Eynesbury Church of England Primary School

Developing confident learners who thrive within a Christian ethos


Newsletter 15

June 2017

Peer Mediators

16 Year 5 children recently trained to be our new Peer Mediators.

The role of the Peer Mediators is an important one in school, supporting our Traffic Light problems. We encourage children to resolve their own problems and friendship conflicts if they are GREEN problems.

If they need adult help these are RED problems.

Where problems involve a break down in friendship, sometimes our Peer Mediators can help to support children in sorting out difficulties.

We are now starting to hand over the responsibility from Year 6 to Year 5 pupils.

Bring a ‘Dad’ to School Days

Thank-you to the many Dads/ Grandads and Uncles who attended this week to our Bring a Dad to school sessions.

We are happy to receive feedback from families about whether the split over two days and a greater focus on core subject sessions enabled parents to attend and gain an insight into learning at Eynesbury. You are welcome to email the office@ email.

Kingswood Residential Trip

21 Year 6 children went to Kingswood, West Runton. Feedback from the staff was very positive including the way the children supported each other in the challenges.

Year 6 children who did not go on the residential took a responsibility job in the younger classes. Dough Disco in the Nursery was a favourite activity for the Year 6!


Next week is Sports Week in school.

We have a busy timetable of sporting activities in school. This includes:

Fencing – Year 5 and 6 group;

Kwik Cricket – Years 3 and 6

Swimming – Years 4 and 5

Tennis – Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Football – Years 1-6

We also have our Sport Days

Nursery (1) – Tuesday 27th June 9.30am

Reception – Years 6 – Wednesday 28th June – 9.30am followed by family picnic on the field

Nursery (2) – Thursday 29th June 2pm

You are welcome to join us for our Sports Day on Wednesday 28th June.

You are also welcome to stay for picnic lunch, please bring a picnic and a blanket. If you are not staying for a picnic, you may like to make arrangements for your child to join another family with their packed lunch. Staff will be available to supervise and support children without family members.

Sports Day Lunch

We anticipate many families will be staying for a picnic. Some children may continue to bring a packed lunch.

Children are able to select a school dinner on Wednesday, however we will only be offering a ‘picnic’ lunch which will be wraps, rolls or sandwiches (cheese, ham or tuna). There will be no hot meal options.

Adults need to bring their own lunch if you are staying.

School Dinners

A reminder that school dinner monies should be paid in advance.

Advanced notice that school dinner charges are increasing from September. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children will continue to be offered a free school meal. Children in Nursery and Years 3 – 6, not entitled to Free School Meals (see below) will be charged £2.30 (an increase of 5p)

School lunches remain good value for money and help improve children’s concentration in the afternoon. This modest increase is the first for two years and helps the school to operate a viable, safe and well managed catering service, whilst maintaining good quality ingredients and healthy menus.

If your child has a medical condition and has special dietary needs, our Caterer, CCS, is able to help. Please visit their website

Pupil Premium

Are you on any of the following benefits?

+Income Support

•Income Based Job Seekers Allowance

•Income-related employment and support allowance

•Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999

•Child Tax Credit but who are not entitled to working tax credit and whose annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) does not exceed £16,190

•Guarantee element of state pension credit

•Universal Credit

Please note where a parent is entitled to Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after their employment ceases, or after they start to work less than 16 hours per week, their children are entitled to free school meals.

The school is able to access funding for your child to support their education if you are in receipt of the benefits.

Please contact the school if you feel your child is entitled to this additional funding.

Staff News

Mr Wixcey will be retiring at the end of the academy year. As I stated, he holds many responsibilities within the school and therefore will be a hard act to follow.

We have re-advertised the Caretaker post. Please share with anyone you feel may be interested.

We share in Mrs Conway’s excitement and news - she is due to have a baby.

It is likely Mrs Conway (Y4 Classteacher) will be starting her maternity leave in October, therefore we are seeking a temporary teacher. All school advertisements can be found on

Miss Webb has become Mrs Allen. Over the half term holiday, Miss Webb (Learning Support Assistant/ Toasties Manager) married Mr Allen after many years together. We wish them all the very best!

Mrs Herlihy will be leaving our school at the end of the school year – her last day is Friday 14th July (am). She will be sadly missed.

Reception Class – September 2017

We continue to be an oversubscribed school with a waiting list for Reception places. This year, however, due to Admission Team errors, our Reception Class size will be 33 instead of 30. Parents have been informed.

To address these errors and the impact for learners within the class a small amount of additional funding has been received to increase staffing levels. We are in the process of recruiting staff.

Summer Fair – Change of date

The Summer Fair has been moved to Saturday 8th July

Non-uniform Day has also been moved to Friday 7th July –donations for the tombola stall or £1!

Summer Term Diary Dates

Tuesday 27th June – 9.30am Sports Day morning (Nursery children only)

Tuesday 27th June – Year 6 to Longsands – Hairspray Performance

Wednesday 28th June – 9.30am Sports Day (Reception – Year 6)

Wednesday 28th June – pm – Year 6 Prayer Spaces - church

Thursday 29th June – 2 pm - Sports Day afternoon (Nursery children only)

Thursday 29th June – Children’s University Graduation – St Marys, Eaton Socon

W/B Monday 3rd July – New class induction week

Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th July – St Neots Secondary School Transition Days – Year 6 visit new schools

Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th July – New class days in school

Tuesday 4th July – Last orchestra

Tuesday 4th July – 7pm New Parents’ Evening (new Reception and Nursery Parents)

Wednesday 5th July – Nursery closes at 12pm. No afternoon session

Wednesday 5th July – 2-3pm Teddy Bears’ Picnic for new Nursery and Reception children

Thursday 6th July and Friday 7th July - Cambourne Secondary School Transition

Friday 7th July – Reports out to parents

Friday 7th July - Non-uniform day – donations for the Summer Fair

Saturday 8th July – PTA Summer Fair

Monday 10th July, Wednesday 12th July and Thursday 13th July – Nursery Parent Consultations

Tuesday 11th July – Last choir

Tuesday 11th July – Summer Music Concert 1:45pm

Wednesday 12th July – Year 6 Performance afternoon – Dress Rehearsal

Thursday 13th July – Rev Debbie’s Final Assembly at Eynesbury School

Thursday 13th July – Year 6 Performance to parents – 6.45pm

Saturday 15th July – Nursery Trip - ‘Room on the Broom’ at Cambridgeshire Arts Theatre

Tuesday 18th July – No choir or orchestra

Wednesday 19th July - 9.30am Leavers’ Service in the church (Years 3-6) - all welcome to join us

Thursday 20th July – PTA Discos

5-6pm Nursery/ Reception/Years 1and 2,

6-7 Years 3-6

Friday 21st July – Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly 9.30am (Year 6 parents/ grandparents/ carers invited)

Friday 21st July – Last Day of Term

Monday 24th July – Friday 1st September - Summer Holiday

Monday 4th September – Staff Training Day (1 of 5) – School Closed

Tuesday 5th September 2017 – Staff Training Day (2 of 5) – School Closed

Wednesday 6th September 2017 – Start of the Autumn Term


School Term Dates 2017/18

Autumn Term 2017

4September to 19 December 2017
Half term: 23 October to27 October 2017

Spring Term 2018

3January to29 March 2018
Half term: 12 February to 16 February 2018

Summer Term 2018

16 April to 24 July 2018
MayDay:7 May 2018
Half term:28 May to1 June 2018

Training Days 2017/18

Monday 4th September 2017

Tuesday 5th September 2017

Friday 20th October 2017

Wednesday 3rd January 2018

Monday 16th April 2018