Reception Class Newsletter
29thSeptember 2017
Dates for your diary
Family service is every Tuesday morning at 9.10am and we welcome all families to come and join us.
The Reading workshop will be on Monday 9th October. Please complete the additional letter sent out today regarding this.
Library books are changed every Friday. Please ensure your child brings their book to change every week
Stars of the week!
This week we have chosen Maariyahfor our WOW Writer of the week! Maariyah shows confidence with her writing and was able to write simple captions to match her picture.
We have chosen Tempie White for our golden learner. Tempiehas demonstrated a wonderful enthusiasm this week and showed a real confidence using the laptop to create a fantastic picture.
Our Class Learning
This week the children have been learning about how technology is used at school. The children were given the opportunity to program the beebot floor robots and complete games using the iPad and the laptops. Most children showed confidence using the iPad but some children needed additional support to operate the mouse pad or the mouse to complete a simple picture on the laptop. If your child does have access to a laptop or a computer at home, it would be great if you could teach them how to use the mouse pad or the mouse to interact with games. There are some excellent games on the cbeebies website that teach children how to use the keyboard, space bar and the mouse.

This week we have now completed all of the phonic assessments. Your child receives a daily discrete session of phonics at 11.00am. The children are grouped by ability within these sessions and received a planned session of phonics.
I will be running a reading workshop on Monday 9th October 2017. There will be two sessions available on this date. We will provide you with lots of invaluable information about how we teach letters and sounds at home and the reading scheme that we use at school. We hope to see you all there. We will be able to advise you individually which phase of phonics your child is working within and how to support them at home.

Next week it is Healthy living week at school and we will be learning about how to keep our bodies healthy. We will be tasting lots of different fruits and completing simple tally charts to find out which fruit the child like the most and the least.
We will be learning lots of songs about keeping clean and eating healthy. We will also be sharing the story, ‘Supertato’ which is a fantastic story about Supertato and the evil pea. We will think about what food other Superheroes eat to stay fit, healthy and strong. We will be using potatoes and carrots to make repeating patterns and we will be drawing pictures of our own Super Veggie hero! We will also be teaching children the importance of having a rainbow diet and eating lots of different coloured foods. It makes for a super busy week!
Some children are choosing the same things for dinner each day and we hope that we can encourage them to try new things at school. Please can you share the school dinner menu with your child at home and encourage them to try something new each day!
Messages to Parents
Home-School Learning
Many thanks for all of those who sent wonderful photographs of baking cheese snails at home. It was a real pleasure to share these with the class. It is important that home – school learning is fun and the most important part of it is time spent together with your child. You can continue to send any photographs to my email below. Here are some ideas to support learning at home
-Can you make a super healthy snack such as a fruit salad or a fruit smoothie?
-Can you read the story ‘Supertato’ to your child and talk about what happens at the beginning, middle and the end of the story!
-Can you bring a potato to school so that the children can make their own Supertato model!

Parents comments/ suggestions

We have to eat from the rainbow!

Rainbow diet!

  • Red foods have Vitamin C- These foods help us to remember
  • Blue foods help our brains such as blueberries, blackberries
  • Orange foods stop us from getting sick such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apricots, and oranges.
  • Green foods give you good eye sight such as spinach, kale, peas and broccoli
  • Yellow or white food gives us lots of energy such as bananas, pasta, rice and potatoes

Here are some healthy eating recipes to make at home!

Make a fruit smoothie

You will need;

  • 1 cup frozen strawberries, raspberries,
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup spinach leaves
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries blackberries
  • 1 cup frozen pinapple, orange juice
  • Enough orange juice to make your blender run (2-3 cups)
  • A blender!

Make a fruit salad!

Make a fruit kebab!