Part One

Previously known as Common Assessment Framework (CAF)

Statement of Use

This form will be used by all agencies to assess and refer a family for targeted services that cannot be met within one service alone. Please complete as much of this form as is possible.

For further enquires please contact the CAF Administrator on 0208 379 2111

Child/Young Persons Details
Name / Surname / Gender / DOB/EDD / Ethnicity / Language(s) Spoken
Primary Address
Contact Numbers:
Disability Y/N / Religion / School Attending / NHS No. / Unique Pupil Number

Interpreter/Signer required: Yes No

Is this child experiencing significant harm that requires statutory intervention? Yes No


CONSENT for Information Sharing

In most circumstances the child or young person (if they are of an appropriate age and understanding) or their parent or carer should be provided with a copy of this referral form.

Parents/carers, children and young people must give their explicit consent for information to be shared with other agencies in order to support need and offer additional services.

The only exception to this is where you have explicit protection concerns and consent has been denied or seeking consent may jeopardise the welfare of the child or young person. If you are unsure about whether or not to seek consent for information sharing, please contact the SPOE manager on 0208 379 5555 to discuss further.

Consent for information storage and information sharing

Have you obtained explicit consent from the parent / legal guardian / young person to share their information with other agenciesin order for services to be offered as appropriate? Yes No

Parent/Carer and or Child/Young Person (delete where appropriate) understands the information recorded on this form will be stored and used for the purpose of providing services to the family.

Are there safeguarding grounds for sharing this information without consent? Yes No

Summary of your current concerns. What worries do you have for the child/family if the situation continues?

Referring Practitioner Details
Name / Agency / Role / Telephone / Email / Date form completed
Name / Address / DOB / Ethnicity / Disability / Relationship
Language(s) Spoken / :
Interpreter/Signer required Yes No


Child developmental needs

Areas to be included are health, education and learning, including attendance, attainment and exclusions, emotional and behavioural development, identity, family and social relationships, social presentation and self care skills.

Attributes of parents and/or Carers

Areas to be included are basic care, safety and protection, emotional warmth, stability, guidance, boundaries, and stimulation.

Family and environmental factors

Areas to be included are family history and functioning, housing, employment, finance, social integration and community resources.

What outcome do you and the family want to achieve?

Please name any services that you know are already working with the family

Services already working with the family
Please name as necessary:
Name / Role / Organisation / Contact Details (tel / email)

Vulnerability Level(Please tick only one)

On a scale of 0 – 6 with 0 being the lowest and 6 being the highest, how vulnerable do you think this child is?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Does this family meet any of the National Change & Challenge indicators as described below:

Youth Crime Anti Social Behaviour Worklessness

School ExclusionSchool Attendance

Main Presenting Concern (This information is required to enable us to track outcomes)

Please only tick one box

Child/YP BehaviourHealth Issues

Child/YP DevelopmentBereavement

Child/YP Emotional/Mental HealthSocial Isolation

Parenting IssuesSubstance Misuse Concerns

Relationship IssuesDomestic Violence

Education/Employment/Training Issues – ChildChild/Family Poverty

Education/Employment/Training Issues – Parent

Are you making a Multi-Agency referral?

Please indicate the services below that may meet the needs of the family.


Are you making a referral to a Single Agency?

If you are referring to a single agency only, please selectone box only.

16/17 Homeless Housing ServiceEducational Psychology Service (EPS)

Behaviour Support Service (BSS)Enfield Parents & Children (EPC)

Central African Youth Enfield (CAYE) Enfield Parent Partnership Service

Childcare – Early Years Provision Family Nurse Partnership

Children & Adolescent MH Service (CAMHS)Health Visitor

Children CentresHomestart

Community Parent Support Service (CPSS)Joint Service for Disabled Children

Community Safety UnitSpecial Educational Needs (SEN)

Domestic Violence SpecialistYoung Carers (DAZU)

Drug & Alcohol Support ServicesYouth & Family Support Service (YFSS)

Education Welfare Service (EWS)Other (Specify: )

Are you explicitly requesting a service from any of the agencies below – please tick:


If so, please complete the attached addendum.

No other attachments or reports other than the Appendix should be sent with this form.

ALL Enfield Early Help FormsMUST BE REGISTERED at Enfield Council by the CAF Administrator.

Please see below for guidance.

Sending your Enfield Early Help Form to CAF Administrator

The CAF Administrator is the portal into the Single Point of Entry (SPOE). You must forward the Enfield Early Help Form to the CAF Administrator,to be logged and considered for a multi-agency response if necessary.

