Presidential Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Equity &

Accessibility PACHREA Accessibility Subcommittee

January 12, 2016

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Blackburn Hall 126


Present: Bill Gibson, Caroline Durand, Julia Jenkins, Loretta Durst, Caleb Hunt, Anne Parsons, Linda Smith, Danielle Hoogkamer

Staff: Andrea Walsh, Rebecca Martin

Regrets: Ian Guest, Tanna Edwards, Carolyn Reid

Open Session

1.Agenda and Co-Chair’s Opening Remarks:

  • Round of introductions
  • Correction to Agenda: last meeting was Nov. 11 rather than Oct. 14
  • Request for additions to Agenda: Discussion of audit (Item 8)
  • Correction to previous Minutes: Spelling of Caroline Durand’s last name and first name.
  • Agenda approved
  • Previous Minutes (Nov. 11) approved

2.Update on SharePoint site (Andrea):

  • Look for invitation from Andy
  • Suggestion from Danielle to save the link when sent out so can access more easily.
  • Check the site and let Andrea know if not working

3.Update from Council of Ontario Universities (COU) AODA Meeting (Andrea):

  1. Highlights from Andrea:

What’s going on at other institutions – collaborations to try to find accessible ways of teaching courses. Discussion from committee members followed on importance of involving faculty and providing them with information.

Communicate/collaborate with Center for Teaching and Learning at Trent? Can partner around ‘lunch n learn’ with faculty. Caleb discussed SAS’s role for supporting students, faculty, etc. and giving helpful tips re: structures for students, accessible supports. He is giving a presentation in collaboration with the Centre for Teaching and Learning.

Discussed compliance report that was due at the end of December (filed by Trent on November 26, 2015)

Discussed changes to customer services standards. Changes to customer service standard include changes to bring it more into line with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) (timelines, definitions) and also changes to definition of service animal as well as delivery of customer service standard training.

4.Equidox Project and IT Project Submission

  • Software that coverts PDFs to HTML for accessible purposes: Trent might invest in, ideally addressing the many PDFs on Trent website that might not be accessible.
  • February or March: Program submission date
  • Library and archives of content: How might that play into a decision and Trent’s vision of how we want to be storing online Trent content?
  • Can create accessible PDF document IF create all on ADOBE but this is not always possible as generally staff and faculty do not have access to this software.
  • General search difficult in PDF, easier to find content with other digital formats
  • MNR presentation on how to create accessible documents: Training was helpful. Might also be useful workshop to offer for faculty or staff or anyone interested – Andrea working with marketing right now to plan accessible documents workshop
  • What documents are worth retroactively changing? Some might be too out of date. Maybe money better spent investing in ADOBE. Trent could link ADOBE software with conditions – e.g., must take accessible documents workshop in order to access ADOBE
  • Plan going forward: Andrea spoke to Tanna briefly; speak to marketing to see if meets their goals - What is the goal of the website according to marketing?

5.Relevant Issues from the Built Environment

  • Design of public spaces standard came into effect at Trent on Jan 1, 2016
  • Need to comply to standards on a proactive basis – not retroactive
  • Question: Arenas and fields - Would there be a consult on accessibility? Answer: No
  • CHREA was consulted about flooring for new Student Centre. The Student’s Centre will meet (and maybe even exceed) accessibility standards.


  • Student through School of Ed looking to revamp AODA training
  • Andrea hopes to discuss more at the next meeting (busy doing time-sensitive audit)


  • Trent selected for an audit/file review of AODA policies and practices by Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO).
  • 15 days to provide a response to the directorate.
  • Went through document of File Review Requirements as a group at meeting
  • ADO response time is unclear. Will likely provide recommendations for improvements
  • Andrea has finished a draft of the audit; Julia Anderson helping edit/coordinate audit
  • Waiting for a couple logistical things such as a non-staff account so directorate can access MyTrent portal
  • Question for Andrea: Any role for committee? Andrea: if willing to give feedback on draft of audit that would be helpful

8.Any Other Business

  • New exterior book drop at Bata: Library in midst of renovating room on main floor, decided to purchase exterior book drop. When it arrives, need to make a decision about where to locate it.
  • Already did a mini ‘walkabout’ for ideas of where might be most accessible location, might do this again.
  • Also need to ensure that the location works well for librarians and is not in the way for convocation.

9.Next Meeting

February 17th at 9am, location TBD