Minutes for the Joint Board of Jefferson Academy,
A Colorado Nonprofit Corporation
June 17, 2014 6:30 p.m.
Secondary Conference Room
I. Preliminary A., B., C., D., E., F.
Ms. Berg called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The guests were welcomed. Roll call was taken and the following Board members were present: Ms. Berg, Mr. Grell, Mr. Haynes, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Linton, Ms. Smith and Mr. Wall. Ms. Graziano had an excused absence. The following ex-officio Board members were present: Ms. Grantham and Mr. Nolan. Mr. Haynes led the guests and Board of Directors in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Berg presented the agenda. Ms. Lewis moved that the Discussion of Letter to Members be added in the General Agenda. Mr. Linton requested that the Board remove the approval of the Minutes of June 9, 2014. Ms. Lewis moved that the Board approve the agenda as amended. Mr. Linton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
During Public Comment, Cheryl Atencio addressed the Board with a letter. The letter is included with the Board minutes.
Ms. Clark added that the Board eviscerated the rights of the parents to participate in the decision of the appointment of the new Board members at the annual meeting in May. Ms. Clark mentioned that the Board needed to follow through with policy with regard to the annual appropriation for the bond.
II. General Agenda
A. Community and Committee Reports
There was no meeting.
A2 Boosters
There was no meeting.
A3 Student Government
No report.
A4 Accountability Committee
There was no report.
A5 Policy and Governance Committee
There was no report.
A6 Facilities Committee
Mr. Grell stated there was no update. Mr. Nolan reported that the plans for the upgrades on the Kindergarten playground are in progress. The Eagle Scout working on the project will begin July 1.
A7 Capital Development Committee
The reportwas reviewed.
A8 Communications Committee
Mr. Linton stated that he will follow up with an email with Ms. Graziano and provide an update at the next meeting.
A9 Ad Hoc Charter Renewal Committee
Mr. Nolan reported that this has not been signedby the district yet.
A10 Neighborhood Committee
Mr. Nolan will be contacting the neighbors in the fall.
A11 Finance Committee
K-12 Financials
Mr. Wall reviewed the report. Mr. Grell asked the Board members if they were satisfied with the current format. The members stated that the snap shot and detailed report were both appreciated. Discussion ensued with Summit’s financials that listed $66,000 less than projected. It was noted that this was due to higher than expected legal fees.The Board discussed compliance with the annual appropriation of the bond payments. Mr. Wall and Ms. Lewis will sign the bond appropriation document. Mr. Wall moved that the Boardapprove the resolution on the bond appropriation on the lease. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Bond Refinance Updates
Bond Refinance Legal – Appoint General Counsel and Bond Counsel
Discussion ensued with getting pricing for counsels. Ms. Lewis moved to table this item. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following roll call vote: Ms. Berg – yes, Mr. Grell – yes, Mr. Haynes – yes, Ms. Lewis – yes, Mr. Linton – yes, Ms. Smith – yes and Mr. Wall – yes.
Compensation Committee
The next meeting will be held in August.
Sign District annual Financial Addendums, if needed
This item was tabled.
Working Capital
It was stated that this is handled by the financial secretary.
Send adopted budget and annual appropriation resolution to Bond Trustee
It was stated that this has been completed.
Verify Tabor Reserve has been met
Mr. Nolan stated that this was included in in his report.
Schedule Audit
This is scheduled for September.
A12 Future Community and Committee Meetings
The PTO and Boosters will meet in August when school resumes. The financecommittee will meet mid-August. Mr. Nolan requested that the Board move the August Board meeting due to the start of school for the Elementary.
Ms. Berg requested that the Board move out of order. Mr. Linton moved that the Board add item A13 Change of Date for August Meeting. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
A13 Change the Date of August Board Meeting
Ms. Lewis moved that the Board move the August meeting from the 19th to the 26th due to the start of school for the Elementary. Mr. Wall seconded the motion. It was noted that communication be sent out to the parents via School Messenger.
