PRESENT: Chris Sturdy (Deputy District Commissioner) Graham Penn (Group Scout Leader) Eric Silvester (Chairman) Deanne Ambrose (Treasurer) Carole Whorwood (Secretary) Executive Committee Members, Leaders, Parents and Children.

APOLOGIES: Dave White, Gareth Sear, Paul Richardson, Alison Richardson, Adrian Peskett, James Richardson

1.  Minutes of Last AGM

No matters arising. Accepted and Proposed by Deanne Ambrose and Graham Penn.

2.  Chairman’s Report (Eric Silvester)

This year has been an outstanding year for our Group. Work has now started on the extension to the hut and the footings and retaining wall will be completed over the next few months.

I would like to thank all my fellow officers on the Executive Committee and our ‘backroom’ team; Paul Richardson for his work in obtaining grants and running the shooting club, Martin Wingrove for all his help with the mini-bus, Adrian Peskett for maintenance of the hut and Jackie who co-ordinates the second hand uniform. We do need to have more parent representation on the Committee from each of the sections. We could not run the group without the additional help of parents and volunteers and if anyone has any free time and would like to get involved we would love to hear from you. I would like to say a thank you to all those parents who have volunteered in helping on hikes and camps which is very much appreciated. I will now pass you over to our Group Scout Leader.

3.  Group Scout Leader’s Report (Graham Penn)

I would like to start by addressing our leaders. You are without exception magnificent and I am proud to be associated with you. I am sure that the parents will agree that the programme which all sections provide is not only interesting and stimulating, but also apparently, successful.

Life in itself is challenging and the scout programme is intended to prepare the young people for life by providing them with challenges, teaching them how to overcome them, and giving them the confidence to do so. Our leaders achieve that in so small degree and I would like to thank them on behalf of all parents and members of 1st Roffey Scout Group.

In this last year the efforts of our young people have resulted in some remarkable successes as we will no doubt hear from the leaders and I am sure everyone will congratulate the team members who took part in the various events. But it is not only the active events for which trophies have been awarded and the District quiz shield and the chess trophy tend to show that we not only can manage success in the physical side of things but also the mental. Of course, had there not been all these trophies, that would not mean that as a group our activities were any less valid, but it is fun to look at this and say – you know what, we have done pretty well.

All of this involves a lot of work by the leaders and helpers. It is very pleasing therefore that one of our leaders has been recognised by the Scout Association and Dave White has been awarded the Silver Acorn for his services to scouting. I am sure everyone will agree that Dave fully deserves the award. I have always said that Dave would do anything for his scouts but the important point is probably that it also applies to beavers, cubs and scouts from this or any other group. I know that I can say this safely due to the fact that he is not here and therefore cannot hear me being nice about him. It was intended that his award would be presented to him tonight by the County Commissioner, but unfortunately Dave could not be here. And, in the circumstances I believe it is being presented to him at the next District Awards on is 8th June.

After all this positive news, it has become unfortunately almost an annual ritual to say that Trevor and Gareth need more assistance with the Explorer section and another Explorer scout leader would be very well received. This position still remains vacant and it is not clear how long it will be before that can be resolved.

In terms of people not able to be here tonight, I would like to pay tribute at this stage to Paul Richardson who was group chairman for 11 years and then a committee member for a further two years. Paul has been a very busy boy during his time and the achievement of the shooting team would simply never have happened without Paul. His most recent achievement has been the hut extension which as you can see has finally started and Paul has been key in getting to the point where the project was not only looking good on paper but to the point where is actually happening. So many, many thanks Paul for all his efforts for 1st Roffey over the years.

Now the hut extension is one matter, which requires considerable funding over and above the expenses of the day to day running of the group. The minibus looks to have expired and that is another requirement to be funded as it is fundamental to any of the activities that the group needs to travel to in order to participate. We have been able to commence work on the extension as a result of our own fundraising activities plus grants from the Gatwick Trust and West Sussex County Scouts. The balance has been made up with a loan, which we have to repay to West Sussex Scouts over three years. So, with that and the minibus, the need for funds does not ever stop. We are still applying for further grants for the fitting out and the insulation of the extension but as my mum used to say, money doesn’t grow on trees!

This leads to an important point and that is that the Executive Committee which is responsible for fundraising, is getting very low in numbers and we do need new blood, new ideas and new effort in relation to fundraising in order to keep the group moving forwards and going from strength to strength as it has done over the past few years. The scouting side cannot exist without a strong Executive Committee and therefore we appeal to all parents to consider what you can do to help make scouting successful for your children and for the children of others. Will anyone who feels that can contribute even a little of their time please speak to myself or the Chairman as soon as possible. We will welcome you with open arms and make you feel very much at home.

Finally, but by no means less important, Owl has now been a leader for a little over 5 years and I have a Chief Scout’s 5 year service award to present to her. Well done Alison.

4.  Beavers Report (Alex Fitzpatrick)

The beavers have had a busy 12 months since the last AGM, kicking off with our first every Fun Day and Sleepover which was held at Beacon Hill Campsite last July. Based on a Pirate theme, the younger Beavers came for the afternoon, made pirate hats, played water games, had a go at slack lining and generally had lots of fun in the sun until dinner time. After dinner the younger Beavers went home while the 9 older ones helped the young leaders build a campfire which we then sat around for cocoa and marshmallows and some fun singing games. They slept in tents in Gummy’s Hut and each one of them slept soundly until the following morning – we even had to wake one up so he didn’t miss breakfast!

