Meeting started at 7:45 pm

Attendees: Alex Cuozzo, Rob Lemke, Sheryl Hall, Gary Westerfield, Bridget McCann, Harry Penny, Rich Degnan, Pam Lee, MaryAnn Harvey, Ron Nardo, Fred Benlein, Carl Grossbard

Minutes:Motion to acceptAugust minutes by RobLemke, seconded byCarl Grossbard

Motion to accept Convention minutes by Carl Grossbard and seconded by MaryAnnwith corrections

Budget & Book balance 10/1/15 = $14,744.87;Bank balance 10/1/15 = $14,760.87


Membership:2092individuals, 70 clubs & organizations

President’s Plan Ahead! XC Planning was in progress since Spring, unfortunately due to construction projects in both

Remarks:WantaghPark and EisenhowerPark there is no confirmation from the Park of any of the dates for the XC meets

Old business:1. LITF Convention – lowest turnout

2. Joint LITF/GLIRC copy machine – Decision to purchase a copier from Best Buy.

New business: 1. USATF Convention, HoustonTX – jobs assigned to delegates.

Committee Reports:

Track & Field (Rich) – hopefully 4 meets for the Indoor season. As usual we have to wait for high school dates to be fulfilled; for about 3 years working on a LITF Hall of Fame, wants to move on it – it would be for HS athletes, coaches, administration, journalists – something like the South Dakota Hall of Fame

LDR (Alex) – next XC race Oct 11 Open/Masters 8K Championships; Grand Prix – 2 races Oyster Bay 2K 10/17, Long Beach 10K 11/22

Race Walk (MaryAnn)– East Regional & Long Island 10K Championship 11/8 @ HeckscherPark; in negotiation with Stony Brook Wellness Program where Maria will teach Race Walk

MUT (Carl) – Oct 18th 6hr Birthday Run; Fred Vandor Heydt passed away, he was the co-director of 6hr Run

Masters (Rob) –Nice cover shot of Vicki in LI Explore of Newsday with a very nice article about track and field

after 35

Youth Athletics (Sheryl) –XC dates – 10/11 Bellmore PAL Invitational, 10/25 2K Youth Challenge, 11/8 Association Championships all meets at Wantagh Park, 11/22 Regional meet in Smithfield Rhode Island, 12/8 National meet in Albuquerque, NM

Para Athletics (Fred) – 9 people on new committee and 3 advisors; 1st project – with Pam’s help with St. Albans

VetsHospital, 4-6 participants to do a series of development ½ mile & 1 mile (wheelchairs/amputees);

comfortable with moving forward next Spring. Will be going to other Vet hospitals. Michelle Greco will be in

charge of the project. Suggestion – companies that make advanced physical equipment may be good for possible


Outreach – scheduled Outreach program for Scott Dwyer in Oceanside who is trying to get a team going

Meeting adjourned @ 10:30

Next Board meeting November 2nd