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1600 N. Lorraine 1-800-283-7543

Hutchinson, KS

PDS/Pervasive Version 9 Configuration and Troubleshooting
Revised 4-19-2006


Professional Data Services does not support or guarantee compatibility with third-party software or hardware, even if Professional Data Services has recommended such products.


Supported Operating Systems

PDS Configuration

Pervasive Configuration

Pervasive.SQL V9 Workgroup (Peer to Peer Network)

Pervasive Server Configuration (Peer to Peer)

Pervasive Workstation Configuration (Peer to Peer)

Pervasive.SQL V9 Server (Client-Server Network)

Pervasive Server Configuration (Client Server)

Pervasive Workstation Configuration (Client Server)

Pervasive System Analyzer

Testing Pervasive

Uninstalling Pervasive

Common Errors

94: The application encountered a permission error

161: The maximum number of user count licenses has been reached

Supported Operating Systems

Server Operating Systems supported by PDS are Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2003 Server. Any previous Windows Operating Systems are not supported. Small Business Server is NOT supported.

Workstation Operating Systems supported by PDS are Windows 2000 Professional (SP3 or higher) and Windows XP Professional. All other versions of Windows are NOT supported.

See for specific requirements.

PDS Configuration

PDS must NOT be installed on the server, or main computer, off of the root drive. The PDS folder, TTG has to be under another folder (usually the APPS folder) on the server and the folder must be shared, with Full Control to All Users. Also Security on the folder and subfolders must be set to Full Control for All Users.

Example: C:\APPS\TTG –with C:\APPS shared.

The network must be in good working condition. You should be able to ping the Server by name from any workstation. Pervasive must be able to resolve the Server name to its IP address. Using an external source for Name Resolution (such as DSL) may cause problems. The Server should have a static (non-changing) IP address.

Windows 2000 and XP Pro workstations should have local administrative rights in order for PDS to function correctly.

On all PCs (including the server) there should be a mapped network drive to the share on the server. Double click on my computer and find the mapped network drive (usually P:). It should look like “apps on server office”. Double click on the network drive (P:). You should be able to see a TTG folder. IF YOU RECEIVE ANY ERRORS ACCESSING THIS NETWORK DRIVE THEN THERE IS A CONNECTION PROBLEM BETWEEN THIS WORKSTATION AND THE SERVER

The PDS install (wssetup.exe) should be run through the mapped drive. Example: P:\TTG\wssetup (P: is mapped to APPS). This will install PDS on the PC with the correct paths. The Start in Path on the PDS shortcut should NOT be a UNC path (example \\server\apps\ttg). It should be driveletter:\ttg. (Example P:\ttg)

PDS launches many components that may be blocked by firewall and other security software. For this reason PDS recommends turning off any firewall software. Other security software such as script blocking should also be turned off. If PDS will not start turn off all firewall, antivirus, and security software.

PDS and Pervasive should always be installed via Add\Remove Programs on any server running Terminal Services. Otherwise it will not run properly.

Pervasive Configuration

There are two versions of Pervasive used by PDS. The Workgroup Engine is used in a Peer-to-Peer network. The Server Engine is used on a Windows 2000/2003 server. The Workgroup Engine supports a maximum of five concurrent users. Any systems with more than 5 users running PDS require the Server Engine version.

Pervasive.SQL V9 requires Java v. 1.3.1 which is included on the installation CD. Other versions of Java may not be compatible with Pervasive.

Special Note: When upgrading from Pervasive.SQL 2000 or 2000i (version 7), Pervasive must be uninstalled on the server and every workstation. After Pervasive is uninstalled the Pervasive Cleanup Utility must be run on the server and every workstation.

Pervasive.SQL V9 Workgroup (Peer to Peer Network)

The Pervasive.SQL V9 Workgroup is installed on all PCs. It must be installed from the Pervasive Installation CD. The PC with the PDS data is referred to as the “server” or “main computer”. Pervasive must be installed to C:\PVSW on each computer.

The Pervasive Workgroup Engine must be running at all times on the server (main computer). The Workgroup Engine starts as a program so a user will need to be logged in to the server for the Workgroup Engine to start. The Workgroup Engine should NOT be running on any computer other than the server (main computer).

