Present : Cllrs. Mr. Young (Chairman), Mrs. Aston, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Moore, Mr. O’Hanlon, Ms. Poole, Mr. Sharp.
Mr. Steve Kenton – BucksCounty Council Team Leader Parking Services
Mr. Richard Talbot – Consultant on railway parking issues.
PC. Dean Kingham
PC. Matt Spencer
Approx. 70 members of the public.
Mr.Young informed that the meeting had been arranged as many residents of Sheerstock had expressed concern at the number of commuters using Chiltern Rail, together with employees of Thame Road industry, parking in Sheerstock, creating a problem for residents, who are then unable to gain access to their properties.
Steve Kenton, BCC gave information on the options available :
- Access protection marking – an informal warning notice but not enforceable.
- One hour parking prohibition – this would apply to everyone.
- Yellow lines – no one could park.
- Residents parking scheme. Parking permit per car would cost £52 per year. Visitors permits would be required which would be an additional cost. This is not enforceable by the police. Civilian Enforcement Officers would patrol once a day.
A Traffic Order to put a scheme into place costs in the region of £7000 and it was suggested an application could be made to LAF (Local Area Forum) to be considered for funding.
Mr. Brighouse informed that Chiltern Railway had spent a considerable amount of money on building the car park and due to demand had provided an additional 250 spaces. Car parking charge is £6.50 per day. If 3 people travel together in a car, the parking is free. Chiltern Railway had paid for the attendance of Richard Talbot for tonight’s meeting.
Richard Talbot – independent consultant in sectors of railways and parking – informed of his involvement in working for National Car Parks and managing a couple of hundred rail car parks throughout the country. The process of making a Traffic Order can take approx. one year. If the route of a Residents Parking Scheme was pursued this would have to be looked at over a wider area as it displaces vehicles to other parts of the village.
PC Dean Kingham – police/PCSO patrol area daily. Advisory letters are posted on inappropriately parked cars; £30 fine tickets are given (no points on licence). With regard to the concerns that emergency services would not be able to get through, it was stated that the Fire Brigade would get through whatever - vehicles would be pushed aside and it would be for the owners to claim on their insurance.
Concerns of residents
- Safety of children.
- Obstruction for emergency vehicles.
- Residents unable to park by their properties.
- Blocking of residents entrances.
- Dangerous parking on junctions/corners/bends.
- Car park charges too high.
- Employees of Thame Road industry parking in Sheerstock (it was suggested residents write to company concerned).
A vote was taken on how the residents present wished to take this forward. The majority vote was in favour of a Residents Parking Permit Scheme.
BCC informed that it would have to undertake a consultation to include all the residents of Sheerstock/Slave Hill and the wider area such as Wykeham Way as a first step.