MINUTES of a Denton Parish Council meeting held on Monday 17th July2017 at 7.30pm at Denton Village Hall.

Present: Cllr S Hollyer (In the Chair), Cllrs Bell, Bellamy, Brady, Geeson and Hiley, Cty Cllr Bob Adams (8.15 pm) and Dist Cllr Hannah Westropp.

15/17.Apologies –Cllr Crush.

16/17.It was resolved to sign the Minutes of the meetings held on 22nd May 2017.

17/17.Cllr Belldeclared an interest in item 7(i) of the Agenda (planning ref S17/1079). Cllrs Bell, Bellamy, Brady and Hollyer also declared interests in item 7(i) and 11(iii) of the Agenda.

18/17. Cllr Geeson proposed and Cllr Brady seconded that Cllr Hollyer be elected as Chair. He accepted the position and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Cllr Bell offered to take the position of Vice Chair and Cllr Brady proposed and Cllr Hiley seconded that he take that position – he duly signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

The Chairman then welcomed all present.

19/17. Highways: Chair raised the issue of the footpath between Harlaxton and Denton on the A607 not being designated as a cycle path, and it was agreed that the Clerk should write to Highways stating that although this path is not 3 metres wide, neither is the designated path between Harlaxton and the Farrier.

Highways has said that there are no TROs taking place at the moment so that the matter of signage for HGVs using Casthorpe Road cannot be dealt with. Clerk to write to LSRP to see if they can help.

Clerk reminded Councillors of works due to take place in August at the junction of the A607 and Main Street.

20/17. Adoption of phone kiosk – An item in the Villager requested ideas for use of the phone kiosk but nobody had put any idea forward. The suggestion of another defibrillator was raised, or moving of the existing one from the village hall to the phone box. Clerk to seek advice of CHT with regard to the temperature in the phone kiosk and any risk to a defibrillator put there.

21/17. Planning –

[i] Not yet determined : S17/0680 – extensions and other works at 109 Church Street; S17/1079 –two storey side extension and porch at 8 Netherfield.

The quarry appeal will be heard in January 2018. It was resolved to pay £1,000 contribution to GOLAG but this will be on presentation of an invoice from one of the expert witnesses. The payment is on the proviso that if there is any residue of funds, this payment will be refunded to the PC.Individuals do not have a pecuniary interest in relation to donations to GOLAG.

[ii] Cllr Bell wanted a document setting out the standard operating procedures of the PC in relation to planning applications. Cllr Geeson proposed that any future comments by Councillors should be copied to all Councillors as well as to the Clerk, otherwise the system is working satisfactorily. Agreed Cllr Bell would prepare a draft.

[iii] Cllr Bell said that he wished to prepare a Publication Practice document and it was agreed that he would prepare a draft {clerk has since pointed out that there is already such a document}.

22/17 Fly tipping – Cllr Brady had been unable to speak with Mark Jones concerning CCTV for the worst fly tipping areas but had done a lot of investigating himself. There are many FOI considerations and his suggestion is to forget this idea for the time being.

23/17. The gentleman selling the painting of the almshouses has stated he would like reimbursement of any cost for postage and packing, plus a donation to the Alzheimers Society. Clerk will check that a PC can make a donation to a charity but it was resolved to pay P & P costs of £10 and donate £50. Clerk to advise Simon Hill.

24/17. Cllrs Bell and Bellamy will attend a new councillors training course on 6th September. Clerk to find out when the next Chairman’s training course will take place as Cllr Hollyer is interested.

25/17. Finance:

[i] Bank balance at 30.6.17 £9,002.79.

[ii] Receipts & payments schedule was agreed and signed accordingly.

[iii] Donation to GOLAG (see Minute reference 21/17(i)).

(iv) Clerk confirmed that the insurance had been renewed with the acceptance of a 3 year Agreement.

26/17 Councillors:

Cllr Adams advised that he had met with Rowan Smith of Highways and matters are moving forward. Clerk will write to Highways concerning the state of the road surface on Belvoir Road at Woolsthorpe hill. Also about a collapsed trench half way along Harston Road. Clerk will write to the LRSP asking for information on solar powered speed signs.

It was agreed a newsletter should go out shortly – articles should include the Street Market (Cllr Hollyer), GOLAG (Cllr Brady), and the Local Plan (Cllr Hollyer).

The Chair offered thanks, on behalf of the PC, to Cllr Hiley for his work during his time as Chair.

27/17.Date of next meeting: 23rdOctober 2017.

Meeting closed at 8.30 pm.