13 June 2014






A charity which supports young people with ME and their families has

pledged itself to take on the Scottish Government in a court action to

fight against 'state snoopers.'

The Young ME Sufferers Trust (TYMES Trust), which is the longest

established national UK service for children and young people with ME and

their families, is backing the move in the Scottish courts.

The TYMES Trust believes that the drive to impose a state appointed Named

Person, a 'state guardian' or 'state monitor' by another name, on every

family in Scotland is an oppressive, unwarranted and illegal intrusion

into family life.

Jane Colby, Executive Director of the Trust, said:

"This must not go unchallenged. The Named Person will automatically be

given details of appointments with the child's doctor, and countless

other personal information. No parent can opt out of this system. If the

family misses an appointment, or disagrees with their doctor's suggested

treatment, the Named Person can and will be told."

Under the legislation, every child in Scotland under 18 - and there are

more than a million - will be assigned a 'named person' (someone other

than their parents) who will have the power to 'advise' and 'inform' the

child or discuss or raise matters about the child with the relevant


A Judicial Review of the proposal, which is contained in the Children and

Young People (Scotland) Act is being mounted.

Campaigners say the blanket nature of the named person provisions

constitutes a disproportionate and unjustified interference with the

right of an individual family to a private and family life.

The Tymes Trust has announced that it will endorse the campaign and in a

statement said:

"In our experience, the average professional who is likely to take this

role (as a named person) may fail to appreciate the severity and

chronicity of ME, leading to the distrust of normal, innocent families.

"ME is incurable and depends on the body to heal naturally. We have so

far advised 120 families who have come under suspicion of causing their

children's ill health, many of whom have been investigated by social

services, and none of whom have been found blameworthy.

"It is a continuing problem that can only be exacerbated by the statist

intrusion of a named guardian into the family's method of caring best for

their sick child."

"In 2010 the Trust was presented with the Queen's Award for Voluntary

Service : the MBE for volunteer groups. It was given for pursuing the

educational rights of children with ME and advancing their care. We see

our role in this legal challenge as helping to prevent every parent of a

sick child in Scotland seeing their natural role and rights usurped by an

overweening state."

Lesley Scott, Tymes Trust Scotland Representative, said:

"The Named Person provision came from the GIRFEC trial - Getting It Right

For Every Child. Far from getting it right, families in Highland tell me

that GIRFEC's approach has led to a constant battle with schools and the

local authority, who have not only failed to provide appropriate support,

but disagreed with parents' views."

Campaigners are bidding to use European law to overrule Holyrood and stop

these controversial plans to appoint a named person for every child in


QC Aidan O’Neill will argue that MSPs are acting illegally and exceeding

their powers by setting up the 'named person' scheme in direct

contravention of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The QC will put forward the case on behalf of the Christian Institute

(CI) which is spearheading opposition to the flagship legislation which

MSPs passed earlier this year. The CI has been joined in the legal

challenge by the Christian charity CARE (Christian Action Research and

Education), and the Family Education Trust with the support of academics

and individual parents and now the TYMES Trust.

Christian Instutute director Colin Hart welcomed the Tymes Trust

decision, saying:

"We are delighted to have the support and backing of the Tymes Trust in

this legal action which is so crucially important to families in

Scotland. This new Holyrood law will give almost boundless powers to a

state which is driven to control every aspect of people’s private lives

despite the fact that Europe places family life above the interests of

the state."


The Young ME Sufferers Trust (Tymes Trust) is a practical charity that

believes in taking action to make things better for children suffering

with ME. We specialise in advising their families and we publish

information guides for them and for professionals.

June 2014 is our 25th Anniversary. We are working to the theme FIGHTING

INJUSTICE. We believe that the drive to impose a state appointed Named

Person (a guardian by another name) onto every family in Scotland is an

oppressive, unwarranted and illegal intrusion into family life. It must

not go unchallenged.

Tymes Trust : www.tymestrust.org