Terrington St John Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting of Terrington St John Parish Council held on
Wednesday 3rd January 2018 at 7.00pm in the Ely Row Methodist Hall
Present:Mr C Clifton - Chair, Mrs C Gibbs, Mr B Dye, Mr K Knight and Mrs S Cooper, Mrs M Purse, Rev M Dale arrived at 8.15pm and Mr C Cook
1 member of the public.
Following the co-option of M Purse at the last Parish Council meeting, C Clifton on behalf of the members welcomed M Purse to Terrington St John Parish Council. M Purse duly completed and signed the Declaration of acceptance of office form, Register of members’ disclosable pecuniary interests form and Members code of conduct form.
- To consider accepting apologies for absence
All members present.
- To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed
S Cooper declared an interest in application 17/02328/F.
- To approve the minutes of the last council meeting and matters arising
Minutes of the meeting of Terrington St John Parish Council held on Wednesday 6th December 2017: It was resolved to approve the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
- To suspend the meeting to allow public participation
The meeting was closed to allow public participation.
There were no issues raised by the member of the public.
The meeting was reopened.
- To consider balances at bank and approve payments to be made
The Clerk circulated the bank reconciliation, budget Q/E December and Q/E March before the meeting. The balances at bank as at last bank statements received:
Current A/c (20/12) £100.00Business Savings A/c (20/12) £34,711.69
Accounts for payment - resolved to approve the following payments in accordance with the budget:
PayeeDetailsCheque numberAmount
G RobinsonClerk101820£351.20
B HarrisLitter collector101821£60.00
A CoppingLitter collector101822£60.00
G RobinsonExpenses101824£81.99
WestcotecLighting contractor101825£16.50
- To considered and approve 2018/19 budget and precept requirement
The members considered the draft 2018/19 budget and the Clerks proposed precept requirement, details of which were circulated to members prior to the meeting. It was agreed after a few minor adjustments that a £50,000 precept would be required.
- To agree arrangements for 2017/18 internal auditor
It was agreed that Mrs Goodrum would be asked if she would again do the Internal Auditor for the Parish Council. It was agreed that the Parish Council would be willing to pay £100 for this service, upon receipt of an invoice.
- To consider planning matters
17/02328/F Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 17/00678/F to change plans to incorporate the proposed single storey garden room to plot 2 Middlegate, Main Road, TSJ.
S Cooper declared an interest.
It was agreed that the members would like to support this application as it will be an enhancement to the area.
17/02332/F Proposed double garage 142 School Road, TSJ.
It was agreed that the members would like to support this application.
17/02335/RM Residential development for 35 dwellings, Playing Field, School Road, TSJ.
It was agreed that the members would like to support this application with the following recommendations: The additional entrance directly in front of the school, specifically for the school use only car park presents a further hazard in an area that has already been identified as hazardous. The initial application that was presented to the Parish Council showed only two accesses to the new housing development from School Road. The Parish Council would like to revert back to the original plan of only two entrances, both of which are further away from the centre of the already very busy area. The Parish Council has identified a large enough area on the west side of the development, that should be made suitable so that parents can park and walk children to the school gates. To alleviate inevitable parking problems during busy time of the day the Parish Council would like to see a layby on the west side of the development for at least five cars. There appears to be insufficient room at the front of the development to add a footpath and layby unless the development is moved back 2 to 3 metres. This would be a massive improvement to children’s safety and enhance the visibility of the area.
It was agreed the Clerk would sent details of the application to David Law, Traffic Management Office to see if he could support the Parish Council’s comments.
17/02391/F Proposed detached garage and side extension to house 140 School Road, TSJ.
It was agreed that the members would like to support this application.
MDale arrived at 8.15pm
17/02387/FExtension, alterations and change of use to form a dwelling at Belgrave House 10 School Road, TSJ.
It was agreed that the members would like to support the application with no other comments.
The members considered the email response from Planning Office, K Wilkinson regarding application 17/02089/F, which was considered by the members at their Extra Ordinary November 2017 meeting. It was agreed the Clerk would respond to this by repeating the question again via letter and copy G Hall, H Wood-Hardy and B Long into the letter. Action: Clerk
The Clerk reported that there had been no response to the comments made to application 17/02084/F. It was agreed the Clerk should chase this up. Action: Clerk
- To consider correspondence.
All email correspondence was sent out during the month and the Clerk went through the postage correspondence received.
- The members discussed the email response from A Wallace regarding Parish Council’s complaint that the trod on Church Road had not been started as previously agreed to with A Wallace. It was agreed that the Clerk should respond by asking again that the trod be constructed immediately, rather than waiting for the outcome of the second grant bid.
- To discuss Neighbourhood Development Plan
The Neighbourhood Development Plan was sent out to members prior to the meeting. CClifton reported that he has updated the Neighbourhood Development Plan and explained the areas that have been revised. CClifton asked members to study the document and make comments if necessary. Attachments to the Neighbourhood Development Plan will be sent at a later date. With attachments, the Neighbourhood Development Plan will be sent again a week on Friday. The members considered the village maps so that the planning envelope could be agreed. Clerk to contact AFradley for a complete view of the Parish with the proposed 2026 plan. Clerk to send plan of village to CClifton. Action: Clerk and C Clifton
- To consider an update regarding the Scout hut and Preschooland car park development
The members discussed the planning application response from the local Scout group on the recent change of use application. It was agreed that the Clerk should email the Scouts an apology for the agent’s mistake, together with the Clerks email sent to the agent asking for a correction to be made. Clerk to also contact the agent regarding the error in wording. Action: Clerk
- To consider need for Rospa inspection
It was agreed that Rospa should again make an inspection of the village play area.
- To consider items arising from the Clerk's weekly report
The Clerk's weekly reports were duly circulated prior the meeting. There were no further comments made on the items raised in the report.
- To consider member’s reports
- Clerk to follow up on the environmental issue on Church Lane.
- CClifton discussed a recent visit to the recycling centre and that the issues had been raised to B Long.
- To receive items for next month's agenda
- Allocation of roles to Parish Council members
- Date and time of next meeting
Wednesday 7th February 2018 at 7.00pm in the Ely Row Methodist Church
- To discuss confidential items
There were no confidential items.
As there was no further, business the meeting closed at9.06pm
Signed: Date:Page 1