During the Autumn term we worked on our Health and Fitness and Experiment badges which involved lots of physical activity, trying some healthy foods and some fun experiments. We also joined in with Colony Capers in September and the District campfire in October.

Spring term saw us look at some Chinese customs, games and foods for the Chinese New Year and we also made some interesting origami pieces. Our Pancake Day meeting saw some interesting concoctions which only the Beavers were prepared to try!

We had a really good attendance for the St George’s Day parade despite the weather.

Summer term has already seen a visit from the local PCSO Andy and one of the Beaver dads, also a PC, where we looked at stranger danger and the Beavers were allowed to climb all over the large police van that Andy brought with him. We have a visit to the Fire Station planned for June to learn a little about dangers in the home and for a chance to climb in the pumps! We are off to the campsite tomorrow night for a chance to get to know the area better and then on Saturday we are visiting the Scout camp to work on one of the new badges Beavers now have to earn, the Camp Craft badge, before this year’s fun day and sleepover. We will be finishing the term at Southwater Country Park with a night of fun on the water with Martin, Dave and John with the assistance of some of our more qualified kayakers. We are keen to show the Beavers as many ‘scouting’ activities as possible to ensure they know about the exciting things they have ahead of them in Cubs and Scouts.

Our young leaders have been a great help this year, each of them running their own badge work themed evening and helping out at the sleepover amongst other events. We currently have 23 Beavers registered.

5.  Cubs Report (Gareth Whymark)

We have had two camps this year, one in Summer and one in October which was very wet and windy. We came second in the chess competition for the second year running. Young Leaders have organised events with Craig Fowler holding a fitness challenge and James Lindfield running a roller disco evening which was great fun. Some of the activities have included pioneering, badge work, cooking, rifle shooting and pancakes.

We had a full turn-out for St George’s Day parade. In June we had two nights at the campsite with the Sixers and Seconders doing our Health & Safety badge. They built a bridge which John Boulton walked across.

6.  Scouts Report (John Fitzpatrick)

Has once again been a very busy year with 22 Scouts now registered following a big intake in September. In October we took part in the Downsman and won by half an hour with our second team coming 4th and missed 3rd place by only 11 minutes. Our Explorer teams came 2nd and 6th. November was the River Dart trip. We also won the Quiz. We took part in the Triangle Night Hike and came 3rd missing 2nd place by only 2 points. December was the 2 Rings Hike with very young Scout teams and we came 2nd and 4th.

January was the Winter Camp at Gilwell with Scouts and Explorers with 40 of us in total. This was one of the muddiest camps ever and it took two and a half weeks to get all the gear cleaned with the Scouts help. February was spent training for hikes. We came first in the Mad March Hare and were very impressed with the team. The second team had an injury and the PL/APL controlled the situation and the young Scouts showed great commitment. We received good feedback on how the PL Indian Belfield had coped.

We were absolutely delighted to come 1st in the Overland and this is the first time 1st Roffey has won in 25 years and the first time an all girl team has won in 46 years! Huge congratulations to Heather, Alice, India and Kirsty, we smashed them. Well deserved girls.

In April we took part in the Inter County Shooting competition in Wolverhampton and won the Silver medal. Our team were Adam, Max and David Ambrose. Credit to Paul Richardson for all his commitment with the shooting team. In May we had a camp to get ready for Summer camp which was a very wet weekend. In June we cycled the 32 miles Downs Link which everyone completed and was good fun. July was the raft race and we had a 1st place. Summer Camp in July was in the Isle of Wight. We camped in a field that was very hilly and exposed and this tested scouting skills. It was so windy and wet the dining shelters disappeared just when the cocoa was ready and we were all drenched! We went sea kayaking in high swell and the shingle beach made it very tiring. The overall winning team at Camp was Cobra’s which were the all girl team plus Ben Friedland being the ‘honorary girl’. Camp this year will be in Dorset.

Six Gold Awards have been presented. 1st Roffey has also become a D of E Centre and some of the Explorers have now started the scheme. 1sr Roffey also has great representation in the Young Leader’s programme.

We have a Kayaking programme for June and July. There are also new badges in Geocaching, Fundraising and Time on Water.

Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to all the parents, we could not do it all without you.

7.  Explorers Report (Trevor Walker)

2013-2014 has been a successful year for Phoenix Explorer Scout unit. Since the last AGM the unit has had a full and comprehensive programme focusing on the balanced programme zones that are recommended by headquarters – these include teamwork, skills, relationships, community, outdoor adventure, recreation, global and above all fun. And, all the Explorers have agreed that they have all had fun!

The activities that we have done include the chip shop challenge – with the Cod Father being determined as the best chippy in Horsham, various wide games for physical and team work, Royal British Legion poppy collection for community work, cooking for global, pioneering for team work and outdoor adventure and a huge amount of hiking, both in the evenings and also weekends that John Fitzpatrick has kindly taken the lead in organising. This has resulted in a fantastic haul of silver, Arsenal would be jealous! This has included the winning 2 Rings hike, 3rd in the Triangle hike, 2nd in the Mad March Hare, 2nd in the Downsman (45 miles across the Downs) 2nd in the Inter-County Shooting competition (with Adam, David and Max) thanks to Paul Richardson. Adam has achieved second place representing the GB Scout squad in the ESSU open sports rifle class.

The Explorers have done a huge amount of Young Leaders work and are very nearly qualified young leaders, which has taken a huge amount of dedication and work. In addition they have been focused on D of E Bronze and Silver with John Fitzpatrick providing a lot of support for the Explorers.