Governors Present:Mrs. M. Gartside, ChairMG
Mr. G. Provis GP
Mrs. S. Isherwood, PrincipalSI
Miss M. Carr, Deputy PrincipalMC
Mr. J. CrowtherJC
Mrs. J. SharmanJS
Mr. C. NieldCN
Mr. P. HibbittPH
Mr. B DavenportBD
Mr. P. RowePR
Mrs. I. MorganIM
Also in attendance: Mrs. S. Camp, GB ClerkCLERK
Started: 5.00pm
Moved to Part Two: 7.40pm
Apologies were received from Mr. P. Hibbitt. Dr. V. Reddy was caught in traffic and would be joining the meeting as soon as possible.
12th Nov 2014 / 4th Mar 2015 / 17th Jun 2015 / 11th Nov 2015 / 6th Jan 2016 / 2nd Mar 2016Brian Davenport / √ / √ / a.r. / √ / √ / √
Chris Nield / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
Dave Moss / √ / √ / √ / a.r. / √ / √
Gary Provis / √ / √ / a.r. / √ / √ / √
Irene Morgan / √ / √ / √ / a.r. / √ / √
Jane Sharman / √ / a.r. / √ / √ / √ / √
John Crowther / √ / a.r. / √ / √ / √ / √
Kerry Bracegirdle / a.r. / √ / a.r. / resignation rec'd
Margaret Carr / √ / √ / √ / √ / x / √
Margaret Gartside / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
Paul Hibbitt / √ / √ / √ / √ / a.r. / a.r.
Peter Rowe / √ / a.r. / √ / a.r. / √ / √
Sandie Isherwood / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
Vis Reddy / √ / a.r. / √ / a.r. / x / √
A report on the Nursery will be presented during Item 6 along with reports from committees.
A Nursery report is to be given at each FGB meeting. Add to agenda as a regular report.
Governors were asked to declare any potential pecuniary interest or conflict of interests with the business to be discussed during the meeting.
No potential conflict was declared.
The Governing Body currently has 2 vacancies for co-opted governors.
There are no terms of office due to expire before the next meeting.
The part one minutes of the meeting held on 11th November 2015 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.
Agenda Item & point for action / Person Responsible / Stage2. Conflict of Interest
Governors were asked to complete new declarations of pecuniary interest for the school year and return them to the Clerk. / ALL / Completed
4. Financial Matters
Each Governor received a copy of the report and accounts, the Clerk will provide copies to those governors who are absent. / CLERK / Completed
5. Part One Minutes and Matters Arising
Information to be included in the Governance Statement regarding the Nursery to be sent to SI. / PH / Outstanding
7. Part One Reports from Committees & Reports from Governors with Special Responsibilities
Date on one set of T&L minutes to be amended. Guided Reading to be added to the agenda of the next T&L meeting.
A date for the Governors to visit the EYFS playground is to be organised.
A Fire Audit needs to be scheduled.
Cared for Children - a report is to be sent in by responsible Governor.
Social Media Group to investigate the creation of a Facebook page. / CLERK
DM / Completed
Yet to be arranged.
9. School Improvement Partner/External Adviser/Self Evaluation Reports
The Principal and Vice Principal are to look for a new SIP and advise the FGB. / SI & MC / To be commented on later in the meeting
11. Director’s Report
A fast track request for free early education for 2 year olds needs to be submitted by the Academy. / SI / Ongoing
13. School Policies
A date for another meeting of Social Media Group to be organised. / DM & CLERK / Completed
The part one minutes of the meeting held on 6th January 2016 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.
The Chair reported that there had been no ‘chairs actions’ taken since the last meeting.
The following committee minutes were received:-
Teaching & Learning – Minutes of committee meetings held on 9th July and3rd November had been circulated to Governors prior to the meeting.
There were no questions on the minutes from Governors.
Date on one set of minutes to be amended. Guided Reading to be added to the agenda of the next T&L meeting.
Finance – Minutes of a committee meeting held on 5th November had been circulated to Governors prior to the meeting.
There were no questions on the minutes from Governors.
Environment & Community Cohesion - Minutes of a committee meeting held on 2nd October had been circulated to Governors prior to the meeting.
BD congratulated the all the staff on the appearance of the Academy and their ability to cope with all the work that had been going on.
SI reported that the work on the EYFS would be completed in a timescale of 10 days.
? – Would Miss Barber like a formal opening of the new facilities?
A – Yes that would be a good idea.