Pervasive Server Configuration (Peer to Peer)

Any settings not listed should be left at the defaults

Go to Start > All Programs > Pervasive.SQL 9 > Pervasive.SQL Control Center

Select Configure Microkernel Router and review the following settings:

  • Access
  • Use Local Microkernel Engine should NOT be checked
  • Use Remote Microkernel Engine should be checked
  • Communications Protocols
  • Only TCP/IP should be checked
  • Performance Tuning
  • Use Cache Engine should NOT be checked

Click OK to save any changes

Select Configure and review the following settings:

  • Access
  • Allow Cache Engine Connections should NOT be checked
  • Communications Protocols
  • Only TCP/IP should be checked
  • Compatibility

Create file version should be 9.x

  • Memory Usage

System Cache should be checked

  • Performance Tuning
  • Cache Allocation default should reflect 20% of physical installed memory-up to 32MB. This can be changed to reserve more RAM for Pervasive. Pervasive automatically converts the number to 16KB increments.
  • Max Microkernel Memory Usage should be set to 60%

Click OK to save any changes

The workstation engine must be restarted for any changes to take effect.

Pervasive Workstation Configuration (Peer to Peer)

Any settings not listed should be left at the defaults

Go to Start > All Programs > Pervasive.SQL 9 > Pervasive.SQL Control Center

Select Configure Microkernel Router and review the following settings:

  • Access
  • Use Local Microkernel Engine should NOT be checked
  • Use Remote Microkernel Engine should be checked
  • Communications Protocols
  • Only TCP/IP should be checked
  • Performance Tuning
  • Use Cache Engine should NOT be checked

Click OK to save any changes

Local Engine settings do not need to set on the Client.

Make sure that the Pervasive.SQL Workgroup Engine is NOT running on any workstations, it should only be running on the main computer (“server”).

Pervasive.SQL Workgroup Engine should NOT be in the Startup folder on a workstation. (Start/Programs/Startup). If the Workgroup Engine is in Startup folder it should be deleted. Also check the Windows Sys Tray (by the clock in the lower right). If there is a PC with a green + then right click on it and select Stop Engine and Exit. The Pervasive.SQL Workgroup Engine should be running at all times on the main computer. It should be in the Startup folder. The “Server” must be up and running and a user logged in for the Engine to be started.

Pervasive.SQL V9 Server (Client-Server Network)

The Pervasive.SQL V9 Server is installed on the server (Windows 2000 or 2003 Server) Pervasive must be installed to C:\PVSW on the server and this folder needs to be shared, Everyone Full Control. The Pervasive Client is installed on all workstations to C:\PVSW.

Pervasive Server Configuration (Client Server)

Any settings not listed should be left at the defaults

Go to Start > All Programs > Pervasive.SQL 9 > Pervasive.SQL Control Center

  • Access
  • Accept Remote Request should be checked
  • Allow Cache Engine Connections should NOT be checked
  • Communications Protocols
  • Only TCP/IP should be checked
  • Compatibility

Create file version should be 9.x

  • Memory Usage

System Cache should NOT be checked

  • Performance Tuning
  • Cache Allocation default should reflect 20% of physical installed memory. This can be changed to reserve more RAM for Pervasive. Pervasive automatically converts the number to 16KB increments.
  • Max Microkernel Memory Usage should be set to 60%

Click OK to save any changes

The workstation engine must be restarted for any changes to take effect.

Pervasive Workstation Configuration (Client Server)

Any settings not listed should be left at the defaults

Go to Start > All Programs > Pervasive.SQL 9 > Pervasive.SQL Control Center

Select Configure Microkernel Router and review the following settings:

  • Access
  • Use Local Microkernel Engine should NOT be checked
  • Use Remote Microkernel Engine should be checked
  • Communications Protocols
  • Only TCP/IP should be checked
  • Performance Tuning
  • Use Cache Engine should NOT be checked

Click OK to save any changes

Local Engine settings do not need to set on the Client.

Pervasive System Analyzer

The Pervasive System Analyzer (PSA) is a utility that can test connectivity between the Pervasive client on a workstation and the Pervasive Engine on the server. It can also be used to uninstall and “cleanup” Pervasive.

