Kern Family Foundation Report: 5-Year Pastoral Degree Programs

  1. Recruitment/Enrollment/Retention

Please complete the following enrollment chartbeginning with the fist year of your first cohort (changing the academic years as appropriate).

20xx-xx / 20xx-xx / 20xx-xx / 20xx-xx / 20xx-xx / 20xx-xx / 20xx-xx
Enrollment Projected in Grant Proposal
New Students Entering
Students Retained from Previous Year
Total students in Program
Total Students Graduated from Program
Total graduates placed (this year’s grads)

In regard to recruitment:

1)Have you identified any new issues (good or challenging) or do you have any insights to share?

2)Do you anticipate any changes in your program? If so, what?

In regard to retention:

1)Have you identified any new issues (good or challenging) /had any insights to share?

2)Do you anticipate any changes in your program? If so, what?

  1. Program Components

If your program is new, please briefly describe the program component. For an existing program, please describe any significant observations, insights, or changes (planned or implemented).

1)On campus mentoring

2)Field placements, internships

  1. Finding/developing sites
  1. Coordinating the program(placement, assessment, etc)
  1. Feedback/stories from students or their pastor-mentors


Have there been any significant modifications made to any aspect of the program or the program as a whole since your last report that have not already been mentioned?

  1. Graduation and Tracking (if applicable)

For the following, please use these titles: senior/lead pastor, associate/assistant pastor, youth pastor, worship pastor, executive pastor, church planter, overseas missions, other. (‘Director’ may need to be substituted for ‘pastor’ in some churches.)

1)If you had graduates this year, please report the number of graduates, the number that have been placed, the titles of the positions in which they have been placed.

2)If you are able track your graduates from previous years, please report the number of graduates that remain in pastoral ministry and the titles of the positions in which they have been placed. If you know their graduation year, please include that.

  1. General

What are some of the more significant things you have learned through the development and management of this program? How will this knowledge inform your program moving forward?

Are there any anticipated challenges that lie ahead? If so, how do you plan to address them?

Are there any additional aspects of the program that you would like to highlight?

  1. Financial Information (only applies for years of receiving grant funds)

Please provide a detailed program budget that includes:

  • Your institutional costs related to this program to date and the breakdown of those costs;
  • Foundation funds received to date and a breakdown of Foundation funds already expended; and
  • Explanations for any Foundation funds received but not yet expended.
  1. Support

Is there anything that the Kern Family Foundation can do to assist you at this time?