Minutes from Data and Inventory Assessment Meeting, November 28th 10:00 -11:00 am, Department of Transportation
Dan Czaja, DPS, Addressing
Eric Glover, DOT, Transportation
Mark Goetz, Hartford, Cadastral
Aaron Nash, Vernon, Imagery
Donna Weaver, Census and Demographics and Landuse
Patrick Ladd, Data and Inventory Assessment Working Group
Bernard Asimonye, DOIT
Jim Spencer, DOT, Transportation
Liz Crutcher, DOIT
Brett Flodine, Hartford, Data and Inventory Assessment Working Group, Addressing
Lynn Bjorklund, USGS
Jim Spencer reviewed the status of the Geographic Framework Data Report, including the reports adoption by the full Council at its November 14th meeting. The report is also posted on the CT GIS web page. The report was well received by Diane Wallace, other council members and Mr. Spencer once again thanked everyone for their input and work on the document.
Plans for next year
According to Mr. Spencer, the next tasks for the subcommittees will be to develop standards and draft business plans in the coming months. The target deadline for standards is June 30, 2008. These standards will be adopted by the legislature and become Connecticut standards for data. During standards development, input will be sought from other organizations and individuals, including relevant trade groups, municipalities, and other local organizations.
While the focus will be on the four priority themes laid out in the Strategic Plan, each subcommittee should develop a business plan that discusses such things as funding requirements and options, time frame requirements, and coordination needs.
FGDC standards provide a good base but standards from other organizations should also be reviewed and can provide guidance to subcommittees.
Lynn Bjorklund offered that National States Geographic Information Council, (NSGIC) has subcommittees working on standards; they may be less broad than FGDC standards. URISA also develops standards.
Jim Spencer reported that the state has arranged for someone from NSGIC to come and brief the Council about Ramona, (Random Access Metadata tool for online Assessment) the NSGIC sponsored nationwide database that promotes not only data inventory but comprehensive information on data sources and contacts.
Lynn Bjorklund pointed out that NSGIC also supports processes for states to develop business plans.
Subcommittee progress-
Jim Spencer explained how subcommittees should expect to provide transparency while standards development is taking place. Subcommittees should ensure prior notification of upcoming meetings and record meeting notes for posting on the CT/GIS web page. The web page will be filled in more to include a link for every subcommittee, with chair contact information, subcommittee activities, and a calendar.
Dan Czaja suggested that to assist subcommittees with business plan development that a business plan template is made available to subcommittees.
The next meeting of the full Data and Inventory Assessment Group will be held in mid –January, 2008 with a specific date to be determined later.