  • EHF form being sent to CAF Admin from an enfield.gov account can be sent securely to:
  • EHF form being sent from a health nhs.net account can be sent securely to:
  • EHF form being sent in by schools can be sent via the USO FX secure file transfer system which is part of London Grid for Learning (LGFL). You should select CAF Administrator from the group list.
  • EEH form being sent from other accounts will need to be password protected with a least 8 characters and using a combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers and symbols. Please remember to ring the CAF Administrator on 0208 379 2111 with the password.


Additional information required to accompany

Part 1 of the Early Help Form when referring to CAMHS/EPS//BSS

Please complete page 1 for CAMHS/EPS, page 1 and 2 for Behaviour Support

Client Information
Name of referred child/young person / Date of Birth / Male/Female / NHS Number (for CAMHS referrals only)
I/We are in agreement with this referral to CAMHS/EPS/BSS* and I/we give consent for my/our child to be seen individually if considered necessary.
* Please delete as appropriate / Signed:
Referrer Contact Details
Name of Referrer: / Address of Referrer: / Telephone No:
Referral Information
Reason For Referral (please attach any relevant reports, e.g., medical, IEPs, LSPs, PSPs)
What has been done already to help resolve this issue:
Dates / Intervention / Outcome
Please Tick which Service You are Referring to
North Team, Charles Babbage House, 1 Orton Grove, Enfield, EN1 4TU Tel: 020 8379 2000 Fax: 020 8379 2020, or South Team, 265 Church Street, Edmonton, N9 9JA Tel: 020 8360 6771 Fax: 020 8360 0139
please discuss this with the school’s Educational Psychologist:
Educational Psychology Service, Charles Babbage House, 1 Orton Grove, Enfield, EN1 4TU
Primary Behaviour Support
Addison House, Addison Avenue, London, N14 4AL. Tel: 020 8441 6448 Fax: 020 8449 2131
Secondary Behaviour Support
Swan Annexe, 219 High Street, Ponders End, Enfield, EN3 4DX. Tel: 020 8379 8112 Fax: 020 8379 8146

Complete this page for Behaviour Support Referral Only

Educational History
Current School: / Current Year Group: / Date Started School:
Details of previous schools, with dates and reason for change in school
Please Indicate Pupil’s National Curriculum Levels – End of Key Stage assessments
Last Key Stage Assessment
1 2 3* / Current Functioning
If the pupil is at Key Stage 4 please attach details of GCSE options, alternative curriculum programmes including placements with outside providers.

Please comment further on a pupil’s learning in the appropriate section of the CAF. Highlight strengths, interests and areas for development, preferred learning styles, support needs etc

Attendance (please include current and previous term)
Overall attendance / Authorised absence / Referred to EWS
Current term
Previous term
Exclusions (please include current and previous term)
Type: Internal/FTE / Date / No of days / Reason
SEN Status
School Action/School Action Plus* *Please delete as appropriate / Date / Main area of need
Has statutory assessment been requested Yes/No / Date / Agreed/not agreed
Has a statement of SEN been issued Yes/No / Date / Main area of need
Check List for Attachment – Please Tick Information Included
IEP/PSP with reviews
Details of school interventions and their impact
Managed Move Referral Form Section One and Four
Last academic report
Copies of other relevant reports – please specify

Guidance Notes

What is the Enfield Early Help Form (EHF)?

  • It is a tool for assessment, referral, planning and review (in other Local Authorities it may be referred to as a Common Assessment Form or CAF).
  • The EHF is in two parts – Part 1 (Assessment) and Part 2 (Action Plans)
  • Part 1 (assessment) should be completed by the creator and sent via the CAF administrator to the Single Point of Entry (SPOE).
  • Part 2 (action plans and reviews) to be completed following SPOE decision that a coordinated multi-agency package of support is to be offered to the family. The lead agency identified by the SPOE will nominate a named lead professional to coordinate teams around the family. The lead professional will be responsible for completing Part 2 of the EHFincluding recording the agreed actions and subsequent reviewing of actions.
  • If you are referring to CAMHS, Educational Psychology Service or the Behaviour Support Service further information may be requested directly from you.

Why complete an Enfield Early Help Form (EHF)?

There are concerns about a child’s progress (including health, welfare, behaviour, learning or anything else).

Parents/carers have raised their own concerns and are requesting help.

The child’s needs are unclear or broader than the remit of the creator’s service.

An EHF will help identify a child’s needs and/or get others to help meet them.

Information Sharing

Information should only be shared with the explicit consent of the child and his/her carers unlessthere is a compelling reason to over-ride this principle.

Exceptional circumstances: Significant harm to infant, child or young person.

