Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council, held Thursday 10th December 2015


Village Hall, Sandhutton, 07:30 p.m.

10th December 2015

Present:Councillors:H Cronin (Chairman)

O Fernyhough, A Lowes

Officer:S Fraser

In Attendance:District Councillor J Watson


SHPC/0235 / To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor Aconley, District Councillor Dadd and County Councillor Baker
Resolved: / Apologies are received.
SHPC/0236 / To receive declarations of interest regarding agenda items
None to receive
SHPC/0237 / To agree dispensations
No dispensations to receive
SHPC/0238 / To invite questions from members of the public re Council business (maximum 5 minutes)
No member of public in attendance.
District Councillor Watson addressed members stating that the Parish Liaison meeting had been well attended and the next meeting will be 2nd June, 7pm at the Civic Centre, Northallerton. The Clerk was asked if a response had been received in respect of the street lighting correspondence and responded that nothing had been received. Members raised concern about a new business that had set up at the Airdrome, and lack of notification from the District Council in this regard. Councillor Watson said she would look into the item.
Councillor Watson left the meeting.
SHPC/0239 / To receive and adopt the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 28th October 2015
Resolved / Minutes SHPC/0222 to SHPC/0234 are adopted and acted upon
SHPC/0240 / To agree action in respect of the Jubilee Tree
Proposed that the donated memorial tree will also mark the Jubilee too.
Resolved / Agreed by members
SHPC/0241 / To receive an update re the Parish Council Website
Members were informed the site was not live and informed of URL prior to the meeting.
The Chairman thanked the Clerk for her work in setting up the site and said the Council and referred members to the new transparency regulations.
Resolved / i)The Annual Accounts for 2014/15 are uploaded onto the site
ii)The Clerk prepares a flyer for the noticeboard and residents and includes a reminder to refrain from parking on the village green.
1 / Chairman ………………………………………………………..
Clerk ……………………………………………………….……..
Dated …………………………………………………………….

Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council, held Thursday 10th December 2015

SHPC/0242 / To agree the estimates for 2015/16
Members discussed the proposed budget estimates. The Chairman said there were key items for the Council to considerin the new financial year: The future of the Village Hall, Village Green parking and signage, Speeding and traffic concerns, Community Engagement.
Resolved: / i)The proposed estimates are agreed.
ii)Residents in the village are made aware of the opportunity to apply for small grants for local benefit.
iii)A letter is written to the local police inviting them to a meeting of the Council to discuss traffic concerns in the local vicinity.
SHPC/0243 / To agree the Precept request for 2015/16
Resolved: / The Precept request is £3600 and as that of the previous financial year.
SHPC/0244 / To agree donations for 2015/16
The Chairman said this item had already been discussed at SHPC/ 0242 and also referred to the October meeting whereby members had agreed to donating £100 for the Church yard grass cutting.
Resolved: / Members agreed there were no other donations for consideration at present.
SHPC/0245 / To discuss correspondence and agree action thereof
0245.1 / CO101215-1 Notification of the Parish Liaison Meeting, 19/11/15 previously circulated to members.
Resolved: / Noted by members
0245.2 / CO101215- 2 HDC Waste and Recycling Policy
Resolved: / Noted by members
0245.3 / CO101215-3 Minerals and Waste Joint Plan, Consultation comments by 15/1/16
Resolved: / Noted by members and placed on Village noticeboard
0245.4 / CO101215-4 Pension Staging – Employee eligibility/non eligibility
Resolved: / Noted by members. The Clerk to contact DWP and inform of her preferences.
0245.5 / CO101215-5 Village Carol Service, letter asking for member of the Council to do a reading. Unfortunately all members were otherwise detained.
Resolved: / The Chairman will give apologies
SHPC/0246 / To agree recommendations for Planning Applications
0246.1 / PL101215-1 - 15/02642/FUL The Limes Barn – members were informed that comment had been made from residents about the change of application originally for two garages and of concerns about the roof height, additionally the work had already been undertaken
Resolved: / Comment to HDC that notification is retrospective and concerns have been raised about the roof height.
0246.2 / PL101215-2 – 15/02518/FUL Church House -
Resolved: / Recommendation ‘ No observations’.
SHPC/0247 / To receive the Bank Reconciliation report
Resolved: / The Reconciliation Statement is agreed (cross checked and initialled by Councillor Fernyhough).
SHPC/0248 / To agree payments
Members were presented with a detailed list of payments:
St Leonards Church £100, Payroll Q4 gross, HMRC and NI.
Resolved: / Cheques payments 100294 to 100297 inclusive are agreed for payment
The Meeting closed. Next meeting 21st January 2016
1 / Chairman ………………………………………………………..
Clerk ……………………………………………………….……..
Dated …………………………………………………………….