Fall 2017
ATTENDANCE: / The laboratory sessions will meet onTUESDAYS:
Sec. A Instr. Complex 416 9:0 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.
Sec. B Instr. Complex 416 12:00 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.
We will have the pre-lab quiz and the lab preview in IC-419 first before we start the lab.
Laboratory attendance is mandatory. An unexcused absence from laboratory will result in a score of zero for that experiment (See GRADES below). Laboratories cannot be made up. Please note that students must be present from the start of the experiment to the endof the experiment. Leaving before the experiment is completed will result in a grade of zero for that lab.
MENTS: / Before coming to lab, download the lab data sheet and lab handout that will be needed for that day. A copy of the lab experiments has been posted on the instructor’s faculty webpage on the college website. Please prepare for the experiment ahead of time. You will not be admitted to the laboratory unless you have these documents. It is your responsibility to determine that your computer at home can access Banner Web and has the necessary program to download and print these documents.
Lab Apron
Safety Goggles
SAFETY: / Safety in the laboratory will be emphasized at all times. Any student exhibiting unsafe behavior will be expelled from the laboratory and assigned a zero for that experiment. SAFETY GLASSES MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES DURING THE LABORATORY. THE WEARING OF HATS, SHORTS AND OPEN TOED SHOES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE LABORATORY.
CLEAN UP: / Students are responsible for keeping their work area and equipment clean and dry. As a part of class participation, students will be assigned on a rotating schedule to clean up common areas.
GRADES: / The laboratory grade will count as 20% of your overall Chemistry 1211 grade.A student who fails the laboratory portion of the course will receive an F for the ENTIRE course. An average laboratory report score of less than 9 out of 15 constitutes laboratory failure. The grade consists of the following:
A. Laboratories (15%)
Pre-lab Quiz - 5 points out of 15
Lab Report Form - 5 points out of 15
Lab Notebook Pages - 5 points out of 15
B. Final Laboratory Exam (5%)
A final Laboratory exam will be given during the laboratory period on November 14, 2017. You will only have the use of the laboratory notebook for this exam.
PRE-LAB QUIZ: / A pre-lab quiz will be given at the beginning of each laboratory period. The subject matter of the quiz will be based on the theory and procedures for that day’s experiment and will come directly from the material given in the laboratory manual (Experimental Chemistry, Fourth Edition, J. F. Hall) for that day’s experiment. As described above, the quiz will count as one-third of your lab grade for that day’s lab. There are no make-up quizzes. Don’t be later otherwise you will miss the quiz!1
LAB REPORTS: / For each experiment, you will be provided a “Results/Data” form. Your laboratory report will consist of the completed Results/Data form and the carbon copy from your laboratory notebook reflecting your collected data, analysis and calculations, and an error analysis for the experiment. Everything must be written neatly and legibly.NOTE: QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE LAB REPORTS WILL NOT BE ANSWERED BY THE INSTRUCTOR ON THE DAY THOSE REPORTS ARE DUE! ASK THEM BEFOREHAND.
LAB NOTEBOOK: / The laboratory notebook will be used to record your data collection in the laboratory and to show your error analysis for each experiment. Your Results/Observations sheet, loose pieces of paper, paper towels, front or back of your hands, etc. will not be used to record data in the laboratory. All data collection must be recorded in your notebook. Your notebook will be maintained as follows:1. There must be a table of contents.
2. Label each page with the date and name of the experiment.
3. All entries will be in pen only.
- Neatness and legibility count! If you make a mistake, cross it out
5. You must record everything you do in the laboratory in sufficient detail, so that someone could use your notebook to perform the experiment.
6. Show all calculations in the notebook.
7. All data entered in the notebook must be clearly labeled with the correct units and have the correct number of significant figures.
- A separate section will be setup for each experiment labeled as
NOTE: Failure to bring the laboratory notebook to lab or properly use the notebook while in the lab will result in a loss of 1 point out of 15 for that lab.
- Objective
- Materials and Equipments
- Procedures: You must record everything you do in the laboratory in sufficient detail, so that someone could use your notebook alone to perform the experiment. Use “number” format.
- Calculations: Show all calculations in detail, with the correct significant figures and units in each step. Data form itself does NOT satisfy. Your calculations should start with the original data recorded and lead to the results listed in the data form.
- Error Analysis: List all possible sources of experimental error.Experimental errors are those factors beyond your control. Explain how each factor could affect your result.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY POLICY: / Although, students will work as pairs in the laboratory (to include the preparation of the pre-lab and laboratory reports), each student is responsible for completing and turning in their OWN laboratory reports and pre-labs. Cheating in any form will not be tolerated and will result in an F for the course as well as reporting of the student to the Academic Dean. See the policies concerning Academic Dishonesty, in the Gordon College Academic Catalog.
FINAL LABORATORY EXAM: / As described above, there will be a final laboratory exam. The laboratory exam will be given on November 14, 2017. You will only have the use of your Laboratory notebook for this exam. This exam will count as 5% of your course grade.
NOTE: THIS IS A TENTATIVE SCHEDULE AND MAY BE REVISED AT THE INSTRUCTOR'S DISCRETION. It is always the student’s responsibility and duty to attend classes so as to keep abreast of any changes in the lecture, lab and exam schedule.
DATE / EXPERIMENT / REQUIREMENTSAug. 15 / Problem-Solving or Lecture
Aug. 22 / Lab Introduction & Safety Check-in
Aug. 29 / The Use of Volumetric Glassware / Read Expt. 2
Sept. 5 / Density Determinations / Read Expt. 3
Sept. 12 / Problem Solving or Catch-up class
Sept. 19
Sept. 26
Oct. 2 / Determination of a Formula
Midterm Exam
Deadline to WITHDRAW from Class / Read Expt. 11
Oct. 3
Oct. 10
Oct. 12 / Titration
Fall Break
Problem-solving or Make-up lecture (Thursday) / Read Handout
Oct. 17 / Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid / Read Expt. 15Oct. 24
Oct. 31 / Catch-up class or Problem-solving
Properties of Representative Elements (Demo)
Molecular Shapes and Structures
Nov. 7Nov. 14 / EXAM 2
Laboratory Exam
ADA and 504
If you have a documented disability as described by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, you may be eligible to receive accommodations to assist in programmatic and/or physical accessibility. The Counseling and Accessibility Services office located in the Student Center, Room 212 can assist you in formulating a reasonable accommodation plan and in providing support in developing appropriate accommodations to ensure equal access to all GSC programs and facilities. Course requirements will not be waived, but accommodations may assist you in meeting the requirements. For documentation requirements and for additional information, contact Counseling and Accessibility Services at 678-359-5585.
Title IX
Gordon State College is committed to providing an environment free of all forms of discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. If you (or someone you know) has experienced or experiences any of these incidents, know that you are not alone. All faculty members at Gordon State College are mandated reporters. Any student reporting any type of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking must be made aware that any report made to a faculty member under the provisions of Title IX will be reported to the Title IX Coordinator or a Title IX Deputy Coordinator. If you wish to speak with someone confidentially, you must contact the Counseling and Accessibility Services office, Room 212, Student Life Center. The licensed counselors in the Counseling Office are able to provide confidential support.
Gordon State College does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy, parenting or related conditions. Students seeking accommodations on the basis of pregnancy, parenting or related conditions should contact Counseling and Accessibility Services regarding the process of documenting pregnancy related issues and being approved for accommodations, including pregnancy related absences as defined under Title IX.
HB 280
For information regarding House Bill 280, see the University System of Georgia at the following link: