PRESENT:Cllr P. Davies (Mayor)

“ E.J. Breeze

“ Mrs J. Crisp

“ Mrs C. Edwardes

“ Mrs L Evans

“ Mrs A.M. Jones

“ Mrs S. Mills

“ Mrs A. Morgan

“ P. Rees

“ G. Rowlands

“ Mrs P. Smith

“ J. Whittal Williams

Town Clerk

Precept meeting held at 6.30 pm

Councillors discussed the draft precept which was agreed on 23rd November. Clerk presented a list of further expected expenditure from December – end March 2016, and items for consideration for 2016-17. A confidential sheet of staff costs was circulated. Councillors agreed to keep staff costs the same figure as budget had not been reached, but this would allow for any prospective pay increases. Confidential sheets were collected in. It was agreed to finalise the precept figure at the Panel meeting on 11th January 2016.

400/01APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Cllrs Lady Hooson and G. Morgan


Declaration of Interest Forms were distributed and filed with the minutes. Cllr Davies declared an interest in item 4c as a member of Llanidloes Community Services committee. Cllr Smith declared an interest in item 11 as an employee of PCC Museum Dept.

400/03MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-

Minutes of Council Meeting held on 23.11.15 True Record Unanimously agreed


a)Letter from Wales Air Ambulance re Airbase Appeal - Move to May finance meeting

b)Newsletter from SARPA – Cllr Mills will read through

c)Letter requesting funding from Llanidloes Community Services Cttee – Cllr Davies and Morgan declared an interest and left the room. Councillors voted unanimously not to donate any monies to this group as it was considered that funding from Potters should be sufficient

d)Letter requesting donation from British Red Cross – Move to May finance meeting

400/05TO RECEIVE UPDATE ON DAY CENTRE SERVICES (Cllr Mrs Margot Jones) Cllr Jones explained that a meeting with PCC was held 2 weeks ago, and it was explained that any monies on the table had now been reduced, and from next year only £320,000 has been left to run day centre services. Council as stakeholders will be invited to County wide workshops and consultations but it is feared that Day Centres will close within 12 months leaving vulnerable members of the community isolated. There is hope that in the meantime, voluntary groups will come forward. Current costs of running the Llanidloes Day Centre are £200,000 per annum inclusive of management costs. Clerk was asked to write to Russell George AM asking him for any help he could give, also asking him to ask Jane Hutt for precise figures from PCC for running Day Care Services as the budget is now 1/6 of what it was 2 years ago.

400/06 TO DISUCSS ARRANGING A CHARITY CONCERT (Cllr Breeze) Cllr Breeze informed Council that a very successful Concert was recently organised by Llanidloes Without Community Council with the proceeds being given to Dial a Ride. Councillors agreed with would be a good idea to organise a Concert which could include the newly formed Town Band. It was agreed to discuss further in January and to set up a committee to organise.

400/07TO DISCUSS E MAIL FROM MR CHRIS LLOYD, PCC RE SIGNAGE Councillors agreed to accept the “Twinning” signs from PCC which would not involve any costs to Town Council.

400/08TO DISCUSS REPORT RECEIED FROM BIOMASS BOILER INSPECTOR The report was received and Cllr Davies stated that there is nothing we have not complied with legally and all we need is a hopper. Cllr Whittal Williams stated that we should not ignore the report. Cllr Mrs A. Morgan stated that IEC had gone into voluntary liquidation and therefore we can still file a claim against them. Cllr Rees stated that a claim against IEC could not be filed as they have gone into voluntary liquidation and therefore there is no money there.

Clerk stated that the report must be sent out to 3 contractors as mentioned in the Audit report. Cllr Davies was adamant that the only thing that is not working is the hopper. It was proposed by Cllr Davies that the report is sent out to at least 3 contactors asking them to quote to rectify points in item 7 in the Inspectors report. It was agreed to ask Triano Services, Bufton Heating, JAG and Severn Plumbing. Clerk asked for any amendments to the proposal. There were no amendments. 7 Councillors voted for the proposal and 3 Councillors abstained (Cllrs Mrs A Morgan, Mills and Jones)

400/09TO DISCUSS INTERIM INTERNAL AUDITORS REPORT The report was received. Cllr Breeze pointed out that the Auditor had specifically requested that the Biomass Boiler issue is handled with care, stating that 3 quotes for remedial works should be received. Councillors agreed that the report seemed to be “picky” but Clerk assured Councillors that this was a good thing as all aspects of the accounts were being looked at.