The Governors expressed their thanks and congratulations to Miss Barber for all of her hard work.
A date for the Governors to visit the EYFS playground is to be organised.
The Fire Brigade came into school during the half term holidays in response to two alarms in one month.
A Fire Audit needs to be scheduled.
There were no other reports or recommendations from committees.
Cared for Children- a report is to be sent in by IM.
Safeguarding – SI gave a verbal report to Governors on behalf of VR.
- Mags Carr will be taking over KiVa from Miss Booth during her maternity leave. She has completed the training with the CeCP as all schools in Congleton partnership have now adopted this. Next week is anti-bullying week and school will be doing activities all week to reinforce it.
- A new proposal was discussed at the last environment committee – see minutes for more information.
- Fencing approved and ordered, trees cleared and completed all around school.
- Looked after children – currently 4 but one has just been given a forever family and left the school last Friday.
- On return in September the number of CAFs, CINs and CPs have increased dramatically. School and staff continue to support these in different ways.
- All CRB checks are up to date.
- All policies affecting safeguarding are up to date.
SEND – a report from MG is available on the Governors Portal.
Nursery – there is no formal report from the Nursery but regular updates are held.
- Currently 21 on role
- Financial update - just about breaking even in terms of salary costs.
- Bad debts – a much firmer line is being taken. If parents aren’t paying then services are withdrawn.
- It was suggested to create a Facebook page but effectiveness and costs need to be investigated.
Social Media Group to investigate the creation of a Facebook page.
Part one of the Principal’s report contained the following matters:
- Quality of leadership in, and management of the school
- Staffing
- Quality of Learning and Teaching in School
- Parents
- Current School Development Plan
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Learning and Teaching of Curriculum Subjects & Extended Curriculum
- Core Subjects Reports
- Foundation Subjects
- Premises & Accommodation
- Equality & Safeguarding / Discipline & Behaviour
- Current Achievement
- Educational Visits, Enrichment and Extended Curriculum
The following issues arising from the Principal’s report were discussed:
CE School of the Year- the Academy was placed second to Wilmslow High School.
Silver Science Award – the award is to be presented in Manchester.
IQM Flagship Award –has been renewed and we have been asked to present to the IQM assessors.
The Academy has received a visit from Cheshire East for the under the floor level from Year 6 SATs. SI gave an overview of the results which are detailed in the Teaching & Learning minutes. All Governors have a copy of them.
Parent’s Forum
A high amount of effort is being made by teaching staff to provide the Parent’s Forum. However, attendance by parents is very low.
? – What time are the forums?
A – 9.30am and 6pm
? - Is there any take up?
A – Very little and always the same parents.
? – What about offering it at 3pm?
A – It has been tried in the past with the same results.
A new forum was being offered with a TA rather that a class teacher, in case it was previously considered intimidating.
The Governing Body agreed that it was important to keep trying to engage parents. It was suggested to try a web based approach.
Science Award
Congratulations were expressed for the Science Co-ordinator on achieving the Silver Award.
SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SI took the Governing Body through the current register of children with SEND at the Academy. It was noted that there is a high percentage of children classed as vulnerable in the Academy. The acronyms used in the register were explained.
- Statements – children with a statement of SEN, moving to Education Health Care Plans (EHCP) on Cheshire East timescale.
- SFP – children who it is believed are on their way to receiving a statement.
- FSM – free school meals, classed as disadvantaged.
- EAL – English additional language
- CP – Child Protection, highest level before legal intervention.
- CIN – Child in Need, legal intervention
- CAF – Common Assessment Framework
- LAC – Looked after Children, not in their own home i.e. fostered.
? – Has the number of CP gone up?
A – Yes, it usually rises after the summer holidays but since September the number has risen quite alarmingly.
The Governing Body were informed that the Academy receives an amount of money for all children on the SEND register. This money is must be spent on them in an appropriate and accountable manner. The Governing Body were reminded that the detailed spending of Pupil Premium money was published on the Academy website and it was recommended that they make themselves familiar with it.
? – Could we include the numbers of the more able pupils and any successes in the next report?
A – Yes.
Attendance (authorised)
The current level of attendance is 95.4% - Amber level
96% and above is Green level
Anyone who drops below 94% is contacted for a meeting.
Some SEN children have lots of medical absences.
Children under 5 years of age can’t be reported and counted but they still have to be counted.
Good to be Green (School Behaviour System)
Red cards given are predominately given to older pupils.
