CVJCF Parent Signature Form

The following Parent Signature form was adopted in 2010. By initialing each item below and your signature at the bottom indicates you have received, had the opportunity to read, had the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with a CVJCF Board member and will adhere to and comply with the CVJCF rules, regulations and policies outlined in each section of the CVJCF registration packet.

  1. I have received, read and agree to the rules, regulations and policies as outlined in the CVJCF liability and internet waiver form 3.14.
  1. I have received, read and will adhere to the rules, regulations and policies as outlined in the CVJCF Parent Code of Conduct form 4.14.
  1. I have received, read and will adhere to the rules, regulations and policies as outlined in the CVJCF Player Code of Conduct form 5.14.
  1. I have received, read and will adhere to the rules, regulation and policies as outlined in the CVJCF Uniform policy form 6.14.
  1. I understand the CVJCF registration fee is $75.00 per child for football and $75.00 per child for cheer and does not include my child’s equipment or cheer uniform. I understand that my child’s account must be paid in full @ time of Registrationor my child will not be able to participate in CVJCF functions, practices or games. I understand that after July 15th, if my child does not participate for any reason, CVJCF will not refund any monies.
  1. Football registration payment of $75.00 – Check Number______
  2. Cheer registration payment of $75.00 – Check Number ______
  1. I understand the CVJCF requires a $100.00 per Family Game Day Helper Fee. A $100.00Post Dated Check (Check shall be Dated Nov. 15th, 2016) and is due @ time of registration. A $25exemption will exist for each family member currently serving on the CVJCF Board of Directors, as a Head Cheer Coach, as a Head Football Coach, or as a Chairof a Committee. The $100Post Dated Check will not be cashed as long as two (2)Game Day Sessions of work have been completed; however, if two (2) shifts are NOT completed your check WILL be cashed on November 15, 2016. There will be a $35 fee for any and all returned checks. One Game Day Session will include any of the following: Working Sticks, Selling 50/50, Game Day Set-Up, Game Day Breakdown, Operating Scoreboard, Game Day Booth, Game Day Runner, and/or Working Concession Stand.
  1. I certify that my child resides in the Chartiers Valley School District

I have read, fully understand, and will adhere to the CVJCF rules, regulations and policies as outlined above and in the above aforementioned documents. I understand that failure to comply with any of the CVJCF rules, regulations and policies may result in my or my child’s suspension or nonrefundable dismissal from CVJCF.

Parent / Guardian Name (Print): ______

Player or Cheerleader Name (Print): ______

Parent / Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

CVJCF Rep Signature: ______Date: ______

Please initial each line below









CVJCF Form 2.14Page 111/12/2018