King Edward Primary School
Music is an important part of the curriculum at King Edward Primary School. Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. At King Edward we aim to deliver a high quality music education that engages and inspires pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, increasing their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. In order to provide this, we follow a primary music programme called Charanga Musical School.
To support teaching and learning in music, King Edward Primary school follows an online resource called Charanga Musical School. It brings together great music, lesson resources, up to date musical knowledge and educational technology. It supports all aspects of music and provides resources for whole school music activities. The learning within this programme is based on the key components of the primary music curriculum which are:
- Listening and Appraising
- Musical Activities - creating and exploring
- Singing and Performing.
The objectives from the National Curriculum are taught through half termly units of work and built upon each year. This enables children to gain in depth knowledge and a passion for music. Key units in each year teach the skills of learning to play an instrument and reading music. This then progresses to provide opportunities for performing and composing on a focus instrument as the children refine their skills.
Every music lesson introduces the children to a new piece of music from a range of historical periods including the present day. The children are encouraged to identify musical elements like the pulse, rhythm and timbre within the music and identify the instruments that are being played. Background information about the composer and historical period are also shared with the children.
The children then take part in a selection of musical activities based around a focus song. These activities involve playing games to develop their core musical skills, singing and playing tuned and un-tuned percussion, improvising and composing using the focus song as a stimulus.
During each unit your child will participate in a range of assessment activities within lessons and their class teacher will measure their skills progression. At the end of each school year, we report to parents on how well their child has achieved in the subject. This is done by letting parents know if their child is working towards expected level, at the expected level or achieving greater depth.
Collecting Evidence
Photos and recordings of completed, as well as work in progress can be taken, which can then be shared to help inspire and demonstrate the rich knowledge and skills acquired over the topics. Photos can be taken of children taking part in celebration events, assemblies and performances. The children are given opportunitiesto showcase the skills and knowledge acquired during lessons to parents or other year groups.
Musical enrichment opportunities at King Edward Primary
Children take part in a weekly singing assembly where they are introduced to singing different types of music and have opportunities to perform in seasonal celebrations, such as Easter and Christmas services. Children are also given an opportunity to perform in their Key Stage performance in front of parents and the rest of school. There is also a Key stage 2 choir which takes place after school for pupils in year 3 upwards. Children in the choir have the opportunity to participate in a number of performances to parents, school and within the local community. They can also participate in the Young Voices concert.
Children in year 3 and 4 alsohave the opportunity to learn a brass instrument taught by a peripatetic teacher from the Doncaster Music services or the recorder taught by the class teacher.
Fundamental Great British Values
At King Edward Primary School we understand clearly our responsibility in preparing children for their next stage of education and for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We lay the foundations so that the children can take their place successfully in modern British society by promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Here at King Edward we believe that everyone can achieve, we use the mantra of ‘I can, You can, We can’ to inspire the children and staff. This is evidenced through our teaching and learning, our inclusive environment and through our weekly assembly themes. Which can be viewed *see appendix in the core British values on the website*.
- Monitor and update music policy.
- Monitor and review the coverage of music in school.
- Ensure staff training needs are met and up-to-date.
- Maintain and update the music portfolio.