Mental Health Issues
Extra hours of play therapy have been purchased. Approximately 9 children are seeing the Play Therapist.
CeCP INSET training on the 13th November will be on the new area in Education ‘Growth Minset’.
Congratulations were expressed for the staff on the general level of progress the children have made over the year.
There were no further discussions about the Principal’s report.
The SIP has been discussed at the Teaching & Learning Committee meeting and all Governors had received a copy of the latest report. It was agreed to look for a replacement SIP but it was acknowledged that it is difficult to find one. The Principals PM meeting is scheduled for 03.12.15
The Principal and Vice Principal are to look for a new SIP and advise the FGB.
The Director’s Report for the Summer Term 2015 contained the following matters:
SI highlighted to the Governing Body a number of issues relevant to the Academy (see comments in bold type), and governors noted the report.
- Governance and Liaison update
- Children (Pupils) Missing Out on Education
- School’s Level of Support and Intervention, School Improvement, Partnership and Advocacy
- Attendance Guidance, What’s New for September 2015?
- Inspecting Safeguarding Under the New Ofsted Common Inspection Framework from 1st September 2015
- Extremism and Radicalisation Prevent Duty 1st July 2015(SI and MC have been on the training and all staff have done online training)
- Keeping Children Safe in Education – UPDATE
- The Importance of Religious Education(SB going on Maternity leave, SI to cover; following the Cheshire East suggested syllabus)
- Virtual School for Cared for Children(SI is the designated teacher)
- Implications for Schools on the Living Wage(to be discussed in part 2)
- Model Education HR Policies for Schools and Academies(always used)
- Education HR Safer Recruitment Training(GP, MG and IM have done the training)
- Responsibility of Schools for Learning Outside the Classroom -school visits and overnight stays (being covered later in the meeting)
- Consultation on Admission Policies 2017/18
- Free Early Education for 2 Year Olds(we will submit a fast-track request)
? – Does it change the funding and set up?
A – No, it will now be part of the academy
A fast track request needs to be submitted by the Academy
- Cheshire East Internal Audit – 14/15 School Audit Programme Findings
- Finance update – Salary Overpayment Audit Report (draft), Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS)(no applicable to Academies)
SC informed the Governing Body of training updates. SI and MG gave a brief feedback about the HMI Ofsted briefing; regarding the new schedules.
MG informed the Governing Body of the need for policies, what they cover and that they are working documents which are continually evolving.
The possibility of creating a core group of policies relevant to and written specifically for parents was discussed, with the detailed policies forming a staff handbook.
Governors noted approval at committee level of the following policies:
Head Lice
Charging & Remissions (inc. Educational Visits & Activities)
Lone Working
Cared for Children
It was agreed that the Assessment, Uniform and Whole School Food policies required reviewing at committee level.
Social Media Policy requires re-drafting.
A date for another meeting of Social Media Group to be organised.
ACTION: DM / Clerk
- TERM DATES FOR 2015-2016
The changes to the term dates were noted and approved.
Last School Day Back to School
Summer Term / 21.07.15Autumn 2015 / Tues 01.09.15INSET
Wed 02.09.15
October Half Term / Fri 23.10.15 / Mon 02.11.15INSET
Tue 03.11.15
Fri 13.11.15 INSET
Christmas / Fri 18.12.15 / Mon 04.01.16
February 2016
Half Term / Fri 12.02.16 / Mon 22.02.16INSET
Tue 23.02.16
Easter 2016 / Thurs 24.03.16 / Mon 11.04.16
Summer Half Term 2016 / Fri 27.05.16 / Mon 06.06.16INSET
Tue 07.06.16
Summer Holidays / Wed 20.07.16 / The school will adhere to the planned INSET days but do reserve the right to change them should it be deemed necessary.
MC left the meeting at 8.10pm
It was agreed to look into the Governor Mark and investigate further what would be required. It was agreed to raise it at the next FGB with the hope that one of the Governors would take responsibility for it to further progress with this.
Years 3 & 4 - Overnight stay at Tattonhall with a crossover day.
Year 6 – An activity trip with a residential stay. The proposal is to be put before the relevant Committee.
Reception and Year 1 – The use of the grounds (quad or hall) for an overnight stay. The proposal is to be put to the parents to gauge interest.
The Governing Body agreed all propsals.
Details of future FGB and Committee meetings are listed in the Principal’s report. The Governing Body noted and agreed them.
The meeting moved onto part 2.
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