Disclosure/Classroom Policy

Foods II

Bingham High School

Contact Information

·  Instructor: Mrs. Janet Woodward

·  e-mail:

·  Phone 801-256-5100 ext. 4184

·  Website: https://sites.google.com/a/jordandistrict.org/woodwardbhsfacs/

·  Available Before or after school with appointment

·  Remind Class code @bhsfoods2 (801)528-7096

Course Description:

This course prepares students to understand the principles of food preparation, safety, sanitation, management and consumerism used in the home and food industry. Nutrition principals and applications will be emphasized. FCCLA may be an integral part of this course.


1. Students will review and apply the skills of kitchen management, safety and sanitation.

2. Demonstrate food preparation techniques and nutrition of yeast breads

3. Apply budgeting and consumerism skills to manage food costs.

4. Demonstrate food preparation techniques and nutrition of meats, poultry and seafood.

5. Apply proper procedures for knives and knife cuts.

6. Students will demonstrate food preparation techniques and nutrition of salads.

7. Students will demonstrate food preparation and nutrition of soups and


8. Identify and apply the elements of meal planning, meal management, and meal service.

9. Demonstrate food preparation techniques and nutrition of pies/tarts.

10. Students will discuss career options and employment skills required in the food service industry.

Grading: Students will be graded on the following criteria with this approximate grade weighting.

Written Class Assignments 20%

Participation and Behavior 20%

Tests 20%

Quizzes 10%

Labs 20%

Homework 10%

The following percentage system will be used:

94-100% A 80-82 B- 67-69 D+

90-93 A- 77-79 C+ 63-66 D

87-89 B+ 73-76 C 60-62 D-

83-86 B 70-72 C- 59-Less Fail


The award of credit in this class is subject to the conditions outlined in the Bingham High School Attendance Policy.

As with all classes, it is imperative that you attend all classes on time daily. If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late, they must check in with the attendance office and be considered Way Late, which counts as an unexcused absence.

·  Participation, Grades, Attendance and Tardy Policy

This is a participation class, and you are expected to be here every day. Up to 10 Participation points may be earned each day by attending on time, being attentive, respectful and completing the assigned work.

Disrespect, tardiness, absences, sleeping, eating outside food, breaking class rules, wandering around, leaving the kitchen messy, etc. will also be subject to deduction of 5-10 participation points daily. Attendance School will not make up for lost participation points. Excused absence participation points may be earned by reading a current article about the topic covered in class, and writing a one page summary attached to the article.

·  Class Work Policy

In addition to Participation Points, credit will be given for in class assignments. Completed work assignments turned in at the end of class will receive full credit. Students may make up missed work for Excused absences only. Homework and projects are due on the due date for full credit. Copying and other forms of cheating will not be tolerated and students will not receive ANY credit for that assignment and not be allowed to be made up.

Class work and labs missed on a day when a student has an excused absence, will be accepted without penalty one week following the student’s return. After one week, it is late and will receive 50%. After a month, or the unit test, whichever comes first, work will not be accepted and receive 0 points.

If a student is not excused, they may not make up work.

It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed work. They can do that by, checking my website, https://sites.google.com/a/jordandistrict.org/woodwardbhsfacs/,

or by visiting me when I’m not actively teaching other students to pick up papers. A student must read or participate in an equivalent activity for the time missed, and not copy others work and turn it in on time. If there is an extended excused absence, please request work early from the attendance office or check with the administration for “Home and Hospital” eligibility, and I will arrange alternate activities.

Students are expected to keep their returned work to study for exams, and it is their responsibility to check their marks on skyward weekly to prove any discrepancies within one week.

Tests will be given at the end of each unit of study. Missed tests can be made up by appointment within one week of the test date after or before school. There will be a mandatory state competency test given at the end of the semester which will count as the final exam for 100 points.

·  Remind: I will use remind a simple private text messaging and e-mail reminder to send students reminders of important information, dates and assignments. Students and parents may sign up by phone or e-mail

·  Extra Credit opportunities are rare and may be awarded for perfect attendance and passing the state competency exam.

·  Class Fee:

There will be a $15.00 class fee charged for each foods class the student is enrolled in. This is to help with the cost of groceries and supplies needed for the class. This fee is to be paid in the main office and the receipt given to Mrs. Woodward for 10 points due by the end of the 2nd week of the semester for full points.

·  Labs

Students will be participating in a lab experience one to two times each week.

Labs will be evaluated according to, following instructions, working together, product quality, and cleanup. Missed labs can be made up by making the same recipe at home and bringing me a signed make up lab note from parent and sending me a picture on phone, email or printed of you making the product.

Labs participation is a privilege and can be denied due to poor behavior.

·  Homework

In Foods 2 there are a few homework assignments and at home meal labs. Students are required to complete them on time for full points and if late, points will be deducted.

·  Rules and Expectations

The Following are the Classroom Rules

a.  Follow the teacher’s directions immediately when asked the first time.

b.  Come to class prepared to work daily with proper tools (or pen/pencil, notebook), sitting in your seat at the beginning of class.

c.  Show your respect for your teacher and classmates by raising your hand and waiting to be called upon before speaking

d.  Keep all electronic devices off, out of sight and out of mind while in class, except when necessary for instruction.

e.  Do your own work and turn it in on time each day.

f.  Quietly sit in your seat by the time the bell rings.

g.  Stay in class until your work area is clean, chairs are pushed in, and table checked off and the bell rings.

The Following are the Cooking Lab Rules

a.  Everyone demonstrates proper hygiene by washing hands, wearing aprons, closed toed shoes and has long hair restrained.

b.  Kitchens are to be checked off by the teacher for cleaning, organizing and sanitation each cooking session before leaving class.

c.  Students are to stay and work in their assigned work groups for the whole cooking session.

d.  Everyone will use the equipment and ingredients in the correct and appropriate manner.

e.  Each student will participate in all parts of the cooking lab; preparation, cooking, eating and cleanup.


1.  Good Grades 1. Verbal Warning

2.  Full Participation Points 2. Loss of Participation Points

3. Essay and parental notification

3.  Positive learning environment 4. Confiscation of Electronic Device

4.  Positive communication to home 5. Loss of Cooking Lab privileges

5.  Cooking Labs 6. Referral to administration


Dear Parent and Student:

Please read the disclosure and sign the statement below indicating that you understand and are willing to comply. Please return this portion and fee receipt to Mrs. Woodward next time for full credit. Keep the information portion of this disclosure in your notebook for future reference, or refer to it online. Policies and deadlines will be strictly observed. I will be happy to answer any questions you might have. The policies in this disclosure have been reviewed and approved by the administration of Bingham High School.

__Janet Woodward______Mrs. Janet Woodward

______Bingham High School Administrator

I have read and I understand the disclosure. I am willing to abide by the terms of the disclosure for Foods 2. I agree to follow the guidelines as outlined.

______Student Name (Please Print)

______Student Signature ______Period

______Parent Signature ______Date