400/10TO RECEIVE BURIAL BOARD ACCOUNTS Councillors were pleased with the new layout of the Accounts. It was mentioned that the precept figure for 2016/17 has not been received as yet. Clerk will mention to the new Burial Board Clerk and Council members on the Burial Board will bring it up at the January meeting.

400/11TO DISCUSS LATEST DEVELOPMENTS ON PROPOSED MERGER BETWEEN LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Cllr Davies stated that he has been asked to attend an informal meeting on Wednesday 16th December at Cllr G. Morgan’s house. Councillors agreed that Cllr Davies should not attend the meeting. Clerk explained that LGA 1972 states that “Council must not allow delegation to a single Councillor, not even the Chair unless they have been formally constituted as a committee or subcommittee”. Cllr Davies will ring Lisa Griffiths at PCC to find out what the meeting is about, requesting the meeting on 11th January, and will inform Clerk who will in turn inform Councillors. Cllr Edwardes stated that PCC are being extremely bad mannered and requested that the Clerk should include this issue into the letter to Russell George

400/12TO DISCUSS MAYORAL AWARDS Councillor Davies would like to see this amalgamated with the Charity Concert and suggested that nominations should come from members of the Public. This will be discussed further at the January meeting.


TREE 2015/0040 CA - Three small trees to be felled at Summerfield Park, Llanidloes – No Objection

P2015/1081 Construction of a balcony to rear including removal of existing window and installation of double door to rear at 17 Penygraig Llanidloes Powys – No Objection

P2015/1107 Change of use from Hotel and restaurant to a dwelling at Lloyds, 6 Cambrian Place, Llanidloes Powys (retrospective) – No Objection



Chq No

100302Citizens Advice Bureau 160.00

100303Crocodocodile Playgroup 250.00

1003041st Llanidloes Brownies 240.00

100305Llanidloes Cricket Club 250.00

100306Llanidloes Scout Group 200.00

100307Ponthafren Assoc 100.00

100308Petty Cash 90.14

100309Sonia Pritchard (Travel exp) 72.00

100310J.C. Rowlands 160.00

100311LITE 1,429.20

100312PC-Q 26.17

100313PCC (C Tax Coach House) 815.55

100314BT 341.77

100315Wynnstay 185.01

100316 Severn Trent 2,536.25


100318Inland Revenue 833.44

100319Charles Cowan (planning app) 675.00

100320Petty Cash 97.20

100321PCC (Pension) 512.10

Total£ 8,973.83

400/15COUNCILLORS QUESTIONS - Answers to be found by the next meeting if possible

Cllr Davies read out a letter from Bro Arwystli Church Office complaining about the parking if Dial a Ride vans. He also read out a reply to the letter from Dial a Ride. Cllr Rees suggested parking spaces on his ground in Bethel Street. Cllr Davies agreed to look into producing signage for the spaces in Bethel Street and agreed to talk to both the Church Office and Dial a Ride.

Cllr Smith was concerned about Severn Trent not dredging the River at the Severn Porte recently.

Cllr Crisp was concerned about the work on the flats at Gwaelod y Bryn. The works to underpin the flats has been going on for a long time and wished to find out how much longer it will take.

Cllr Breeze has received complaints from residents regarding Xmas trees being proper up against the Cenotaph.

Cllr Whittal Williams is concerned about a blocked drain by the entrance to Allt Goch, gravel running across the road near to the Clywedog Caravan Park and Post Office vans parking on double lines outside the Spar and Woosnams.

Cllr Rowlands is concerned that an Ambulance could not get through Maesydre at the week end, leaving ambulance staff to walk quite a distance and will look further into this.


The list of dates on the attached sheet were confirmed

Meeting closed at 8.50 pm