Minutes – Lillian PS: School Council Meeting
September 24, 2015
Past leadership, Parisa Tashakori –chair, Paul Fettes- vice-chair, treasurer-elect, Beverley Cohen – secretary, May Mark- treasurer.
New leadership, Li Pang-vice-chair-elect, Elham Vizaee-secretary-elected, Paul Fettes-Treasurer.
Riley Lord- school principal
other attendees: Kiki Vranjes, Maggie Falkenberg, Deborah Loh, Mojgan Shojaei, Deborah Tomlinson, Sara Famili, Priya, April, Lilian, Abraham, Minoo.
Parisa Tashakori started the meeting with welcoming the attendees.
Principal’s Report:
● Our year has gotten off to a great start
● New staff: Suzanne Mistry has returned to the office, a few new teachers, some returning from leave - Ms. Chopra (ESL/FSL), Ms. Sharma (K), Ms. Thomas (ESL)
● Reorganization: – projected at 350, current is 343 – high number of students in grade 1 - will be reorganizing as of Monday to have 2 grade 1 classes, a ½ combined class and 2 grade 2 classes
● Roofing project is almost finished – the new roof has been installed, some work with flashing needs to be done and solar panels will be installed at a later date
● Terry Fox run and book fair have been postponed due to the on-going work action
● Many parents and community members have expressed an interest in volunteering – reminder that anyone volunteering on an ongoing basis must have a vulnerable sector police check done – forms are available in the office and the checks cost $20 As well, after the initial police check a yearly offence declaration must be completed with the Principal – please see me to check if you are due
● October 9th – we will be having a dedication ceremony for our outdoor classroom with The Rotary Club @ 1:30pm. In attendance will be M.P.P. David Zimmer, Councilor David Shiner, Director Donna Quan, SOE Linda Curtis and Trustee Alexander Brown, as well as members of The Rotary Club. A plaque will be unveiled noting their donation in memory of 2 of their members. Media will also be invited. Please join us if you can.
● School photo day will be held on October 23rd
● Lice checks – October 20th – will need at least 2 parent volunteers to assist
● School newsletters will be sent home monthly via email – there will be a limited number of hard copies available in the office for pick-up by parents/guardians – all parents are encouraged to ensure the school has an email address on file and CASL agreement
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer(May Mark ) presented the printout of the financial statement of last year.
Other Discussion:
● Pizza and Sub lunch - Beverley Cohen, Debbie Tomlinson and Priya have volunteered to run the pizza lunches – Parisa Tashakori has volunteered to run the sub lunches
● Program Area Review Team, P.A.R.T, A letter will be sent to the parents notifying them of dates and locations for public meetings regarding the over and under enrolment of the certain schools in the area, as well as some proposed changes to the current structure.
● Pro Grant, Parent education network-Debbie Tomlinson submitted a proposal last year and we have been approved to receive $1000 to increase parent engagement - it will be discussed in detail at future meetings.
Parisa and Paul expressed a willingness to participate as helpers to the chair(s).
The following leadership was proposed by acclamation: Mojgan Shojaei (Chair), Li Pan (Vice-Chair), Paul Fettes (Treasurer), Elham Vizaee (Secretary).
Due to the School Council Guidelines Mojgan can't be the chair of the school council as it was determined that the school in which she is employed as a teacher is with the TDSB.
Election of the chair will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Dates and times:
It was suggested that we try different meeting times to determine increases/decreases in attendance. Meetings held outside of school hours will need to provide child minding (to be arranged/paid for by the School Council). It was suggested that we try to make the meetings on a consistent day when possible – Thursday was suggested.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, October 22 at 4:30pm in the staffroom