Testing Pervasive

  1. Go to Start>Programs>Pervasive System Analyzer
  2. Click Next on the Welcome screen
  3. For Action select Test Active Installation
  4. Remove the check from Test Relational Engine
  5. The Log File path should be ok
  6. Click Next
  7. Click the Browse Button (…) under Target machine and select the server.
  8. (Entire NetworkMicrosoft Windows NetworksDomainServer)
  9. The first test will be the Network Communication test. You should get a screen that indicate: Successfully connected to servervia TCP/IPprotocol, and Successfully transmitted 75test messages via TCP/IPprotocol during stress test. Any errors or problems will be displayed if any of the tests fail.
  10. If the Network Communications test does not complete successfully then PDS will not run on this workstation.
  11. If the Network Communications test fails, click back.
  12. Enter the IP Address of the server for the Target machine.
  13. Click Next to run the tests again.
  14. If the Network Communications test passes with the IP Address but not the server name then Name Resolution is not working properly.
  15. The next test will be the Transactional Engine test. For the samples directory to test browse to the \\servername\PVSW\samples folder and click ok.
  16. Click Next
  17. You should see checkmarks next to all 6 tests. Any Xs indicate a failure and should give additional information.
  18. Click Next.
  19. To view detailed results click View Log File.
  20. Click Finish to exit the PSA.

Uninstalling Pervasive

  1. Go to Start>Programs>Pervasive System Analyzer
  2. Click Next on the Welcome screen.
  3. For Action select Delete Components or Archives and click Next
  4. Select Local Machine and click Next.
  5. Select Delete Pervasive SQL components and registry settings to delete the current installation of Pervasive.
  6. Select Delete Pervasive archives to delete previous Pervasive installations that have been archived.

(Both items may be selected)

  1. Click Next.
  2. There will be prompt to confirm the deletion-click Yes.
  3. Click Finish to exit the PSA.

Common Errors

Pervasive’s documentation, included as part of the installation often gives good information on specific error messages. Go to Start>All Programs>Pervasive.SQL 9>Documentation>Pervaisve.SQL 9 to open the help document.

Also the Pervasive log is located at Start>All Programs>Pervasive.SQL 9 Documentation>PVSW.log. This file is a log of Pervasive errors and messages that have occurred on that workstation\server. This can be helpful in troubleshooting errors.

116: The file is owned by another Microkernel engine acting as a Gateway

3012: Local engine is not accessible to the MicroKernel router

3014: The MicroKernel router cannot find an engine

3105: No available transport protocol for the Pervasive Network Services Layer

3111: Failure during send to the target server

These errors indicate that the Pervasive Client is unable to access the Pervasive Engine. Check and make sure it is running on the server. Verify that the mapped network drive is accessible. Make sure you can ping the server by name from the workstation. Check the Pervasive Client Configuration.

The Pervasive Client is unable to access the Pervasive Engine, usually because of a Networking problem between the workstation and the server. Make sure you can ping the server by name from the workstation.

  1. Right click on the PDS short cut on the desktop and click on Properties.
  2. The Start In path should be the Mapped Drive (such as P) \TTG. (Example: P:\TTG).
  3. Close the Properties box.
  4. Double Click on My Computer.
  5. There should be a P: drive listed. It should show up as “Apps on Server (P:)”.
  6. If there is no drive letter matching the drive in the Start In path in the PDS Properties than that drive needs to be mapped.
  7. If the drive letter is there double click on it. If you receive an error such as “Network Drive Not Accessible” then there is a problem with the network connection between the server and the workstation. Try rebooting the workstation.
  8. If you still get the same error then try checking the Pervasive Client Configuration.

94: The application encountered a permission error

Check the permissions on the Share on the server. It should be Everyone Full Control. Also the security on the folder should be Everyone Full Control.

161: The maximum number of user count licenses has been reached

  1. Check and make sure there are available Pervasive Licenses.
  2. On the Server go to Start>Programs>Pervasive.SQL>Other Utilities\Monitor.
  3. Click on MicroKernel and then Resource Usage
  4. Check Licenses in Use. The Maximum value is the total number of Licenses allowed on this server. The Current value shows how many users are currently accessing Pervasive. If these numbers match then there are no more licenses available until a user closes PDS.

To check licenses on the Pervasive server:

  1. Go to Start>Programs>Pervasive.SQL>Other Utilities>License Administrator
  2. The License Administrator utility will list the version, type of license, and the user count. Temporary licenses will have an expiration date.
  3. One license is required for each concurrent connection, each workstation running PDS requires a Pervasive License

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