Minutes from the sexpression meeting

Wednesday 21st of September

Apologies: Robin, Nicola, Nigel, Alison

Attended: Ali, Merva, Katie, Ian, Siobhian, Ollie, Joony, Lizzie, Ilsa, and Anna

During freshers week we intend to publize with the help of MRSA and Medsin at lunchtimes, we will hand out a leaflet and condom. We have agreed to flyer on the 26th of September which is a Monday morning.

Anna has sent an e-mail including details of the teaching time table for the JohnSmeatonPrimary School. Lessons will commence on the 6th of October and we will conduct 6 lessons a day. Anna and Ilsa visited the school at the start of summer and spoke to the deputy head and the head of PSE who were both very keen. We will need parties of 8 people to attend the school for the teaching days in order to cover all the lessons. The head of PSE has invited parents to an evening at the school where our intentions will be explained and consent obtained so the lessons can go ahead. It is important we have a teacher present at all times throughout the lessons.

The new head of Stop Aids has been contacted and she is still very keen to support sexpression. The organization will provide people to help us cover the lessons we have agreed to teach on the condition that the members can attend our training programmes.

Concerning the Priestthorpe: Teaching commences on the 27th of February, Anna has drawn up a beautiful provisional time table.

Ollie has been requested to organize (reprint and assemble) the packs for the lessons. No Rush!!!

I think we are having C-card issues again. It appears that we are unable to hand out the C-card themselves so are just able to provide the students with leaflets. It has been suggested that we ask someone from the C-card organization to attend a slot in the Christmas SSC to explain to the students the purpose of the cards and the aim of their production and issuing to young people.

It was raised whether we should be doing a review lesson for the year 10 pupils to find out the success of our teaching and obtain feed back.

Christmas SSC: It has been suggested that we ask Sarah Dury to print the material for the Christmas SSC the aim being to avoid paying ourselves!

When shall we train people? Training session have been arranged to start at 7pm on the 3rd of October, they will be confirmed, the medical informed and a room booked:

10th Octoberlizzie and Merav

17th OctoberKatie and Siobhan

24th Octoberollie and ilsa

Next meeting is in the Fav on the 5th of october