B. Homeschool Reports
B1 Hope Homeschool updates
B2 Summit Homeschool updates
Ms. Grantham reported that the end- of- the-year reports have been submitted. Ms. Grantham is developing a relationship and establishing procedures with Terry Johns and StephanieScarato, and will also be working on communication and timeliness.
C. Broomfield IGA/SEF/JU Status
Ms. Grantham reported that the IGA and SEF documents are with the district and are expected to be signed tomorrow. Ms. Grantham will be picking up the documents. It was stated that the City of Broomfield has approved the IGA and SEF in good faith.
D. Secondary Turf Construction Contract Conditional Approval pending CCOB vote
Mr. Linton moved that the Board remove this item. Pat Wall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
E. Secondary Parking Status and Community Updates
Ms. Grantham reported that the plans for the additional parking may not be completed by the start of school. Ms. Grantham stated that there is a meeting with RJM in July to possibly assist in the parking lot construction. The additional parking will accommodate all senior and junior students.
F. Charter Renewal Contract Review and Approval
There was no update.
G. Board Training Day – determine location and time
This is scheduled for July 7th and July 8th at 6:00 p.m.The location TBD. These meetings will include the Board self-evaluation and how to review financials.
H. Resolution to Elect officers for JA Building Corporation
It was pointed out that the terms of membership expire August 31. Charlotte Franson, Cheryl Atencio and Pat Wall are the current members. It was noted that no more than two Board members can be on this committee. It was discussed that Jessica Jone needs to be removed, as she is an employee. The noted members will remain in their current positions. Mr. Grell moved that the Board table this item to the August meeting. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
I. Determine time and location for Strat Plan Workshop
This will be held on June 24 at 6:00 pm. at Secondary.
J. Declare Board vacancy for Ms. Graziano and establish appointment timelines
Ms. Lewis made note that the Board had voted to decrease from nine to seven members. Itwas declared that Ms. Graziano has resigned from the Board and that her term expires in May 2015. Discussion ensued with leaving the position open as per Policy 2.6 (i). Ms. Lewis moved that the Board not fill Ms. Graziano’s position according to Policy 2.6 (i) until the election in May of 2015. Mr. Grell seconded the motion.The motion passed unanimously.
K. Discuss Member Letter
Ms. Lewis read a letter from a member regarding last month’s vote at the annual meeting. It was noted that the outcome was the same. Discussion ensued with the oversight of the Board, Section 2.7 review quorum requirements. The letter was revised. Mr. Haynes moved that the Board approve the letter as amended. Mr. Wall seconded the motion. The motion passed. Ms. Lewis opposed. The letter will be sent electronically through School Messenger.
III. First Reading
A. None
IV. Second Reading
A. None
V. Reports
A. Principals
These reports were reviewed. Ms. Grantham pointed out the5 million dollars in scholarships awarded to seniors, and the student who received a perfect ACT score. The athletic awards were also noted. Ms. Grantham mentioned the leak from ground water in the secondary and that a sump pump would be installed. Ms. Grantham reported that school fees would be required to be more transparent. Mr. Nolan stated that the elementary will be reviewing grade level fees. It was stated that school fees are optional. Ms. Grantham shared that parents are invited for the first day of school on August 12 at 8:00 a.m. for the first hour for 7th and 9th grade students and parents. Ms. Grantham stated that they will not have any digital days.
VI. Miscellaneous Board Items
A. Approval for Minutes AnnualMay 20, 2014, Minutes, General May 20, 2014, June 9, 2014
Ms. Berg presented the Minutes of May 20, 2014 for the Annual meeting and the Minutes of May 20, 2014 for the General meeting. The minutes were revised. Mr. Grell moved that the Board approve the Minutes of May 20, 2014 for Annual and the Minutes of May 20, 2014 for the General Meeting as revised. Mr. Linton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Haynes and Ms. Smith abstained.
B. Debriefing of Board Agenda and Action Items
These items were reviewed and revised.
C. School Events and Board Attendance Planning
None at this time.
VII. Executive Session
It was determined that there was no need for an Executive Session.
VIII. Adjournment
Ms. Lewis moved that the Board adjourn at 9:15 p.m. Mr. Linton seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Shelly Cohen, Clerk
Jefferson Academy Board of Directors