

Elections £1,000

Hospitality £500

Salt/Grit Bins £2,000

Litter Bins £3,000

Dog Bins £1,500

Signage £2,000

Maintenance £6,000

Community Grants £2,000

Community Events £7,500

Budget: £99,566

Precept: £99,566

RESOLVED: To confirm that the Precept for 2018/19 should be set the same as 2017 at a figure of £99,566.

10.  Planning Applications

To receive, comment and to either object, support or oppose the following planning

Applications. To consider late applications presented by the Clerk.

All applications are sent to councillors electronically and cllrs should look at the AVDC website for details of all applications prior to decision at parish council meeting.

No applications received.

There being no further business of the Council, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm

Signed: ______Date: ______