If at any time during the course of this assessment you feel that an infant, child or young person has been harmed or abused or is at risk of harm or abuse, you must follow the Pan London Safeguarding procedures as set out in the booklet “What to do if you are worried a child is being abused” (Department of Health, 2007).

For further support or training with any aspect of integrated working and Enfield Early Help Form process contact the Community Parent Support Service on 0208 379 2002.

More details can found on the London Safeguarding Children Board website (www.londonscb.gov.uk)

In order to assist in tracking outcomes we are asking all agencies to decide the approximate level of vulnerability at the beginning of the assessment process. If you are a lead professional you will be asked to revisit the vulnerability scale when coordinated teams around the family are no longer required and stating the name of the family, the date of closure and the vulnerability scale at the point of closure

Vulnerability Scale
0. / The needs of the child are clear and are being met by universal or single agency targeted interventions.
1. / The needs of the child may not be clear. If the child’s needs are not met, this will not matter very much. A low level of help will probably make things better quite quickly.
2. / The needs of the child may not be clear. If the child’s needs are not met, this could make things worse. Help from two or more agencies working well together will probably makes things better in a medium period of time.
3. / The child does have additional needs and they are not yet getting the right help. Two or more agencies working well together will probably make things better in a medium period of time.
4. / The child’s needs are quite complicated and they will probably need help from a number of agencies over a longer period of time. The help they are getting now is not enough or is not working. If the child’s needs are not met, this could make things a lot worse over time.
5. / The child’s needs are complicated and they are not getting the help they need. They will probably need a lot of help from a number of agencies over a long period of time. The family may have been getting help from a number of agencies for a long time already, including from social services or the police, but if so it is not working.
6. / The child’s needs are very complicated and they are not getting the help they need. The child is at risk and if they do not receive help now, things could get a lot worse very quickly. They will probably need a lot of help from a number of agencies for a long time. The family may have been getting help from a number of agencies for a long time already, including from social services or the police, but if so it is not working.

Single Agencies Explained

16/17 Homeless Housing Service – the young persons Housing Support Service is based at Claverings Industrial Estate, Unit 9, Centre Way, Montague Road, Edmonton, and offers a drop in service to 16/17 yr olds and their families Mon to Fri 9am to 4pm, when a young person is at risk of homelessness.

Enfield’s primary aim is to mediate with young people and their families to find solutions that help support young people to live with their families, preventing family breakdown and youth homelessness. In situations where issues cannot be resolved the young persons housing needs will then be fully assessed in consultation with the family.

Central African Youth Enfield (CAYE) - Provide general advice, guidance and information on welfare, education, training, voluntary and employment referral, sign-posting and interpretation services for refugees from African French speaking community. Organise social, health and educational events run weekend musical skills programmes for disadvantaged children and young people of all ethnic backgrounds organise recreational activities.

Children & Adolescent MHS (CAMHS) - CAMHS offers assessment and treatment for children, adolescents and their families where there are concerns about severe and enduring mental health problems.

Children Centres – offer a wide range of services from health support through to parenting support for children aged 0 – 5 and their parents.

Community Parent Support Service (CPSS) – CPSS offers support and advice on a range of parenting issues.

Education Welfare Service (EWS) –offers information, advice and support if you have any concerns about your child’s attendance at school.

Educational Psychology Service (EPS) - EPS supports parents and teachers of children who have difficulties affecting their ability to learn. This service is accessed through referral from professionals.

Enfield Parent Partnership Service –offers free advice, information and support to parents of children with special educational needs and/or who are at risk of exclusion from school.

Enfield Parent & Children (EPC) - offers a range of family activities, parenting programmes and counselling. Also offers advice and support to children and families on the move from primary to secondary school. Also provides the Parent Partnership Service details of which included in this directory.

Homestart –offers group and individual support for families with children under 5.

Joint Service for Disabled Children –the Joint Service brings together a range of services for disabled children and young people and their families. They can give you information, support and advice to meet the additional needs of your child, including any medical needs. They can tell you about other local services and facilities and ensure you have the right equipment and adaptations to your home. They can provide you with information about short breaks which provide families with a break their caring responsibilities and give disabled children and a chance to have fun with their friends. Short breaks include holiday play schemes and after school clubs.

Special Educational Needs (SEN) – Gives advice about the assessment process and provision for pupils with SEN.

Young Carers (DAZU) – provides support to young carers and after school and holiday play schemes for children with disabilities and their siblings.


Any comments or suggestions contact the CAF administrator or 0208 379 2111

Effective Date: Oct 2014

Review Date: Oct 2015